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D2 trading.

Posted: 2003-12-18 09:12pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Sort of a question I have for people how know about trading in Diablo 2, doubling as a trading thread for players.

After the 1.10 patch, is Buriza still valuable?

Re: D2 trading.

Posted: 2003-12-18 09:41pm
by Exonerate
anarchistbunny wrote:Sort of a question I have for people how know about trading in Diablo 2, doubling as a trading thread for players.

After the 1.10 patch, is Buriza still valuable?
Was the Burzia even valuable before 1.10? I know I had a hard time trying to get decent stuff for it...

Posted: 2003-12-18 10:42pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Yeah, my zon does 300-1500 damage with it, and pre 1.10 the pierces target worked with guided arrow, so you'd fire an arrow once and it would hit several times, an entire class of amazons was built around it.

Posted: 2003-12-19 12:15am
by Exonerate
Heh, I got my hands on a couple, but it was kinda hard to get rid of... I ended up giving several away to people. Burzia had a kinda low firing rate...

Now Windforce... :twisted:

I stopped playing after the patch came out... Just didn't have time and didn't want to start all over just for a ladder char. I've got friends who play hardcore though...

Posted: 2003-12-19 03:10am
by Hamel
A buriza might get you something on ladder, but don't count on it

Posted: 2003-12-20 05:37pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Any one got a good sword for a concentrator lvl 22, aprox. 81 str?