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Help with Vice City
Posted: 2004-01-12 08:16pm
by Mlenk
Aight, I finally got around to buying it 3 or 4 days ago and I've been playing it happily since then. Anyways, I just bought the film studios and I'm on the 2nd asset mission where you have to use the sea skimmer to drop fliers off at certain checkpoints. The only problem is...... I CANT GET THE STUPID PLANE TO TAKE OFF!!!!! I know it sounds stupid and the answers probably really simple but, does anyone know how to make the plane fly? lol
Posted: 2004-01-12 08:22pm
by Pablo Sanchez
PC or console?
If on PC, you should start it off straight and level until you pick up some speed, and then tap Numpad 6 until you lift off and gain some comfortable altitude. After that, maneuver as you like, but be aware that the nose dips when you bank, and don't run into anything.
Posted: 2004-01-12 09:13pm
by KhyronTheBackstabber
Just turn it around facing away from the bridge, hold down x, and pull back on the stick when you get enough speed.
Posted: 2004-01-12 09:16pm
by DPDarkPrimus
For PC, set the pitch controls to the arrow keys. Then, when you want to fly up... build up speed for 10~20 seconds, then press the back arrow to lift off. Make sure to keep correcting your altitude, or you will drop back down, and never be able to take off again.

Posted: 2004-01-12 09:44pm
by KhyronTheBackstabber
DPDarkPrimus wrote:Make sure to keep correcting your altitude, or you will drop back down, and never be able to take off again.

Yes indeed. If you land the thing, land on the water. I was playing around the other day, and landed it by the country club. I ended up driving it though town, to the beach, and to the water to take off again. Took me about 45 minuets.
Posted: 2004-01-12 10:45pm
by DPDarkPrimus
I've been meaning to take it out for a spin after I beat the mission, but I always think "Nah, it's too much trouble to land this helicopter and get out."

Posted: 2004-01-13 01:15am
by Mlenk
It's for PC btw. Anyways, I tried it and it works except controlling the plane is kinda hard. I guess I just have to mess around with it more.
Posted: 2004-01-13 03:16am
by Sebastin
KhyronTheBackstabber wrote:Yes indeed. If you land the thing, land on the water.
There are hundreds of places around the city where you can land the plane and take off again. Most rooftops for example. I absolutely love the thing. By now I can land in places too small too get out of the plane afterwards without falling of the roof. You can get it to almost hover if you bring it under stall speed in exactly the right moment before touchdown. I can also land, get out, shoot the helicopter thats been chasing me, get in and be back in the air in less time than it takes them to fire on me.
The plane is difficult at first but you can learn it very fast.
If you want a challenge, fly through the tunnel through the one scyscraper in downtown. The one you drive through with the bike in one of the studio missions.
Posted: 2004-01-13 05:09pm
by DPDarkPrimus
On a totally unrelated note:
I have so much ammo for my minigun, it doesn't display the ammo counter.

Posted: 2004-01-13 05:29pm
by Mlenk
And another thing, I also just bought Sunshine Autos and I've almost completed the first list except for one car.... the Landstalker. I've never seen or driven one and I can't seem to find it. What does this car look like?
Posted: 2004-01-13 06:05pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Mlenk wrote:And another thing, I also just bought Sunshine Autos and I've almost completed the first list except for one car.... the Landstalker. I've never seen or driven one and I can't seem to find it. What does this car look like?
It looks just like the other SUV, only it has wood paneling on the side.
Posted: 2004-01-13 06:18pm
by Mlenk
DPDarkPrimus wrote:It looks just like the other SUV, only it has wood paneling on the side.
The Rancher?
Posted: 2004-01-14 07:01pm
by Tolya
I have so much ammo for my minigun, it doesn't display the ammo counter.
Been messing with nuttertools lately. eh Primus

Posted: 2004-01-14 07:27pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Mlenk wrote:DPDarkPrimus wrote:It looks just like the other SUV, only it has wood paneling on the side.
The Rancher?
It looks like the Rancher, only slightly smaller.
Posted: 2004-01-14 09:07pm
by DPDarkPrimus
EmKay wrote:I have so much ammo for my minigun, it doesn't display the ammo counter.
Been messing with nuttertools lately. eh Primus

No. I make sure to grab the Minigun ammo whenever I make a stop at my hideout.

Posted: 2004-01-14 09:24pm
by McNum
As if the Minigun was impressive to max out. My current save has so much ammo for the Python that it stopped showing. I'm not sure exactly how I got it, but somewhere mid-game I had it. This one-shot, sure-hit, near infinite-ammo gun sure made some missions easy. Needless to say, I reloaded every time I died from then on.
I heard rumors that the gun you had equpped before a Rampage would get the remaining ammo in the clip, but I haven't confirmed that, yet. Sounds plausible, though and that could explain how I got all that ammo.
Posted: 2004-01-14 09:41pm
by DPDarkPrimus
What's the Python again?
BTW, what do you mean "after I got so much ammo"? I've ALWAYS reloaded when I died or got arrested. It's just so much classier looking for your stats.
Posted: 2004-01-15 05:00am
by PeZook
DPDarkPrimus wrote:What's the Python again?
The .357 revolver.
DPDarkPrimus wrote:BTW, what do you mean "after I got so much ammo"? I've ALWAYS reloaded when I died or got arrested. It's just so much classier looking for your stats.
Hell yeah! I haven't had to pay for a SINGLE GUN, except for the minigun, and still got a fearsome arsenal by the end of the game

Posted: 2004-01-15 10:37am
by DPDarkPrimus
I only spent maybe $5000 on weapons in the entire game.