Just because I can

My 5 minute Empire
By Harbie
5 billion inhabited worlds 3 billion heavily industrialised
capable of building 10,000 military vessals per year of various types
Military forces
All cloned with specialist troopers
Armour capable of re-radiating 1 Mw/s and withstanding impacts up to 1 Kt
Shielding for all soldiers, verhicles and ships is regenerative for troops it regenerates 0.5 Mw/s also reduces the force of impacts.
Grav IFV (infantry fighting verhicle)
Multiple decoys and jammers
Advanced fusion reactor
Armour capable of re-radiating 20Mw/s and capable of resisting 1Gw withstands impacts of 1 Gt.
Shielding regenerates at 10Mw/s and reduces physical impact force
Top speed 175km/h in flight mode in crawler mode 35km/h
Can be obitally inserted.
Tracked tank
Multiple decoys and jammers
Advanced fusion reactor
Armour capable or re-radiating 50Mw/s and capable of resisting 2Gw withstands impacts of 1 Gt.
Shielding regenerates at 20Mw/s and reduces physical impact force
Top speed 75Km/h
Must be offloaded
Multiple decoys and jammers some stealthing
Advanced fusion reactor
Armour capable of re-radiating 10 Mw/s and resisting 1Gw Withstands impact of 1Gt.
Sheilding regenerates at 100 MW/s reduces physical impact force
Top speed 10,000km/h in atmosphere and .9C in space
Come in various configurations but use particle beam weapons, Kenetic drivers have armour that re-radiates energy at 20Gw/s sheilding that regenerates at 10Gw/s vessels are FTL Missiles are used but only over beam weapons if an FTL attack is desired. Mass for vessels is bettween 200 tonnes and 2 billion tonnes. The largest battery in use is 100 150Gw weapons based on BB revenge, many large vessals have up to 100 batteries.
Hand held Rifle
produces 100 1Mw shots before needing a powerpack change range 5Km
Light support weapon
produces 50 2Mw shots from a powerpack range 7Km
Heavy support weapon man portable
produces unlimited shots due to portable reactor range 10km 30 shots/m
Crew 2 takes 30 seconds to set up
light artillery
crew 4
range 30 km high explosive dual purpose and bomb pumped particle beam rounds
Indirect fire
Heavy artillery SP
crew 5
range 60km BP particle beam rounds, DPHE, Chem, Bio, Nuclear, Anti matter.
Indirect fire
Medium particle cannon (tank, IFV)
produces 2Gw per shot.
range - horizen
Naval Particle cannon up to 150 Gw
Kenetic driver
1 tonne round at 30 million k/s some rounds have proximity warheads and fuses
Standard tactics revolve around numbers (as many as possible) and standard ground tactics, this empire has not to this point fought in a guerilla campaign. Space tactics revolve around dogfights and bringing concentrated firepower to small numbers of targets. Sensors are quite good being able to detect targets for infantry at about 100kms range even with heavy jamming, shipboard sensors can scan a system in under a minute and identify targets even with haevy jamming. Range for shipboard sensors is about 3LY in any direction. FTL is extra-dimensional so blinds the ship (which doesnt matter since the ship can't be targetted).
Planet killers are based on every ship but seldom used. Due to cloning there is a distinct tendancy for the armed forces to co-ordinate action quickly but not use small units or individuals well.
any way just for fun and in 5 minutes