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Considering New MMORPG.
Posted: 2003-12-26 01:06pm
by Lord Pounder
This month i gave up UO because it was really starting to look dated compared to new MMORPG's like Galaxies and Horizons. I joined Galaxies and liked it for about a day. The combat system didn't give me as much control as i'd have liked, also for some reason i lost hit points in combat when the enemy was 15 meters away and a mele fighter. The other players on Chimera server where stuck up assholes who refused to help or even talk to a n00b though they did seem to follow me arround killing all the wildlife i'd targeted to try and bring my marksman points up. Also on the whole it dissapointed me for promising so much and delivering so little.
My dilema is what MMORPG to try next. I like this type of game and don't wanna give it up. Several of my friends took up Horizons, which looks amazing and is apparently easy to get into, others are waiting for Ultima X which is apparently gonna kill all the other games when it comes out. Are their any Horizons players here and what do they think of it?
Posted: 2003-12-26 03:08pm
by Chardok
Horizons is arguably the worst piece of crap ever produced (Since UO) Graphically it's okay, but it is SLOOOOOOOW. Everyone seems to have jumped on the Horizons bandwagon because "Ooh! I can play a dragon Character!!!" Trust me, that game Exhales goats.
Try Anarchy online. a deeper game you'll not find, and engrossing gameplay to the max. Graphically it too, is stunning, and has a bit of what everyone is looking for. It's the first game I've come across since I played EQ, which I am determined to stick with. awesome, awesome game.
Posted: 2003-12-26 03:39pm
by Mr Bean
AO is abit dated graphic wise and charater models are downright ugly and ill-proportioned
But anyway the game is otherwise good, Even though latley AO takes quite abit of EQ's campathon tatics and trys to pass it off as "content" the game itself is pretty good, The higher in level you go the more likley you are to have to pay reaal close attention when fighting and pray for no lag spikes
Unless of course your a pet class but thats general true...
Posted: 2003-12-26 04:29pm
by Chardok
Ture, the Char models are quite ugly, but I'm more into ambient and evironmentally. I really, really enjoy just walking around in AO, sometimes, just for the scenery, with Graphics all the way up, Eye candy Galore, if you're into that sort of thing. Cant' really do that in a big group, though, what with all the nano particles, muzzle flashes, and explosions
Posted: 2003-12-26 04:50pm
by Companion Cube
You might want to try Planetside, I played the free trial a while back, and I seemed fairly good.
Posted: 2003-12-26 05:01pm
by Super-Gagme
From your post it would seem you are a UO player so I will recommend Darkfall. It isn't out yet but it is exactly what the UO Player needs with new graphics and a better team that is very interactive with the players.
Re: Considering New MMORPG.
Posted: 2003-12-26 10:20pm
by lux
I joined Galaxies and liked it for about a day. The combat system didn't give me as much control as i'd have liked
Don't try FFXI then.
also for some reason i lost hit points in combat when the enemy was 15 meters away and a mele fighter.
That's how the combat system works. You sacrafice HAM (Health, Action, and Mind) to perform special moves. Normal attacks cost nothing. It's really my favorite system so far.
The other players on Chimera server where stuck up assholes who refused to help or even talk to a n00b
Come to Scylla! JediNeophyte and I will help you out... as long as you are loyal to the Imperial faction.
I suggest giving Galaxies another try. It's what I'll be playing unless World of Warcraft somehow sucks when it comes out. (Which seems impossible to me. Blizzard has never let me down) Everything else right now just doesn't seem fun to me.
Posted: 2003-12-27 01:04am
by Lonestar
Wait for World of Warcraft
-Lonestar "Bah, they should have chosenDiablo"
Re: Considering New MMORPG.
Posted: 2003-12-27 02:27am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
lux wrote:I joined Galaxies and liked it for about a day. The combat system didn't give me as much control as i'd have liked
Don't try FFXI then.
also for some reason i lost hit points in combat when the enemy was 15 meters away and a mele fighter.
That's how the combat system works. You sacrafice HAM (Health, Action, and Mind) to perform special moves. Normal attacks cost nothing. It's really my favorite system so far.
The other players on Chimera server where stuck up assholes who refused to help or even talk to a n00b
Come to Scylla! JediNeophyte and I will help you out... as long as you are loyal to the Imperial faction.
I suggest giving Galaxies another try. It's what I'll be playing unless World of Warcraft somehow sucks when it comes out. (Which seems impossible to me. Blizzard has never let me down) Everything else right now just doesn't seem fun to me.
Yup, just spent tonight showing Utsan around Lok. Forgot he couldn't kill Reb NPCs as a neut though.

Posted: 2003-12-28 04:12am
by Stormin
I am currently playing dark age of camelot and I am able to easily spend 8+ hours a day on it even when I am going through the level grind again.
Posted: 2003-12-28 04:15am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Stormin wrote:I am currently playing dark age of camelot and I am able to easily spend 8+ hours a day on it even when I am going through the level grind again.
Yuck, the combat there is even worse than Galaxies's.
Posted: 2003-12-28 04:18am
by Stormin
JediNeophyte wrote:Stormin wrote:I am currently playing dark age of camelot and I am able to easily spend 8+ hours a day on it even when I am going through the level grind again.
Yuck, the combat there is even worse than Galaxies's.
Lemme guess, you never learned to use styles or to manuver during a fight?
Re: Considering New MMORPG.
Posted: 2003-12-28 04:28am
by Spyder
I have no idea what the mainstream game is like but I can tell you that during the beta test this game had atmosphere oozing out of every oriface.
lux wrote:
That's how the combat system works. You sacrafice HAM
Not a good acronym for something to be taken seriously.
Posted: 2003-12-28 05:16am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Stormin wrote:JediNeophyte wrote:Stormin wrote:I am currently playing dark age of camelot and I am able to easily spend 8+ hours a day on it even when I am going through the level grind again.
Yuck, the combat there is even worse than Galaxies's.
Lemme guess, you never learned to use styles or to manuver during a fight?
I played for about a year. But if Lord Pounder finds Galaxies's combat too restrictive, then DAoC will drive him insane.
And maneuvering is a joke. Target mob/Alb/Hib/Mid, /stick, spam best style combos.
Posted: 2003-12-28 05:35am
by Stormin
JediNeophyte wrote:I played for about a year. But if Lord Pounder finds Galaxies's combat too restrictive, then DAoC will drive him insane.
And maneuvering is a joke. Target mob/Alb/Hib/Mid, /stick, spam best style combos.
Ah, a zergling. now I understand. F8, stick, attack and hope your zerg is bigger than the other sides :/
Me on the other hand, I run with gank groups of no more than 8 unless another gank group joins us to either take a keep or to break a zerg of more than 3fg. You have to be able to pick your targets correctly, use line of sight to your advantage, keep your healers, CC and endo battery alive, know what to do when the enemy caster hits mastery of concentration and starts blasting away with pbae. And right now I am only playing Det tanks, which are the easiest to play imho.
If I ever want to play the game in hard mode, I will take a sorc or other cloth caster out though even the best of those tend to die very often during any fight.
I will have to find a link to the pally video where one pally manages to turn a milegate ambush into a very well done battle where he defeats all 4.
Edit: unfortunatly the vid seems to have been taken down :/
Posted: 2003-12-28 11:12am
by Symmetry
I think
Lineage 2 looks nice, but I'll wait for a review first.