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Microsoft surveys Linux users.

Posted: 2003-12-21 04:55pm
by Pu-239

Posted: 2003-12-21 07:09pm
by aphexmonster
i think this guy has the right idea

Are you people friggin nuts!!! Anything you say can and will be used against....Linux. Wakeup! These aren't nice people who give a rats a** about Linux. They are simply looking for ammunition to use to help them in their quest to destroy Linux. Tell em to take a flying leap. Stop getting all touchy feelie and try and remember the source of these questions...Redmond....Steve Balmer....BILL FRIGGING GATES!

Posted: 2003-12-21 09:44pm
by Pu-239
Meh, I already filled it out w/ legitamite answers (with openness specified as an "improvement that could be done to windows, meaning they will ignore it), since others have probably already filled in the exact same thing. Besides, it's not like M$ can do anything other than litigation and patents, and this will not help them.

Posted: 2003-12-22 02:19am
by kojikun
Microsoft cannot stop Linux so long as someone has the ISOs. LONG LIVE THE REVOLUTION!


Posted: 2003-12-22 04:48am
by Faram
Well Redhat has fallen!

No more free ISO’s for you.
Cue imperial marsh

Posted: 2003-12-22 12:02pm
by Ace Pace
Faram wrote:Well Redhat has fallen!

No more free ISO’s for you.
Cue imperial marsh
huh? Fileplanet still holds recent Red Hat ISO's, or are they old versions?

Posted: 2003-12-22 12:38pm
by Faram
Ace Pace wrote:huh? Fileplanet still holds recent Red Hat ISO's, or are they old versions?
Try to find RedHats new OS "Redhat WS" on their site for free.

A hint there is none sutch animal there. But you can buy it for $179

Posted: 2003-12-22 02:04pm
by Pu-239
Can't you get whitebox RH stuff w/ logos and other trademarked stuff stripped out?
[EDIT] Here:

Anyway RedHat sucks. Long Live Debian!!! (and Userlinux/Knoppix/Mepis/Xandros/and ugh, Lindows and other Debian derievatives).

Posted: 2003-12-22 02:15pm
by phongn
Faram wrote:Well Redhat has fallen!

No more free ISO’s for you.
Cue imperial marsh
Use Fedora, silly.