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Privateer: The Reckoning

Posted: 2004-01-31 07:03pm
by Bob McDob
Some of you may remember me posting a while back about a Wing Commander mod for Freelancer called, simply, The Reckoning. After half a dozen name changes, a brief alliance with TNG and two members, it is my distinct pleasure to present to you Privateer: The Reckoning v.1.06, the best (and only) conversion of Freelancer to Privateer.

Initiallly conceived in April 2003, the project petered out in late August for want of staff. (I should know, I worked on it). Happily, it was reborn in late 2003 under the auspices of some talented modders (namely, Acid, warzog, and Tolwyn) and now is better and shiner than ever. The new release is much stabler and features reskinned models from the promising WC Saga and Standoff mods for FS2 and WCPSO, respectively. Without further ado, I present to you, Privateer: The Reckoning, courtesy of Lancersreactor.


Some of the cool things in this Mod. Trent receives an Epee with a Confed loadout at the beginning of the Storyline. All Naval Forces now fly the Vindicator. All Police Forces now fly the Hellcat. The Order now flies the Thunderbolt and allot of other changes.

This preview is to get feedback in order to perfect the final mod.
Please direct your feedback to this post:
The Lancers Reactor > Forums > Freelancer Editing: Freelancer General Editing Forum > Privateer The Reckoning MOD is ALIVE!

Ships have been changed:
All Naval Forces now fly the Vindicator.
(Replaces the Defender, Crusader, Dragon, & the Valkyrie.)
All Police Forces now fly the Hellcat.
(Replaces the Patriot, Cavalier, Drake, & the Banshee.)
The Order now flies the Thunderbolt.
Trent receives an Epee with a Confed loadout.
The Titan is now the Crossbow. (With twin turrets!)
The Startracker & CSV are now Ferret's.
The Hawk is now the Hornet.
The Falcon & Eagle are now Sabre's.
(WC's version, not FL's)
The Blood Dragon's Dragon is now available. (on Kyoto, only)
The Dagger is now a heavy fighter.
(will be replaced in later versions by the Centurion from Privateer)
(Although, the Dagger will still be around as a "Light Centurion.")
Other Wing Commander Ships are under construction/conversion/consideration.
Ship prices are carry-over from my other MOD's, and will be updated later.

Weapons have been changed:
Guns: (in order of class)
Photon Cannon
Mass Driver Cannon
Particle Cannon
Ion Cannon
Tachyon Cannon
Plasma Gun
Classes based on Wing Commander, not Privateer info.

LAU-81 Dart (Dumbfire) Missile (Class 1)
ONLY missile that mounts on a Gun/Missile slot.
Launches normally.
ADM-74 Leech Missile
AIM-15 Javelin Heat Seeker Missile
AIM-42 Spiculim Image Recognition Missile
AIM-31 Pilum Identification Friend or Foe Missile
Missiles ONLY mount on Cruise Disruptor/Torpedo hardpoints.
Launch the Leech as you would a Cruise Disruptor.
Launch the other missiles as you would a Torpedo.
Some new ships have 2 Cruise Disruptor/Torpedo hardpoints.

ASM-84 Lance Torpedo
MP-51 Porcupine mine
DX-42 Decoy
Shield Generator's 1-5
Actually, they are modified Class 6-10 Gravitron Shields.
Modified to regenerate much quicker.
NPC ships use the Standard (not NPC) Shield Generator 1.
On ships with 5 or less weapons, use weapons with a higher rate of fire.
The Shields regenerate way to fast for a single, or a pair, of slow weapons.
(no matter how powerful they are)

Freelancer carry-over:
All 4 thrusters (Renamed as Afterburners)
Several of the new ships have TWO Afterburners.
Fuel consumption and top speed have been modified.
Nanobots & Shield Battery's
Shield Battery's needed primarily because of the Leech Missile.
(Which the Nomads don't have.)
Nomad & Special weapons are still lying about.
For those who are curious.
And for those who've just GOT TO HAVE them.
Ship Upgrade pricing is based on Privateer 1's prices.
Loadouts, where known/possible, follow Wing Commander/Privateer practices.
Not all loadouts are possible on the player's ships. (Sorry about that.)
Everywhere that sells ship upgrades carry every upgrade available.
Commodities remain unchanged.
Later versions may carry Privateer commodities.
Not an early priority.
Ship's sales generally follow these rules:
Battleship's carry the Hellcat, Vindicator, and the Thunderbolt.
Planet's carry the Ferret, Hornet, and the local colony's freighter.
Bases carry pirate, or faction specific ships.
ALL ships come with the new WC/P Shield Generator 1.
Got rid of some of the annoying training popups in the 1st mission.
Missions (Random & Storyline) pay 10x normal.
All gates & jump holes are unlocked 2nd time you land on Pittsburgh.

Known issues:
Occasionally missiles become "Dumbfires."
You are near something, or someone, that is invulnerable.
In some cinematics, ships appear with only 1 engine exhaust, instead of 2.
In the Donau cinematic the Order's Thunderbolts won't always fire weapons.
Sometimes, in the cinematics, as they go on/off screen, the new ships disappear.
In afterburner, some of the new ships' only have one engine ignite.
Final tuning of ship & weapon stats needs to be done, this is a preliminary setup.

Anyone with modeling skills who can help make/convert ships, props, uniforms, do skins, etc, Please contact us.
Thanx to all at Lancer's Reactor for their help & guidance.
I hope you enjoy this preview.
Thank you, from Acid, Tolwyn, and Warzog

This Mod has been tested in a Single Player Game using The Freelancer SDK v1.3 and The Freelancer Mod Manager beta 9 while running Freelancer version 1.0 ((no patch))...

The file name is: ... asp?id=793

Posted: 2004-01-31 08:04pm
by phongn

I might go download this soon ... as soon as I find where I put my Freelancer CD...

Posted: 2004-01-31 10:42pm
by Vympel
Ok, by Privateer, do you mean that it's Wing Commander and that's it? Because I thought you know, as a Privateer you should be using a Centurion Heavy Fighter :)

Posted: 2004-01-31 11:24pm
by Coaan
Pfft...The Orion that's a beast.


Overall, it's about sodding time.

Posted: 2004-02-01 12:10am
by UltraViolence83
Wouldn't you know it!? I give Freelancer to my brothers after 6 months of religious playing in favor of EVE Online: The Second Genesis, which now fulfills my trade/combat sim needs!

BTW I've been trying to find a cracked file somewhere that lets you play the game without using the CD. Anyone got it?

How's lancersreactor doing? I stopped by a few days ago. I'm a big fan of the Rebalance Mod. For a little while I was even making my own mods (ineptly, as you might imagine.) :P

Posted: 2004-02-01 01:53pm
by Bob McDob
I think there's a No-CD crack somewhere, but I never bothered to get it, unfortunetly.

BTW, these are the ships planned for the next release:


Dralthi VII

The team's also looking into implementing classic Privateer stuff like armor and power plant upgrades, and slaves (:twisted: ), but don't expect it all in the next release for obvious reasons of not killing the mod crew :P

Posted: 2004-02-03 01:27am
by Bob McDob
Added more screenshots - check out .