The replacement players
Posted: 2003-12-23 07:26pm
OK, here's the situation: a few months back (before I left for Chile), we had an excellent game going using Blades and Barmaids rules set in the Forgotten Realms D&D setting. We were playing over OpenRPG, which is a program that combines IRC style chat with a map feature, dice rolling and other cool shit. We had 4 players, and 2 of them seemed to have dropped off the face of the Earth. I would hate to just stop such a good thing, so if I could find two (or more) people to replace them, that would be great. What I would really like is for someone to take over their characters, but I realize that only a rare person would be willing to do that, so they'll probably just have to receive an urgent family summons or be killed off or something.
Gerard Paloma and Eleas were the two other players, both with interesting characters. Eleas wrote a spectacular narrative version of what's happened since his character joined. It can be read here. All of the great dialogue came straight from the players. No creative license was used. Also, here is the campaign page: Homecoming campaign.
I hope I've piqued someone's interest, here. Thanks for letting me waste your time
Gerard Paloma and Eleas were the two other players, both with interesting characters. Eleas wrote a spectacular narrative version of what's happened since his character joined. It can be read here. All of the great dialogue came straight from the players. No creative license was used. Also, here is the campaign page: Homecoming campaign.
I hope I've piqued someone's interest, here. Thanks for letting me waste your time