Munchkin style card games.
Posted: 2004-01-15 05:25pm
Have recieved a challenge from a friend to design and make a Moose Rebellion card game, ala Munchkin, for those of you who've played it. But for those who arent familiar with the game but maybe famliar with the type, its one of those games where you start out with cards which you can equip with other cards and you have to defeat x number of monsters to win, but everyone else has cards to defeat you with. That sort of genre.
I have some ideas down, but I need an idea on what sort of numbers of cards would be reasonable, I have 21 potential enemy cards just using one of each (and will probably have more of the smaller foes), probably with around 40 badguy cards with maybe 10 or 15 cards which may combine them or bring some sort of curse type thing, I'm predicting maybe about 5 to 9 battles per player to win the game, but I dont know how many advantage giving/disadvantage giving cards I should be thinking about getting in play?
Any thoughts?
EDIT: And yes, I'm being lazy, but I don't really have the time to sit play testing it for hours with small scraps of paper right at this moment, so anyone's experience with these sorts of games is more than appreciated.
I have some ideas down, but I need an idea on what sort of numbers of cards would be reasonable, I have 21 potential enemy cards just using one of each (and will probably have more of the smaller foes), probably with around 40 badguy cards with maybe 10 or 15 cards which may combine them or bring some sort of curse type thing, I'm predicting maybe about 5 to 9 battles per player to win the game, but I dont know how many advantage giving/disadvantage giving cards I should be thinking about getting in play?
Any thoughts?
EDIT: And yes, I'm being lazy, but I don't really have the time to sit play testing it for hours with small scraps of paper right at this moment, so anyone's experience with these sorts of games is more than appreciated.