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Simple but embarassing computer question

Posted: 2003-12-23 03:11pm
by EmperorChrostas the Cruel
How does one put an image or bitmap into a post?
I drew a picture, on MSPAINT, explaining how I did an experiment, and I can't figure out how to get it into a post. It makes what I did easier to explain than with words.
Keep it simple folks, like a cookbook!

Re: Simple but embarassing computer question

Posted: 2003-12-23 03:25pm
by GrandMasterTerwynn
EmperorChrostas the Cruel wrote:How does one put an image or bitmap into a post?
I drew a picture, on MSPAINT, explaining how I did an experiment, and I can't figure out how to get it into a post. It makes what I did easier to explain than with words.
Keep it simple folks, like a cookbook!
A) You need webspace. Some place to store your picture online where other people can get to it.

B) You need to upload your picture to your webspace. Generally, this is accomplished through some sort of file-transfer client. Upload it to whatever your root WWW directory is on the webserver (which would give your picture the address:

http:/ / ... icture.jpg

That, or stick your picture in some directory in your webspace:

http:/ / ... icture.jpg

C)You would then take the location of your picture and stick it in the image or URL tags of whatever board you wish to post it on. Like so (minus spaces)

" http:/ / ... called.jpg.[/ im g]"

Re: Simple but embarassing computer question

Posted: 2003-12-23 03:31pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Also, be sure to save your picture as a .jpg, .gif, or .png as bitmaps are large in terms of filesize.

Posted: 2003-12-23 04:07pm
by Companion Cube
Oh, and if you need webspace, might be a good place to look.

Posted: 2003-12-23 06:21pm
by EmperorChrostas the Cruel
Very good sir!
Thank you all.

Posted: 2003-12-24 01:02am
by Slartibartfast
If you have to use Geoshitties, rename your ".jpg" or ".gif" to ".txt". The Bulletin Board will show it just fine.

Posted: 2003-12-24 02:42am
by kojikun
Slartibartfast is incorrect. renaming it will not ensure visibility. I have had problems with them being renamed.

I could host the file, if you wish. It won't be fantastically fast, but its free.

Posted: 2003-12-24 03:19am
by SyntaxVorlon
If you are using Winblows it may come with a picture editor called Picture It, that can convert bmps to jpgs etc for internet display.
It's not that bad an editing program, but has no lensflares. :cry:
Made my current sig and av with it.

Posted: 2003-12-24 03:30am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Bah, all you need is some MSPaint and IrfanView know-how. :P