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Good lord...
Posted: 2004-01-17 03:09am
by Joe
I thought I didn't have it in me anymore, but I've just spent exactly 12 hours playing FFX-2, stopping only for a dinner break. I haven't done this since middle school.
What's the longest any of you have vegged out in front of a game?
Posted: 2004-01-17 03:11am
by Chardok
28 and 1/2 hours. Hateplane raid on Everquest.
Posted: 2004-01-17 06:13am
by Super-Gagme
Chardok wrote:28 and 1/2 hours. Hateplane raid on Everquest.

Posted: 2004-01-17 06:23am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Hard to say... most likely Neverwinter Nights. I believe my record for that is 4:00 PM - ~8:00 AM, with a quick meal thrown in there somewhere (eaten while playing, of course). I've never quite repeated that feat, though Morrowind, Knights of the Old Republic, and Star Wars Galaxies come close on several occasions.
Posted: 2004-01-17 06:56am
by Hamel
Final Fantasy 6 and Chrono Trigger tie at about 18 hours nonstop
Posted: 2004-01-17 07:17am
by Sharp-kun
Posted: 2004-01-17 11:03am
by Ghost Rider
For my better records, most were when I was a freshman in college.
22 hours FF6, and 23(and beating) Lunar.
Most of the time I just do 5-6 hours spurts if the game is that enthralling.
Posted: 2004-01-17 01:32pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I remember playing Sim City 3000 for 10 hours, from 10PM to 8AM, but that's pretty much it.
Posted: 2004-01-17 01:41pm
by El Moose Monstero
14 hours on one game of Civilisation III, was doing rather well and didnt want to quit, as if I quit the game and save it, I tend to have a short attention span when I'm coming back to - oooh, a turtle with a gun!
Posted: 2004-01-17 02:18pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I dont know about non-stop but Ive played games from 10am to 2-3am before. Usually stopping for a single meal.
Cant do this when Im working and its mostly a thing of the past now.
Posted: 2004-01-17 03:29pm
by The Kernel
Back in Middle School, I played X-com: UFO Defense for 42 hours straight. I survived on four pizza deliveries and a mini-fridge of cokes. I only left the computer for bathroom and to get the door when the pizza guy came.
Ahhh, those were the days.
Posted: 2004-01-17 03:53pm
by Rye
I think one time i played empire earth for like most of a day. IT just keeps going and going and going...
There was that time we played RE2 all ways back to back.
We've played a sickening amount of HL and derivatives at lans.
Posted: 2004-01-17 04:09pm
by darthdavid
When the fancy takes me and i have the time i'll play a game from about 6-7 pm to 2-3 am.
Re: Good lord...
Posted: 2004-01-17 04:47pm
by Kyle
Joe wrote:I thought I didn't have it in me anymore, but I've just spent exactly 12 hours playing FFX-2, stopping only for a dinner break. I haven't done this since middle school.
What's the longest any of you have vegged out in front of a game?
14 hours, Madden NFL 2004
Posted: 2004-01-17 05:13pm
by Vertigo1
6 hours playing Descent 2 online non-stop......
I was totally wasted afterwards, but it certainly helped my kill/death percentage.

Went from 34% to something like 50%. Also got my promotion to Lieutenant during that period. I wish I had kept that plr file.

Posted: 2004-01-17 06:36pm
by General Zod
back in high school i once stayed up 3 days straight playing videogames over vacation. friend of mine was over for one of those and we'd spend hours playing street fighter 2 on end. lots of caffeine and frequent pizza deliveries helped muchly.