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Natural Selection rant
Posted: 2004-02-14 05:32am
by Shinova
I just came back from an almost two hour long Natural Selection game. *whew* It was awesome! We had such a good lead......but we lost.
But by near the end of the game everyone's buttcheeks were going numb and the commander sounded like he had a perpetual sore throat or something.
But anyway, we had such a good advantage over the aliens, but we didn't capitalize on that well enough and we lost rather big near the end of the second hour. So yeah.
But very "gg" nevertheless.
Posted: 2004-02-14 06:42am
by Companion Cube
Yeah, I get that sometimes when we switch comms for whatever reason halfway through the game, and the occasional awkward moment when no-one gets the comm chair for about 30 seconds. ( I generally assume someone is going for it and run for the nearest RT)
Posted: 2004-02-15 12:30am
by Exonerate
I played a bit today, but most combat maps.
For the 3.3 Beta... Skulks need more speed or armor in the beginning. It's nearly impossible to close the distance any get off two bites before you're pumped full of lead. And I'm not the type who runs straight at the enemy. Even ambushing needs work, since it takes two bites to kill...
The new spawn system favors aliens too much. Aliens move considerably faster, have more armor, and have the hive to regenerate then. Marines have armor to take 2 or 3 hits (Unless you're HA), and move too slow to avoid incoming hits. Not to mention tracking flying blurs of teeth known as skulks is nearly impossible. I saw an alien rush about 4 minutes into the game... Each time three marines pop back, and they get devoured within seconds. Pure slaughter.
Aliens have no viable ranged attack now - I wish Lerks still had the spikes, because spores are very adrenaline intensive and don't damage buildings.
Posted: 2004-02-15 06:07am
by Mr Bean
Yes the aliens lack any and all forms of long range attack, making eletricuted buildings damn near impossible to take out, Fade's don't even get Acid Rocket until level 4 making it dang near useless
And they gave Bilebomb to... Gorges! What is he going to do with it?
Posted: 2004-02-15 11:35am
by Comosicus
What game are you talking about?
Posted: 2004-02-15 11:49am
by Mr Bean
Natural Selection Mod for Half-Life, thus the thread title
Posted: 2004-02-15 12:57pm
by Companion Cube
Mr Bean wrote:Yes the aliens lack any and all forms of long range attack, making eletricuted buildings damn near impossible to take out, Fade's don't even get Acid Rocket until level 4 making it dang near useless
And they gave Bilebomb to... Gorges! What is he going to do with it?
Well, being a habitual Marine whore, and having been nailed several times by blinking fades from across the room, I have to say that nerfing the Kharaa at range is no bad thing.

Posted: 2004-02-15 01:52pm
by Mr Bean
Speaking of Marines, they implented an idea I myself put forward(As far as I know I was the first one to put it forward but after the second release I stoped reading the boards)
Know that single gernade Marines get now after reasearch? Oh yah all my idea

Posted: 2004-02-18 03:31am
by Hotfoot
Exonerate wrote:I played a bit today, but most combat maps.
For the 3.3 Beta... Skulks need more speed or armor in the beginning. It's nearly impossible to close the distance any get off two bites before you're pumped full of lead. And I'm not the type who runs straight at the enemy. Even ambushing needs work, since it takes two bites to kill...
Not to mention tracking flying blurs of teeth known as skulks is nearly impossible.
So, which is it? Skulks are to slow, or they're too fast?
Methinks the PEBMAC.

Posted: 2004-02-18 06:04am
by Companion Cube
Mr Bean wrote:Speaking of Marines, they implented an idea I myself put forward(As far as I know I was the first one to put it forward but after the second release I stoped reading the boards)
Know that single gernade Marines get now after reasearch? Oh yah all my idea

Mr. Bean, I love you. In an entirely platonic manner.
Posted: 2004-02-18 09:25pm
by Exonerate
Hotfoot wrote:Exonerate wrote:I played a bit today, but most combat maps.
For the 3.3 Beta... Skulks need more speed or armor in the beginning. It's nearly impossible to close the distance any get off two bites before you're pumped full of lead. And I'm not the type who runs straight at the enemy. Even ambushing needs work, since it takes two bites to kill...
Not to mention tracking flying blurs of teeth known as skulks is nearly impossible.
So, which is it? Skulks are to slow, or they're too fast?
Methinks the PEBMAC.

Let me rephrase that. Skulks cannot close in fast enough to get bites in. With two fairly experienced players and a little distance between them, the marine will nail the skulk most of the times, unless they have the carapace and/or celerity upgrade. However, in close range combat, unless you put your mouse sensivitity up to something like 10, it's very difficult to put enough lead to kill a skulk.
Posted: 2004-02-18 09:31pm
by Hotfoot
Exonerate wrote:Let me rephrase that. Skulks cannot close in fast enough to get bites in. With two fairly experienced players and a little distance between them, the marine will nail the skulk most of the times, unless they have the carapace and/or celerity upgrade. However, in close range combat, unless you put your mouse sensivitity up to something like 10, it's very difficult to put enough lead to kill a skulk.
Doesn't sound like there's a problem to me. Skulks own in close range, but get torn apart at long range without upgrades
Seems about right to me.
Posted: 2004-02-18 09:40pm
by Mr Bean
Mr. Bean, I love you. In an entirely platonic manner.
Yep, if they had not whiped the boards after the third update I would be able to point you at the thread(Unless they have an Archive I'm not aware of) were I pointd out how hopeless marines were when it came to Lerks/Skulks blow crap up from vents and no one being able to do anything about it until Gernade launchers are researched, tradtionaly a very end of game item
And so there were gernades and it was good
(Ps Three Lurks working togther can kill alot of stuff pretty quick from some of the old maps, un-hitable vents
Posted: 2004-02-18 11:35pm
by Alan Bolte
I love you. I remember recently I came across this skulk that wasn't paying attention as he was chewing on my resource tower. That 'nade sure woke him up!