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Posted: 2004-02-21 02:07pm
by The Nomad
Goggled a bit, but I only found some vague reference to a SF RPG... and some novels, apparently.
So what the hell is it ??
Posted: 2004-02-21 02:18pm
by Oddysseus
It is effectively a generic RPG. It has a basic primary system for character generation, etc. On to this is added man MANY books. Each takes the game mechanics into a different venue. Old West, WWII, Pirates, DnDish, Cyberpunk, Vamps, Scifi, Alternate Histories, etc, etc, ETC. THey have lots of books out. They also have a lot of deals with other game makers. They recreate White World books for their syste, In Nomine, Deadlands, Transhuman, a variant Trek (Starfleet Battles), Castle Falkenstein, and on.
I have a number of their books. If anything, they are a good info resource and idea pool. But it is a nice simple game sustem (to me). Na dmakes it easy for a GM and player to jump between genres and/or merge ideas form the various venues.
Posted: 2004-02-21 02:20pm
by Ghost Rider
Moved to gaming...because dammit GURPS is a gaming system.
Posted: 2004-02-21 02:59pm
by Tsyroc
I have the game book but have never actually played. I don't really care for RPGs as such but I do enjoy reading the sourcebooks.
So on that note I have several books in the "Supers" genre. Another for "Horror" and another for "Atomic Horror" (think 1950s style sci-fi movies).
Posted: 2004-02-21 03:08pm
by TrailerParkJawa
Tsyroc wrote:I have the game book but have never actually played. I don't really care for RPGs as such but I do enjoy reading the sourcebooks.
So on that note I have several books in the "Supers" genre. Another for "Horror" and another for "Atomic Horror" (think 1950s style sci-fi movies).
I used to be the same way. Games books and modules were more of a "book" to me. Something to be read to enjoy the world they created.
Now, that I'm older I find it hard to suspend disbelief for most role playing worlds.
I was thinking of trying to write a source book the the Bay Area in the Twilight 2000 universe last summer. But found it was kind of depressing the create a world where your home and most of the people you know would be dead.
Posted: 2004-02-21 03:10pm
by Rogue 9
GURPS = Generic Universal Role-Playing System. The d20 system is infinitely superior. That is all.
Posted: 2004-02-21 04:14pm
by Tsyroc
TrailerParkJawa wrote:
I used to be the same way. Games books and modules were more of a "book" to me. Something to be read to enjoy the world they created.
Now, that I'm older I find it hard to suspend disbelief for most role playing worlds.
That's basically how I am. I also like the stories and designs they come up with for characters. I'm even that way with movies and tv shows to a certain extent. The film can be kind of iffy but if the "world" or setting seems interesting or creative I'll forgive a lot.
As an example: I like the creativity behind the Mortal Kombat games but don't play them myself. I did like to watch people play at the arcade and I thought the backstories on the characters were cool.
In similar sense I like the Harry Potter world in the movies more than I necessarilly care for the characters.
Posted: 2004-02-21 11:32pm
by justifier
I own "Atomic Horror" and would like to start playing GURPs one of these days but the basic rulebook is impossible to find!
Posted: 2004-02-21 11:34pm
by Hotfoot
Rogue 9 wrote:GURPS = Generic Universal Role-Playing System. The d20 system is infinitely superior. That is all.
Silhouette > D20
Silhouette > GURPS
Nothing else matters.
Posted: 2004-02-22 12:27am
<--- wonders where people actually play those table top games.
Someone has gotta teach me how to play heavy gear...
Posted: 2004-02-22 01:01am
by Hotfoot
There are Pod Corps all over the US and Canada, though you'll have to check the Pod Corps Registry to see if there is one by you.
Posted: 2004-02-22 03:40am
by Thirdfain
Me and my dear friends play Heavy Gear near NYC, sans gears, all the time.
It's a very good RP system-not as good for personal combat as Vampire, but more veratile andd more fun.