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For you BF1942:DC fans

Posted: 2004-02-19 11:50am
by Chardok
I don't usually tout specific clans, not being a member of one myself and all...but I got this site from someone on Gamespy, and their intro on the site is just friggin' cool. And being a fan of talent, as it were, check it out!

Posted: 2004-02-19 04:07pm
by Mr Bean
Monkeys are funny
I guess I'll give it to Apes to be funny as well

Posted: 2004-02-20 02:33am
by Sarevok
The site looks impressive. I may join this clan after I purchase BF1942.

Posted: 2004-02-20 03:31pm
by Slartibartfast
I didn't see anything special. There are feature movies made with that engine you know.

I was expecting something really funny like soldiers firing at monkeys.

Posted: 2004-02-20 04:26pm
by Chardok
I was actually, really impressed with the timing on the let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the........


with the C-4 going off. the camera work (Keep in mind it's in-game footage) was stellar, and the bodies flying really ddrive the point home! I cracked up and thought it was really well-done and deserving of criteria are somewhat...non-spanky-esque, admittedly. You really didn't like it?

Posted: 2004-02-20 05:01pm
by Slartibartfast
Bodies flying isn't rare in BF. Heck, I've seen more bots survive a grenade only to open their friggin parachutes when they are 2 meters from the ground just to land safely :P

Honestly this intro didn't have anything I haven't seen in-game hundreds of times.

Posted: 2004-02-20 06:24pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
To be honest, I was partially expecting something like a Planet of the Apes mod, for some reason... :oops:

Posted: 2004-02-22 10:09pm
by Slartibartfast
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:To be honest, I was partially expecting something like a Planet of the Apes mod, for some reason... :oops:
So did I at least after reading Bean's post.