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I want ALL the bandwidth

Posted: 2004-01-18 02:48pm
by Shrykull
Right now we have a wireless router hooked up to our cable modem. I want DSL instead (perhaps just for my computer if I could get it)

Why? Well, because I'm greedy, the thing I don't like about cable is having to share it with other people. I think I'm sharing on two levels here. First I'm sharing it with the people who use our neighborhood node, it gets divided among the users using it at the time. Then, I'm sharing it with my family who have netgear USB wireless adapters to receive from the router, so it's furthur divided (unless thier computers are off)

When I took a course at a college around here, my networking teacher told me that he was the only one who used his cable modem in his area- so he got the full 10mbps, what'd'ya think about that? Bullshit? Isn't that better than having a whole T3 or greater to yourself?

I'd be satisfied with say 1.5mbps that never fluctuated since you have a direct connection to the Central office, I've got like 5 of them around me, all too far away, and I'd don't want to be sofar away so that the singal degrades and I only get say 375kbps that I have more than now.

Posted: 2004-01-18 02:56pm
by Faram

I have 12 / 8 Mbps Up/D Downloading with DC++ is like a wet dream!

Posted: 2004-01-18 03:25pm
by Crayz9000
What do you have, OC48?

Posted: 2004-01-18 03:29pm
by Faram
Crayz9000 wrote:What do you have, OC48?

VDSl from Bredbandsbolaget

To bad that I don't have their LAN service then I can get 100Mbit/sec but when I move in Mars/April there is a possibility that I might get that.

Re: I want ALL the bandwidth

Posted: 2004-01-18 06:12pm
by phongn
Shrykull wrote:When I took a course at a college around here, my networking teacher told me that he was the only one who used his cable modem in his area- so he got the full 10mbps, what'd'ya think about that? Bullshit? Isn't that better than having a whole T3 or greater to yourself?
No, it's true. If he's the only one in the neighborhood, he'll get a full 10Mbit pipe -- but that doesn't mean everything will come in that fast. The cable company only has so large a connection to the backbone. A T3 is a 45Mbit connection.

Posted: 2004-01-18 11:32pm
by Macross
For a moment there, I thought this thread was going to be about Comcast Broadband.