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Blackmailers Threaten to Bomb People with Kiddy Porn

Posted: 2003-12-31 06:49pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n ... ws/2325836 wrote:Cyber blackmail artists are shaking down office workers, threatening to delete computer files or install pornographic images on their work PCs unless they pay a ransom, police and security experts said.

The extortion scam, which is believed to have surfaced one year ago, indiscriminately targets anyone on the corporate ladder with a PC connected to the Internet.

It usually starts with a threatening e-mail in which the author claims to have the power to take over a worker's computer through an exploit in the corporate network, experts said.

The e-mail typically contains a demand that unless a small fee is paid -- at first no more than $20 or $30 -- they will attack the PC with a file-wiping program or download onto the machine images of child pornography.
All I have to say if some fucktard attempts to pull that one on me is "Try me motherfuckas. I hope you enjoy PAIN!"

Posted: 2003-12-31 06:54pm
by Crayz9000
This is the sort of thing that makes me rather glad that Windows virii are the least of my worries.

Posted: 2003-12-31 06:59pm
by Darth Wong
That sort of scam works because people are ignorant. You tell them what kind of browser they're using, and they freak out. "OH MY GOD THIS PERSON CAN SEE EVERYTHING ON MY COMPUTER!!!" They just don't realize that your browser tells every webserver what it is, so they believe you when you say "I can seeeeeee you!!!!!"

Posted: 2003-12-31 07:03pm
by Crayz9000
Well, the only problem is that thanks to a bunch of boneheaded Windows security gaffes, it is possible to completely compromise a Windows box from a LAN. So the claim does have a bit of legitimacy behind it, even if people will freak out for all the wrong reasons.

Then again, it's also a matter of applying Windows patches.

Posted: 2003-12-31 07:06pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Darth Wong wrote:That sort of scam works because people are ignorant. You tell them what kind of browser they're using, and they freak out. "OH MY GOD THIS PERSON CAN SEE EVERYTHING ON MY COMPUTER!!!" They just don't realize that your browser tells every webserver what it is, so they believe you when you say "I can seeeeeee you!!!!!"
Exactly. Thing is just because you can see someone doesn't mean you can kill them. These blackmailers will probly find that out the Hard Way if they try that on pretty much anyone on SDN...

Posted: 2003-12-31 07:35pm
by Darth Wong
Crayz9000 wrote:Well, the only problem is that thanks to a bunch of boneheaded Windows security gaffes, it is possible to completely compromise a Windows box from a LAN.
Sure, but generally speaking, a corporate computer will be behind a firewall. So unless the blackmailer is operating inside the LAN (very risky business indeed, since he must be an employy so he will be fired and charged if caught), it's just a bluff.

Posted: 2003-12-31 07:54pm
by darthdavid
Steps to make your computer resistant to this scam for the computer Inept:
1) Remove power cord
2) Talk to IT Guy
3) Do a happy dance.

Posted: 2003-12-31 10:52pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
darthdavid wrote:Steps to make your computer resistant to this scam for the computer Inept:
1) Remove power cord
2) Talk to IT Guy
3) Do a happy dance.
You forgot 4) Give IT Guy a LART and stand there motionless whilst he beats you within an inch of your life with it. :twisted: