Blackmailers Threaten to Bomb People with Kiddy Porn
Posted: 2003-12-31 06:49pm ... ws/2325836
All I have to say if some fucktard attempts to pull that one on me is "Try me motherfuckas. I hope you enjoy PAIN!" wrote:Cyber blackmail artists are shaking down office workers, threatening to delete computer files or install pornographic images on their work PCs unless they pay a ransom, police and security experts said.
The extortion scam, which is believed to have surfaced one year ago, indiscriminately targets anyone on the corporate ladder with a PC connected to the Internet.
It usually starts with a threatening e-mail in which the author claims to have the power to take over a worker's computer through an exploit in the corporate network, experts said.
The e-mail typically contains a demand that unless a small fee is paid -- at first no more than $20 or $30 -- they will attack the PC with a file-wiping program or download onto the machine images of child pornography.