Dangers with Computer insecurity
Posted: 2004-01-22 01:54pm
Sorta fun stuff, one political party spying on one other. But this part makes me vant to cry:
Thankless job I have when assholes like that tech get the nice jobs but don't know shit!
Sorta fun stuff, one political party spying on one other. But this part makes me vant to cry:
Share rights is so fucking easy to do, no mater if it's NT W2K or some form of UNIX it's trivial goddamn!A technician hired by the new judiciary chairman, Patrick Leahy, Democrat of Vermont, apparently made a mistake that allowed anyone to access newly created accounts on a Judiciary Committee server shared by both parties -- even though the accounts were supposed to restrict access only to those with the right password.
Thankless job I have when assholes like that tech get the nice jobs but don't know shit!