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When In Doubt, Just Make Some Shit Up...
Posted: 2003-12-19 07:45am
by Spanky The Dolphin
In light of recent and not so recent events in the gaming community, I found today's Penny Arcade strip rather amusing:

Posted: 2003-12-19 08:19am
by Chardok
Classic! Whomever draws that comic does such a great watterson-esque job with facial expressions!
"Wow! Really?"
"No. See? That was an example of making stuff up."
Posted: 2003-12-19 09:59pm
by Utsanomiko
Your link goes to the wrong strip, Spankster. They apparently shifted it around after you posted it. ... 2-17&res=l
There you go. Now your thread title makes sense.
Posted: 2003-12-20 05:16am
by Companion Cube
No. See, that was an example of me making stuff up. Everything I just said was a lie.
Everything i've said since about '96, yeah.

Posted: 2003-12-20 08:01am
by Vympel
Good ol penny-arcade. Though I find their invective against IGN and Gamespy pointless and elitist.
Posted: 2003-12-20 11:47am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Vympel wrote:Good ol penny-arcade. Though I find their invective against IGN and Gamespy pointless and elitist.
Yet another reason I like them. I hate Gheyspy too.

Posted: 2003-12-21 05:33am
by Uraniun235
Vympel wrote:Good ol penny-arcade. Though I find their invective against IGN and Gamespy pointless and elitist.
What's wrong with elitism?
Posted: 2003-12-21 08:29am
by Vympel
I just don't see what they have to be elitist about. They're no different from IGN or Gamespy, and I don't see why they think they're somehow 'special' and so much better than the people who make up those two organisations (which are now joined). They never really explain what exactly their problem is, except for vague jabs at gamespy about "obsolescence" (as if because their gaming service isn't the best thing around they're somewhow not 'entitled' to exist in any other form).