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Microsoft's good at something!
Posted: 2004-01-26 08:18am
by Daltonator
Yes, it's true, at least from the viewpoint of this bitchy TV scrutinizer. Microsoft makes some damn funny commercials.
Posted: 2004-01-26 02:03pm
by Companion Cube
Is there a link?
Posted: 2004-01-26 02:25pm
by Mr Bean
Let me guess, The Butterfly MSN comercials? Or one I have not seen yet
Re: Microsoft's good at something!
Posted: 2004-01-26 03:24pm
by Durandal
Daltonator wrote:Yes, it's true, at least from the viewpoint of this bitchy TV scrutinizer. Microsoft makes some damn funny commercials.
I like IBM's better.

Re: Microsoft's good at something!
Posted: 2004-01-26 05:44pm
by YT300000
Durandal wrote:Daltonator wrote:Yes, it's true, at least from the viewpoint of this bitchy TV scrutinizer. Microsoft makes some damn funny commercials.
I like IBM's better.

client:...they tell me I'm too slow... obsolete, and that I need to change to survive. What does it all mean?
shrink: That you're too slow, obsolete, and need to change to survive.
Posted: 2004-01-27 12:09am
by Sarevok
The new Microsoft commercials, especialy the ones for XP sucked. Older commercials were better.
Intel commercials are the best. When I was very young I remember watching one about some technicians in multicolored suits dancing to funky music at a Intel factory. Then there was the Pentium 3 ad where a big mighy man would try to lift a huge weight and after failing would clone himself into three people symbolsing pentium III and proceed to lift the weight.
Re: Microsoft's good at something!
Posted: 2004-01-27 12:43am
by Durandal
YT300000 wrote:client:...they tell me I'm too slow... obsolete, and that I need to change to survive. What does it all mean?
shrink: That you're too slow, obsolete, and need to change to survive.
The one with the CEO explaining a new proposal to all his VP's is the best, by far.
CEO: We've already invested $2 million in development. I'm psyched. The board is psyched. Now, one question. Is this implementable?
[All the VP's stare at him incredulously.]
VP1: No.
VP2: No.
VP3: No.
VP4: Still psyched?
Posted: 2004-01-27 01:15am
by Gandalf
I like the IBM ones set in that office.
Also, Intel's Blue Man Group commercials rock.
Posted: 2004-01-27 08:52pm
by Vertigo1
GE's latest one is the funniest of all.
*cue up black and white episode of Lassie*
Lassie and Timmy are walking through a field when all of a sudden, a cougar jumps off of a rock and stands before them just staring. Lassie rears back on her hind legs and starts doing ninja moves matrix-style and then waves her paw inviting the cougar to "bring it on". Cougar just drops its jaw in awe and runs like hell.
*cue some snippets of GE info*
*camera switches back to Timmy and Lassie, with Timmy doing some fishing*
A grizzly bear walks up near Timmy, and Lassie just looks at the bear. Bear runs like hell.

Posted: 2004-01-27 09:21pm
by Mr Bean
I love the "business solution" one's best
Cue shot of people sitting around a table with a strange vasse filled with what looks like colored sand
"Whats this?"
"Pixie Dust"
"Pixie Dust?"
"Pixie Dust, Sprinkle it on, Server goes down, Sprinkle some dust server comes back up, Sprinkle enough and Server starts fixing itself"
"Soy based"
"Gentlement I think we have ourselves a winner"
(Cue company prom's about Business solutions that could acutaly work)
Posted: 2004-01-27 10:08pm
by Vertigo1
The "Time travel goggles" one is better. Dude gets right to the good stuff, then they cut him off with "insert quarter" lit up on the outside.

Posted: 2004-01-28 02:41pm
by Dalton
Heh, I'm actually talking about the new Microsoft Office commercials with the football-like dumping a water tank over someone instead of the gatorade tank

Posted: 2004-01-29 01:11am
by Vertigo1
Dalton wrote:Heh, I'm actually talking about the new Microsoft Office commercials with the football-like dumping a water tank over someone instead of the gatorade tank

You just saw those?! Dude, those have been running for a couple months now....
Posted: 2004-01-29 04:50am
by Daltonator
Vertigo1 wrote:You just saw those?! Dude, those have been running for a couple months now....
I know this, dude. I just felt like commenting on it