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The Homeworld Exile Dilemma
Posted: 2003-12-28 03:24pm
by Peregrin Toker
I've heard that whenever Homeworld fans start discussing whether it was the Kushan or the Taiidani were the ones exiled from Hiigara - a big flamewar breaks out.
Thing is - I've found out that such a flamewar once broke out here, and IIRC one poster said that Relic even had stated that the Taiidani were the exiles. (while Cataclysm, however, established the Kushan as the exiles and the Taiidani as the evil empire)
Well... I just have kind of a question:
1. When and where did Relic admit that it were the Taiidani who were the exiles?
2. Why are discussions about that particular subject matter always so heated?
Posted: 2003-12-28 04:29pm
by Stormbringer
1. When and where did Relic admit that it were the Taiidani who were the exiles?
Company discussions with fans online I believe.
2. Why are discussions about that particular subject matter always so heated?
Because a lot of the fans don't like Cataclysm and so will go to any length, no matter how ridiculous and pointless to prove any bit of it "wrong" when compared to whatever holy writ they have in their heads.
Posted: 2003-12-28 05:00pm
by lazerus
pointless to prove any bit of it "wrong" when compared to whatever holy writ they have in their heads.
As a ravaing looney who thinks the Tidanni should be the exiles, I take offence at that.

Posted: 2003-12-28 05:06pm
by SirNitram
lazerus wrote:pointless to prove any bit of it "wrong" when compared to whatever holy writ they have in their heads.
As a ravaing looney who thinks the Tidanni should be the exiles, I take offence at that.

As someone with enough brainpower to recignize a half-dozen lines in the manual and some 'interviews' that have never been proven to occour are not proof enough, I'm insulted this retarded argument continues. The Kushan are, and always were, the Exiles. Even the fucking Demo supports it.
Posted: 2003-12-28 05:10pm
by lazerus
That fact that logic, reason, and the evidence are against them have never stopped humans from covering their ears and shouting "I am right!".
Besides, my entire arguement consits of "The Tidan have cooler looking ships."
Posted: 2003-12-28 06:01pm
by Peregrin Toker
I have observed another thing which might support the theory about the Taiidani being the exiles - some of the derelicts in the Karos Graveyard bear a striking resemblance to certain Kushan ships...
lazerus wrote:Besides, my entire arguement consits of "The Tidan have cooler looking ships."
I think both factions have their share of cool-looking ships - I'm a sucker for the Taiidan frigates, fighters and heavy cruiser, but the Kushan bombers, destroyers and corvettes aren't half bad either.
Posted: 2003-12-28 11:37pm
by Temjin
That poster who mentioned who the quote was me. I originally saw it on the relic boards a few years ago. But since I was not able to find the quote again, so I conceeded that debate.
I'm not even sure they said it anymore.
Posted: 2003-12-29 01:57am
by Vympel
I've asked this before, but who are the Taidan and who are the Kushan? Which mothership belongs to whom?
Posted: 2003-12-29 02:15am
by Temjin
Vympel wrote:I've asked this before, but who are the Taidan and who are the Kushan? Which mothership belongs to whom?
The Taidan and the Kushan are two different races in Homeworld. The banana shaped one belongs to the Kushan. The flat one belongs to the Taidan.
Posted: 2003-12-29 02:22am
by Howedar
It's a boomerang, fool! Not a banana!
Posted: 2003-12-29 02:44am
by FaxModem1
Well then, doesn't the Taidan(horizontal mothership?) have a more exile feel because it seems more scraped together than the Kushan(vertical mothership?)
And the fact that I'm still stuck in the nebula doesn't help me much in my understanding of the story.
Posted: 2003-12-29 03:51am
by SyntaxVorlon
FaxModem1 wrote:Well then, doesn't the Taidan(horizontal mothership?) have a more exile feel because it seems more scraped together than the Kushan(vertical mothership?)
And the fact that I'm still stuck in the nebula doesn't help me much in my understanding of the story.
No, the game just allows you to play as both races. They wouldn't make the primary race you play as R2 in ALL files and in the heirarchy in the front end menus.
Primary is R1, the Kushan.
The kushan are supposed to be pragmatic after 5000 years in the desert, so they wouldn't add on all the bells and whistles that the Taidanii do. Plus the Khar-Selim had similar sensor antennae in the cutscene artwork to the Kushan than to the Taidanii, who have none.
Historically the Kushan was a dynasty of buddhist kings who reigned over preIslamic Afghanistan. A desert people, who got exiled. Sounds like they fit the bill far better.
Posted: 2003-12-29 06:06am
by Peregrin Toker
FaxModem1 wrote:
And the fact that I'm still stuck in the nebula doesn't help me much in my understanding of the story.
Heck - I haven't even made it past mission 4.
Posted: 2003-12-29 12:25pm
by lazerus
I've gotten out of the nebula. But I can't get past the mission with the damn supernova. My fleet is mostly fighters, and the solar winds tear them to shreads.
Posted: 2003-12-29 02:29pm
by Slartibartfast
You're supposed to stay in the debris/dust fields, they protect you from radiation.
Posted: 2003-12-29 05:06pm
by lazerus
I do. But between the debres field and the station there is a breif gap that you must jump, I can jump it, but the result is my fighters are flying into combat at 1/2 health.
Posted: 2003-12-29 05:50pm
by Peregrin Toker
SyntaxVorlon wrote:
Historically the Kushan was a dynasty of buddhist kings who reigned over preIslamic Afghanistan. A desert people, who got exiled. Sounds like they fit the bill far better.
What are the Taiidani named after, then?

Posted: 2003-12-29 06:29pm
by The Yosemite Bear
I still don't understand why they dislike Homeworld Lite so damn much. Lets face it. My GF's 10 year old, and my ex-roomate found the original's interface too damn hard for many people.
I don't consider Cataclysm to be bad. I consider it a good way to train newbies into Homeworld Multi-players.....
Posted: 2003-12-29 06:32pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Simon H.Johansen wrote:FaxModem1 wrote:
And the fact that I'm still stuck in the nebula doesn't help me much in my understanding of the story.
Heck - I haven't even made it past mission 4.
Mikie & Rustlyn can't either, though they have beaten Cataclysm.
Posted: 2003-12-29 06:43pm
by Lord Pounder
The proudest moment of my life was when i beat Homeworld. For the fact it's one of the few games i bothered to play all the way through.
On a slightly related note, Howedar hows the V8.0 of the SW mod going? Will it be scrabbed in favour of using HW2?
Posted: 2003-12-29 08:40pm
by Super-Gagme
One thing to note is that when you finish the game (I beat it as Kushan) the end video shows Sjet being the last one on the planet and she is disembarking from a Taiidani corvette. So I've always been unsure...
Posted: 2003-12-29 10:05pm
by SirNitram
All of the cutscenes showed both types of starships in your fleet.. Of course, such also is depicted late enough that you could easily have stolen these ships into your fleet. That's pretty much why it was up in the air until Cataclysm/HW2.
Posted: 2003-12-30 09:41am
by Shortie
lazerus wrote:I do. But between the debres field and the station there is a breif gap that you must jump, I can jump it, but the result is my fighters are flying into combat at 1/2 health.
You can nip round the back instead, although keeping with the height changes is quite tricky. Keep strikecraft in carriers or protected by support frigates for as long as possible, but it's really a cap ship mission. Just remember to keep some forces in reserve back towards the Mothership.
Posted: 2003-12-30 10:26am
by Lord Pounder
Shortie wrote:lazerus wrote:I do. But between the debres field and the station there is a breif gap that you must jump, I can jump it, but the result is my fighters are flying into combat at 1/2 health.
You can nip round the back instead, although keeping with the height changes is quite tricky. Keep strikecraft in carriers or protected by support frigates for as long as possible, but it's really a cap ship mission. Just remember to keep some forces in reserve back towards the Mothership.
Because as soon as you kill the station one of the enemy destroyers tries to make a break for it. if he manages to get far away enough to hype you lose the mission.
IMHO the hardest mission was the junkyard. Half my fleet was stolen before i knew WTF was going on. Then when i replayed it the Autocannons killed my strike craft. I only managed to complete the mission because my Carrier got captured while launching fighters. The enemy salvage units put the carrier within spitting distance to the wreck i needed.
Posted: 2003-12-30 10:38am
by Vympel
Well, now that I remember whose mothership was whose, it seemed obvious when I played Homeworld way back when that the Kushan were the exiles.