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Collectible Card Games
Posted: 2004-01-13 05:39pm
by Beowulf
Which ones do you play?
I play Legend of the Five Turns... err... Rings....
Posted: 2004-01-13 05:52pm
by Ghost Rider
I guess Magic, though I've tried Star Trek, Star Wars, and Wheel of Time.
Wanted to get into LotFR...but no other friend did.
Posted: 2004-01-13 09:18pm
by AnimeJet
Errr.. Pokemon.. *runs*
Posted: 2004-01-13 09:30pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Magic and the old Decipher Star Wars game.
Posted: 2004-01-13 10:17pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I dont play anymore, but played Steve Jackson's Illumanati New World Order in college. Fun game, great cards, each picture tells a story.
Posted: 2004-01-13 10:37pm
by ZShade
And hey, Beowulf, in Diamond, it's more like six or seven turns now that the Elemental Items have been nerfed.

Posted: 2004-01-13 11:41pm
by Exonerate
AnimeJet wrote:Errr.. Pokemon.. *runs*
Aww. I played that in 7th grade...
Posted: 2004-01-14 12:51am
by Alyeska
I used to play the Star Trek CCG from decipher. Even managed to get several rare cards in my posession.
Enterprice C
Enterprise D
Enterprise E
Future Enterprise
Picard (FC)
Data (FC)
Worf (FC)
Geordi (FC)
Kira (DS9)
Q (Q)
Then I lost interest and no local stores carried the series and no one I knew played anymore. Haven't bought any cards in like four years. I guess I am sitting on my collection hoping for the value to go up.
Posted: 2004-01-14 03:12am
by Agent R
Does Yu-Gi-Oh count? It's the only one I've played (and still do!).
Posted: 2004-01-14 07:14pm
by AnimeJet
Agent R wrote:Does Yu-Gi-Oh count? It's the only one I've played (and still do!).
Urk.. Hmm.. I played Pokemon.. should i make fun of you? Ehh.. yes. HAHA
Posted: 2004-01-14 07:52pm
by LadyTevar
Magic..... and Illuminati, briefly. Dragonstorm as well, although it's more of a RPG than a CCG. Still, I've got some nice rares from
Posted: 2004-01-14 10:21pm
by StimNeuro
Are you differentiating between the Trading Card Games (like the new Star Wars) and the Collectible Card Games (like the old Decipher Star Wars)?
Posted: 2004-01-15 10:59am
by Sokartawi
I played Magic but stopped buying after Stronghold with the exception of a few seperate cards. Still have a Diamond Valley from the Arabian set of which I am very proud.
Played the old Starwars CCG game before Deciever sold it off. Got loads and loads of it, I am looking for one more card I really want, which is Guri (female android in red/grey suit) from one of those reflection sets. If anyone has one and is willing to part with it I am interested!
Also have Startrek CCG, both the old and a bit of the new edition (I bought all that I could get my hands on, they don't really sell it here). I collect it rather then I play it since I don't really like the rules. Still looking for a Romulan and Borg starter deck, and I want to have all of the Romulans from the first Second Edition set, Sakonna (my avatar) from the Energize expansion, and I am also looking for Borath: Psychological Researcher, Founder Leader: Beguiling Teacher, Remata'Klan: Unit Leader and Tenak'Talar: Weyouns Warship from the Call to Arms expansion. Once again, if there is anyone here that has those and willing to trade/sell them, let me know.
Oh and does anyone know of a good site that sells ST 2nd Edition and does not require me to have a creditcard to pay? Preferably something in non-UK Europe, since I can let my bank transfer the money and with those new SWIFT codes there are no transaction costs.
Posted: 2004-01-16 06:06pm
by CmdrWilkens
StimNeuro wrote:Are you differentiating between the Trading Card Games (like the new Star Wars) and the Collectible Card Games (like the old Decipher Star Wars)?
Both of those are in the same category despite the different label (which I assume was used almost entirely to avoid trademark lawsuits).
For the record I play the classic (Decipher) Star Wars CCG whenever I get the chance, still using an old EBO deck with Objectives. Anyway if Chuck's around I'd love to hear his rant, once mroe, as to how much better the old SW was compared with the new one.
Posted: 2004-01-16 09:04pm
by weemadando
Legend of the Five Rings, though not Diamond Ed - Lion Military Juggernaut.
Babylon 5 - Corrupted Centauri.
OH - And Mthos too.
Posted: 2004-01-16 09:35pm
by Beowulf
weemadando wrote:Legend of the Five Rings, though not Diamond Ed - Lion Military Juggernaut.
Lion isn't an unbeatable juggernaut. Crane 6 turn to go above 40 is. *sigh*
Posted: 2004-01-16 10:24pm
by StimNeuro
CmdrWilkens wrote:StimNeuro wrote:Are you differentiating between the Trading Card Games (like the new Star Wars) and the Collectible Card Games (like the old Decipher Star Wars)?
Both of those are in the same category despite the different label (which I assume was used almost entirely to avoid trademark lawsuits).
For the record I play the classic (Decipher) Star Wars CCG whenever I get the chance, still using an old EBO deck with Objectives. Anyway if Chuck's around I'd love to hear his rant, once mroe, as to how much better the old SW was compared with the new one.
Bah, objectives. I have yet to build a deck with objectives in it. If you can't stand to spend over an hour draining your opponent's deck, then you are in the wrong game.

Posted: 2004-01-16 10:37pm
by weemadando
Beowulf wrote:weemadando wrote:Legend of the Five Rings, though not Diamond Ed - Lion Military Juggernaut.
Lion isn't an unbeatable juggernaut. Crane 6 turn to go above 40 is. *sigh*
I know Lion isn't an unbeatable juggernaut, my friends Shadowlands deck is - you HAVE to kill it within 3 turns or it will eat every fucker on the table.
My Lion deck also have the ability to go speed mil or mil/honour depending on my opening hand. Or if I want to have my stronghold as the Kitsu Tombs.