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Fallout D6 Thread

Posted: 2003-12-16 10:02pm
by Utsanomiko
This is a continutation of this thread. This is the thread where I will be posting further D6 rules, answering character-creation questions, filling out the last 1-2 character slots, and then finally beginnig the game this Friday or Saturday.

Introduction to Fallout: After the Bomb
Fallout: After the Bomb is set after a nuclear war, specifically in Iowa in the year 2142. While the detonations across the continent have surely wiped the surface clean of most life, there are still a select few underground locations that hold survivors. One such location is an underground complex known as Vault 60, built just south of Iowa City. Only a very small number of people managed to reach the safety of this vault before the bombs dropped, and for the last 65 years they and their descendants have managed to stay alive, remaining isolated from the world above and relying on their large stocks of food and water. Life has been rather quiet and simple for the Vault-dwellers.

This adventure begins with a small handful of Vault-dwellers, each with various jobs, skills, and fields of interest. They each have their own rooms on the 3rd level of the Vault (the 1st and most of the 2nd levels are vacant, with most water and power shut off in those areas. The Vaults were designed for at least 1000 people, yet only 50-60 live in Vault 60). They have recently been called to meet with Vault 60’s Overseer, down in the command room on the lowest level.

General Rules, House Rules, and Modifications

Rolling Actions: All characters actions and the difficulty of their success is given a Difficulty Number. These numbers fall into 6 Difficulty Levels and a range of numbers for each:

Very Easy: 1-5
Easy: 6-10
Moderate: 11-15
Difficult: 16-20
Very Difficult: 21-30
Heroic: 31+

In order to succeed in their actions, characters must beat the action’s difficulty number by rolling the number of dice (or simply ‘D’) listed on their related attribute or skill. If the number is equal or greater than the difficulty number, they succeed. If it’s lower, they fail. That’s the very basic and universal idea behind most RPGs, so let’s get right into character creation and cover some useful info on Attributes and Skills while also showing how characters are created.

Character Creation: All characters’ natural abilities and learned skills fall under five Attributes in fallout D6: Strength, Knowledge, Technical, Dexterity, and Perception. Player Characters have 15D to allocate to these attributes, keeping them between the human minimum and maximum stats of 2D and 4D. Every D can be split into 3 points, or ‘pips’, and be allocated that way. For example, if someone creating a character currently has 3D in each stat, but they want to increase Technical by lowering Perception, they can lower Perception to 2D+2 (1 pip lower than 3D) and add the extra pip to Technical to get 3D+1.
Skills: Skills are the character’s abilities that have been learned and improved over their base Attributes, and relate to a specific type of action or ability (such as Handguns for Dexterity, or Value for Knowledge).

Skills: Starting Characters get 7D to spend for up to 7 skills to raise them above their Attributes. No more than 2D can be spent on one starting skill (for example, if Perception was 3D+1, you could raise Search by 1D to 4D+1 or by two up to 5D+1, but not any higher. If the player wants their character to have Specializations, a single D can be split into 3D to go only towards 3 Specializations. Specializations are more specific versions of skills, and pertain only to a certain type of action of ability (for example, a character with Throwing at 4D and Throwing: grenade at 5D would roll 5D when throwing grenades, but only 4D when throwing other things like rocks or knives).

List of Common Attributes and Skills:
Strength: Brawling, Climbing/Jumping, Lifting, Stamina, Swimming

Knowledge: Bureaucracy, Business, Culture, Foodstuffs, Guns and Ammo, Intimidation, Language, Law Enforcement, Locations, Scholar, Streetwise, Survival, Value, Willpower

Technical: Ammo Loading (Archaic), Ammo Loading (Modern), Armor Repair, Auto Mechanics, Construction, Communications, Computer Programming, Crafting, Demolitions, Electronics Repair, Firearm Repair, First Aid, Machinery Operation, Machinery Repair, (A) Medicine, Robot Programming/Repair, Security, Sensor Equipment Operation

Dexterity: Artillery, Big Guns, Bow Weapons, Brawling Parry, Energy Weapons, Handguns, Longarms, Melee Combat, Melee Parry, Pick Pocket, Running, Throwing, Vehicle Weapons

Perception: Bargain, Command, Con, Forgery, Gambling, Hide, Investigation, Persuasion, Search, Sneak

Traits: Characters can, if they wish, pick a Trait that affects their abilities in both positive and somewhat negative ways:

Fast Metabolism: Heal twice as fast, -2D to Strength and Stamina against radiation.
Bruiser: +1D to Strength, -1D to reaction rolls (Dodge, Melee Parry, Brawling Parry).
Small Frame: +1D to reaction rolls, -1D to Lifting.
One-Hander: +1D to attack rolls using one-handed weapons, -1D for two-handed.
Finesse: -1D to attack damage, damage Criticals occur on a 5 or 6 on the Wild die.
Kamikaze: +1D to initiative and multiple combat actions, -1D to resist damage.
Heavy-Handed: +1D to melee damage rolls, no attack or damage Criticals.
Fast Shot: Can fire guns at twice their fire rate as one action, cannot aim or call shots.
Bloody Mess: Violent deaths!
Jinxed: Everyone within vicinity receives a Failure on a 1 or 2 of the Wild die.
Sex Appeal: +2D to Perception for opposed rolls VS the opposite gender, -2D VS same.
Skilled: +14D starting skill die, but a teacher is required to improve any skill.
Gifted: One additional Attribute die on creation, one Attribute must be 5D and one at 1D.

Fallout Points: These serve as your character’s free ticket out of dying. Characters receive only one per adventure session,and it can be used to reduce a Mortally Wounded or Killed damage result to Incapacitated. It can also instead be used to double all rolls made during a round (or a single action that lasts multiple rounds, such as defusing a bomb). It would be wise to only use Fallout Points in the latter manner in the most dire or important of situations.
Example: Carl gets hit in the chest with a rocket from Ellen’s bazooka, so the GM rolls for damage. Carl rolls 3D for his Strength and gets a 13, while Ellen rolls 12D for damage and gets a 43. This is more than enough to turn him into Carl™ brand Human jelly, so the GM spends Carl’s Fallout Point (unless Carl’s player says otherwise) to lessen Carl’s bad luck. The way event plays out from the Fallout Point is that the rocket fails to go off on impact, instead it slams into Carl’s chest, incapacitating him as it bounces off and tumbles and falls some ways off. Carl is simply out cold for about 20-40 minutes, but he is in better shape than he would have been. Carl does not receive another Fallout Point until next adventuring session, so he will be out of luck next time he receives a mortally wounded or killed result sometime later in this session.

Character Points: Character points are earned at the end of each adventuring session, usually about 10-15 or so. These points are rewarded for experience and good role-playing at the end of every session (or during a lull in action, like a week-long journey). They can be used for improving and learning new skills, and they can also be spent during the adventure to boost a dice roll by 1D per point (for a maximum of two Character points spent per roll).

Always keep in mind that the most important thing in this adventure, and adventuring in general, is not about winning or achieving, it’s about role-playing your characters and having fun. Acting out of character, using your own knowledge/skills in place of your characters, and generally taking deliberate advantage of the rules and RP limitations is generally called ‘meta-gaming’, and it should be avoided. It should be avoided because it requires taking information and skills from outside the adventure’s universe, which breaks its laws of reality. And when the laws of reality are broken, bad things happen. I’m going to leave it at that, and let your imaginations run wild about the possibilities of meta-gaming repercussions. So don’t do it (and no, hiding indoors will not protect you from tortoise-carrying eagles. They will find you.).

Typical Guns and Weapons in the Vault 60 Armory:
(Note: this is just a set of examples of common weapons. It is not a list of starting equipment.)

Model: Vault-Tec VC Utility Knife
Type: Knife
Skill: Melee Combat: knife
Cost: $20
Difficulty: Very Easy
Weight: 0.25kg
Damage: STR+1D (Maximum: 5D)

Springfield XD Pistol
Model: Springfield Armory X-treme Duty .40 S&W
Type: Semi-automatic Pistol
Skill: Handgun: .40S&W pistol
Ammo: 10+1
Cost: $520 (10-round clip: $50)
Weight: 0.75kg
Fire Rate: 4
Range: 3-10/20/40
Damage: 5D+1

M1 Springfield
Model: Springfield Armory M1A .308
Type: Semi-automatic Rifle
Skill: Longarm: .308 semi-auto rifle
Ammo: 10
Weight: 3.75kg
Cost: $1400 (10-round clip: $70)
Fire Rate: 5
Range: 2-30/100/300
Damage: 6D+2

Winchester Defender Shotgun
Model: US Repeating Arms/Winchester Model 1300 Defender 8-shot 12-gauge
Type: Pump-action Shotgun
Skill: Longarm: 12 gauge pump-action
Ammo: 7+1
Cost: $500 (8 shells: $32)
Weight: 3kg
Fire Rate: 1
Range: 3-8/12/24
Damage: 7D/6D/5D/4D

Posted: 2003-12-16 11:13pm
by Slartibartfast
You know what? I would play your game, but I find your post highly condescending. :?

Posted: 2003-12-16 11:20pm
by SirNitram
I'd prefer the ability to play more than just Dwellers, but.

Posted: 2003-12-17 12:03am
by Utsanomiko
SirNitram wrote:I'd prefer the ability to play more than just Dwellers, but.
I'll keep that option open to anyone who joins notably later in the adventure.

Oh and what exactly is 'condescending' about it, Slarti? Other than the fact I did embelish on making sure the absolute basics of PnP roleplaying was covered, all I can think of would be the 'bad things will happen' paragraph, and I just popped that on paper as a joke and on a whim. It's not like I was trying to make anyone look moronic, but rather make sure I didn't gloss over any points by assuming they already know how it works.

But if that's the case, I can put it up a few notches, whioch would also lighten my typing load over the next few days.

Posted: 2003-12-17 12:05am
by DPDarkPrimus
SirNitram wrote:I'd prefer the ability to play more than just Dwellers, but.
I think Uts was talking to me about somethng like that... can't recall for certain though...

Posted: 2003-12-17 12:06am
by Sr.mal
Who is in this game so far?

Posted: 2003-12-17 12:25am
by Utsanomiko
DP, Shep, and Spanky (though he'll be joining a bit later. Finals and moving out of the dorm and all). I've gotten stats from DP and Shep, so it's just a matter of them sending me a basic character description, background, personality, and such. I've got a Character template to send to anyone who wants one emailed to them. It's just a .jpg, but I'll fill it out for them when they send me the text.

Posted: 2003-12-17 12:39am
by Slartibartfast
Darth Utsanomiko wrote:Oh and what exactly is 'condescending' about it, Slarti? Other than the fact I did embelish on making sure the absolute basics of PnP roleplaying was covered, all I can think of would be the 'bad things will happen' paragraph, and I just popped that on paper as a joke and on a whim. It's not like I was trying to make anyone look moronic, but rather make sure I didn't gloss over any points by assuming they already know how it works.

But if that's the case, I can put it up a few notches, whioch would also lighten my typing load over the next few days.
Actually it was the gigantic *rolleyes* avatar you were using :wink:

Posted: 2003-12-17 12:51am
by DPDarkPrimus
Yeah, wtf was up with that?

Posted: 2003-12-17 12:56am
by Utsanomiko
Slartibartfast wrote:Actually it was the gigantic *rolleyes* avatar you were using :wink:
Dammit, then you should have used an appropriate smiley. :oops: Had me worried for the last half-hour that I've come off sound like I'm treating everyone like clueless morons, only to turn out you're just commenting on my avatar during that hour. *Grumble grumble* :P

*Whips out Mini-gun and fires a 40-round burst, with 16 rounds hitting for 28 damage. Slarti rolls an 11 for Strength. His torso gets carved like a turkey with a weedwhacker, leaving too many peices to give a proper buriel.* :D

Posted: 2003-12-17 12:57am
by Slartibartfast
Yeah I tend to be evil like that...

Posted: 2003-12-17 01:05am
by Sr.mal
hey if you dont mind could you send me one, seeing as I would like to be in on this. my email is zoellerjordan @ remove the spaces for the adress. If you are wondering I registered before the fiasco with people registering with hotmail adresses.

Posted: 2003-12-17 01:14am
by DPDarkPrimus
Sr.mal wrote:f you are wondering I registered before the fiasco with people registering with hotmail adresses.
That would be assumed from your join date. :wink:

Posted: 2003-12-17 01:29am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Well, another reason as to why my character will appear a bit into the story is for dramatic purposed.

Posted: 2003-12-17 01:37am
by Utsanomiko
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Well, another reason as to why my character will appear a bit into the story is for dramatic purposed.
Actually, my reason was to hopefully get your character killed during your practice sessions before the main party has a chance to run into you. :P :wink:

Posted: 2003-12-17 01:39am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Oh, I'm not that bad of a player... :P

Posted: 2003-12-18 05:48am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I've started working on my character sheet, just to inform everyone...

Posted: 2003-12-18 03:48pm
by Utsanomiko
Actually, it seems you have most of it done, other than the stats and attributes.

So other than that, I just need some character sheet bio/description stuff from DP, Sr.mal, and Shep (Shep also needs to tell me if he wants a Trait or not).

Once that's done, and once I figure out if I'm going to run a session with Spanky to warm both of us up a bit and get his character in a good place to start, we can begin the actual game.

Anyone who wants to join the game and play as a 4th Vault-dweller should speak up now.

I should really post a transcript of that encounter I ran the other night, pitting two NPC Wasteland Rangers vs some NPC ghouls and wild dogs. It had some burst-fire goodness. :D I've also got the idea of simply running a similar battle here in the D6 thread using the same Rangers versus some other group of enemies. It'd give me something to do that'd make me even more comfortable with running combat, and it'd be a great example of how the game will run.

Posted: 2003-12-18 04:57pm
by Slartibartfast
Ok, I'm game, but I have no idea how to play D6.

Do I need to get an AIM account or something? Is this gonna be realtime or post-based or what...

Posted: 2003-12-18 06:34pm
by Utsanomiko
The thread this one is continutiong from already mentioned the particulars of how we'll be playing:
I've made quite a few mental notes about GMing while playing Arthur Tuxedo's Tensided Cyberpunk adventure, and have made some decidions about how this will be run. I've decided to run it here on the board, instead of over AIM. I believe this will make things more coherent, give people more time/less restrictions in making quick/constant turns, and give me better consistency in keeping track of things.

Turns will begin with the GM's general description and directions, then players can ask questions about the current events and surroundings, or just declare their next move (additionally explaining what their general plan for the next several moves, especially in combat, wouldn't hurt). I will then process everyone's actions and give the results, which will then begin the next turn. I generally hope for these turns to take 20-40 minutes, and be executed one after for a several-hour span of time, at least as long as everyone is still online during that time. Otherwise, I'll just let sessions sit on hiatus for a few hours untill everyone can make their turn (basically the same way Art's adventure went early on, though I might change things a bit as well). At various points in the campaign when the party is travelling/not doing a whole lot, I will ditribute experience points and the like.

Posted: 2003-12-18 07:13pm
by Utsanomiko
I've got a summary of that encounter I ran the other night by myself. I added some extra story situations to give it context and threw in some descriptive embellisment (which is roughly how I'll describe turns during the game). I didn't include any of the dice rolls I made (for one, I can't remember anything other than the outcomes, and I wouldn't have posted them anyway).

If I do something again with these two, I'll be sure to separate it into more of a "Player 1 says:", "Player Two says:", "GM says:" format, closer to how the players and I will be communicating.) Oh, and it'll also be in present-tense, rather than being a past-tense description of combat like this one is:

The two trenchcoat-clad Wasteland Rangers had left Marshalltown a mere half-hour before, walking into the barren wastes and following the remains of the roads, by now little more than chunks of asphalt and rock half-buried in sand and dust. They followed the path east, in search of niches of civilization on a less-traveled route towards the city of Waterloo. The taller Ranger went by the name of Sleggar, and he was the older and more experienced of the two. His Brahmin-hide vest was covered with hammered metal plates, his old wide-brimmed hat kept the beating sun off his dark complexion, and a short black beard hid many of his facial scars. He carried a British Bren gun in his arms, personally chambered for the more common .30-06, and a sawed-off double-barreled shotgun sat in a holster on his hip. A well-dented aluminum bat hung from his shoulder by a loop tied to its handle. The shorter, quieter, and lighter-skinned of the two Rangers walked on Sleggar’s left. His name was Benedict, and despite being less experienced, he was very resourceful and nimble, and was intimate with the Wasteland. An MP5 hung from a shoulder strap, at his side was a revolver and a pair of ‘Molotov light bulbs’, and his combat dagger stuck out of his right boot. He kept his hair in a ponytail, wore a large pair of sunglasses, and a commercial painter’s breath mask hung from his neck. He didn’t speak much, but he was a useful companion.

As they were walking, they spotted a small group approaching them in the distance, while some kind of animals headed their way from the southeast. The Rangers got over to some tall grasses and crouched down, partially out of sight, and waited for the first groups came into close range. There were four of them, and they moved at a traveling speed. The one in front clearly carried a shotgun, but the others seemed to be only carrying backpacks, but likely had weapons somewhere on them. By the time they came within 10 meters, it was obvious by their gray-green rotting skin that they were ghouls. The Rangers stood up out of the roadside grass, firearms at the ready.

Round One:
The backpacker on the left spotted Benedict, and pulled out a serrated knife. “Hah!” The ghoul snorted. “Looks like we got ourselves another-“ He interrupted himself mid-sentence when the Rangers clearly had full-automatic weapons drawn, and took a tumble to the ground. Benedict fired a single shot at him, but it merely punched a hole in his shirt. Sleggar’s short burst was more successful, blasting off the leg of the leader. The ghoul shrieked and fell backwards, his shotgun firing into the sky above. The other two ghouls desperately tried to find cover, but they were completely out in the open. Less than seventy meters away, the pack of three animals approached.

Round Two:
Dropping the submachine gun to his side, Benedict grabbed his trusty Colt six-shooter and took an aim for the ghoul’s head, while Sleggar also opted for a sidearm, letting go of the Bren gun’s trigger and reaching for his sawed-off shotgun. He easily held the machinegun by the barrel in his left arm as he slowly approached the next ghoul, standing hunched-over on the far right Benedict's prey. Benedict smoothly pulled the trigger and put a large hole in the forehead of his crouched target, the old and partially rotten blood bubbled out of the wound on both sides as the dead ghoul sat upright for several seconds, before finally slmuping over. Sleggar let his shotgun fire off its left barrel, shredding several gashes into the third ghoul’s legs due to his poor attempt to get out of the way.

Round Three:
Benedict took a shot at the last, cowering, ghoul, who at this point would have been shitting his pants if his bowels still worked. The .44 magnum round smashed into the ghoul’s partially-exposed wrist bone, shattering just about every bone his arm had up to his elbow. He also dropped his meat cleaver, but he was a little too busy letting out a groan and collapsing in shock to notice. The wound was the straw that broke the brahmin’s back; after nearly 8 decades of being near-dead, he would be completely dead in less than 8 minutes. Sleggar raised his shotgun slightly higher and fired its second shell into his target’s shoulder, mortally wounding the last standing ghoul. It became clear now that the animals heading their way were wild dogs; some kind of wandering pack of dark-gray mutts. The Rangers pocketed their empty and half-empty side arms and brought their main guns to bear. The range was twenty meters, and it was a perfect time for full-automatics.

Round Four:
Using their well-formed and planned teamwork, Sleggar went after the right dog while trying to hit the middle one in addition, while Benedict mirrored his comrade’s attack. The Bren gun hammered out it’s 10-round burst, pounding into the flanks and limbs of the right dog and with 6 rounds that sheared off most of its back end, snapped off all four limbs, and took a chunk of its skull as the corpse dropped to the ground. Benedict’s MP5 quickly poured out its six rounds like a typewriter, all of them managing to cut and maim the other two hounds, though they continued to approach even with their wounds.

Round Five:
Benedict lifted his boot up, slid his dagger of its sheath, and gave it a good hard throw. It put a decent gash into the left dog, which jerked from the blow and let out a yelp. Sleggar pulled off one more two-round burst into the middle dog he missed a moment earlier, this time he cut into its side and left a pair of gaping wounds. The animal merely tumbled to the ground as the blood sprayed into a puddle. Benedict put his right hand back onto his submachine gun and fired a round into the wounded dog’s backside. It stubbornly twitched, staggered, and finally lay down on the ground. It looked like a bloody mess, but it somehow got off easier than the other dogs, and was probably still alive.

Combat rounds are over. Sleggar pulls the curved magazine out of the top of his gun and puts in six 03-06 rounds from his pocket, then reloads his shotgun. They are both careful to pick up as many of their spent cases as possible. Sleggar goes around checking the contents of the ghouls’ backpacks, while Benedict checks the incapacitated dog. He gives it a good kick in the side of the head, but that does nothing to the hound. Sleggar takes a look at the ghouls’ general equipment; clothing, some tools and crude weapons, jewelry, and meat. Lots of foul meat. Benedict is finishing up taking the lead ghoul’s shotgun shells as Sleggar stands up and hoists up his Bren gun.

“Let’s pick up the pace, Benedict,” he says as he starts walking. “Waterloo might be our only stop in the next two days. I’ve got a feeling everyone in the town up ahead is dead. Depending on its size,” he added as a remark. Benedict hopped over the corpses and got next to the path of the former road. The Rangers stepped across a green metal sign, covered in sand and faintly read “Green Mountain: 2 miles.”

Posted: 2003-12-18 07:26pm
by DPDarkPrimus
So what happened to the ghoul's turns? :P

Posted: 2003-12-18 07:53pm
by Utsanomiko
DPDarkPrimus wrote:So what happened to the ghoul's turns? :P
You want to know how the ghoul with the shotgun made his first action?

Didn't. Got killed. :P

The Second one made a full-reaction dodge, which takes his Dodge roll and adds it to the Ranger's difficulty to shoot him, instead of making the roll just be the new difficulty. The downside is that you can't take any additional actions during a round once you make a full reaction (I was going to mention this before we began the adventure). So the leader with the shotgun's a bit busy being a mortally wounded monoped, and the second ghoul is busy dodging. The other two only have knives, so they just dodge as well.

In the second round the second ghoul takes a head shot, the third ghoul gets shot while failing his dodge roll, and the fourth is still basically tyring to avoid getting hit. Maybe I should have had him charge at them with his butcher knife raised, but I suspect going kamikaze on their full-automatic asses did not cross his mind. He get his hand blown off a second or two later in round three.

Those particular three rounds probably only lasted 5 or 6 seconds of real time. Only a few chances for them to react in that timeframe. That's why you've got to attack fast, go for the most well-armed enemy, and remember that full reactions are your lifeline. Because combat is deadly in D6.

Don't beleive me? You see the number of Die in those weapons' damage ratings? You see how much Strength your character has to resist damage?

Here's the injury results that occur depending on how much higher the damage roll is higher than the target's Strength roll:

0-3: Stunned (-1D to actions for rest of orund and next round. Can fall unconsious if stunned more than 2-3 times)
4-8: Wounded (Cannot take any more actions rest of round, -1D to actions untill healed)
9-12: Incapacitated (Falls unconcious for 10D minutes. Can't take any more actions untill healed)
13-15: Mortally Wounded (falls unconcious, dies within 2D minutes unless stabilized or healed)
16+: Killed

That means you little piggies are fucked. :twisted: :lol: :twisted:

Posted: 2003-12-19 06:50pm
by Utsanomiko
FALLOUT: After The Bomb

August 9th, 2142, 9:15 AM

It is another morning for those who live in Vault 60, deep under ground and sheltered from the barren world above. You sit in your personal quarters on the third level, having just gotten up to get ready for another day of work, relaxation, and just simply living. You have finished putting on your blue Vault jumpsuit, zipping up the jacket along its yellow vertical stripe and collar. The backside is emblazened with the bold yellow number '60'. Just then the Vault speaker system crackles on, and the voice of one of the technicians begins to speak in a stilted 'reading the cue card' manner:

"Attention, the following people are to report to the Command Center on level 4: Eneas, Paul; Jones, Floyd; Sheppard, Mark. Repeat. Oh, um, the following people are to report to the Command Center on level 4: Eneas, Paul; Jones, Floyd; Sheppard, Mark. Please report to the Command Center immediately."

((Everyone's room is within a good 20-30 meters of the main elevator. You'll probably run into the other two people who were called by the time you get there, assuming they leave the same mniute you do.))

((I'm going to also use this opening post to list everyone's character stats and equipment, editing as new skills and equipment are added.))

Mark Sheppard (Himself)

Strength 3D
Knowledge 3D+1
Guns and Ammo 5D+1
Scholar: acoustic physics 4D+1
Scholar: firearm design 4D+1
Scholar: vault layouts 4D+1
Survival 4D+1
Value 4D+1

Technical 3D+2
Ammo Loading 4D+2
Firearm Repair 4D+2

Dexterity 3D
Hangdungs 4D
Longarms 4D

Perception 2D

Bloody Mess: Violent deaths!

Equipment: Pipboy (1kg), x3 flares, x2 Stimpacks, 48 .308 rounds, 48 .40S&W rounds, multi tool (+2 to repair skills, blade does STR+2 damage), goggles (-1D to penalties in bright light, +1D to penalties in darkness), 3 days rations
Weapons: Springfield M1 (6D+1, 3.75kg, 10 rounds .308), XD Pistol (5D+1, .75kg, 10+1 rounds .40S&W), Knife (STR+1D, .25kg)

Fallout Points: 1
Character Points: 5

Paul Eneas (DarkPrimus)

Strength 2D+2

Knowledge 3D+1
Intimidation 5D+1
Scholar: critical thinking 4D+1
Scholar: psychological tactics 4D+1
Willpower 4D+1

Technical 2D+1

Dexterity 3D+2
Handguns 4D+2
Melee Combat 4D+2
Melee Parry 4D+2

Perception 3D
Persuasion 4D
Sneak 4D

Small Frame: +1D to reaction rolls, -1D to Lifting.

Equipment:, Pipboy (1kg), x3 flares, x2 Stimpacks, 48 .40S&W rounds, multi tool (+2 to repair skills, blade does STR+2 damage), goggles (-1D to penalties in bright light, +1D to penalties in darkness), 3 days rations
Weapons: XD Pistol (5D+1, .75kg, 10+1 rounds .40S&W), Knife (STR+1D, .25kg)

Fallout Points: 1
Character Points: 5

Floyd Jones (Sr. mal)

Strength 3D+2

Knowledge 2D
Law enforcement 3D

Technical 2D

Dexterity 4D
Handguns 6D
Longarms 5D
Longarms: pump-action shotguns 6D
Longarms: semi-auto shotguns 6D
Longarms: semi-auto rifles 6D

Perception 3D+1
Investigation 4D+1
Persuasion 4D+1
Search 4D+1

Equipment: Pipboy (1kg), x3 flares, x2 Stimpacks, 24 12-gauge shells, 48 .40S&W rounds, multi tool (+2 to repair skills, blade does STR+2 damage), goggles (-1D to penalties in bright light, +1D to penalties in darkness), rations, datatape (contains map, Vault-Tec holotape diagram)
Weapons: Winchester Pump Shotgun (6D, 3kg, 8 shells 12 gauge), XD Pistol (5D+1, .75kg, 10+1 rounds .40S&W), Knife (STR+1D, .25kg)

Sex Appeal: +2D to Perception for opposed rolls VS the opposite gender, -2D VS same.

Fallout Points: 1
Character Points: 5

Posted: 2003-12-19 07:07pm
by DPDarkPrimus
*I wonder what this is about* Paul thought, tightening his bootstraps and then heading out the door.