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Starcraft:Broodwar Tourney.

Posted: 2004-02-27 12:10am
by mauldooku
Well, I play this game alot, and I know that several other people play as well. Sign here if you're interested in a tournament...I can handle the brackets, etc. Determining seeding will change depending on how many people we have.

First, my info:

Gateway: USEAST (Although I have cable, so I can connect to the others and be lag-free)

Bnet name: Badme

AIM Name: TerranMarine845

Next, the tourney format:

Seeding: TBA

Elimination Rounds: 1v1, Amount of matches in each round TBA

Maps: Anything I can pick from my progamers' maps folder. Preferablly lots of Lost Temple with some Gaema Gowon thrown in there.

Suggestions? Anyone interested?

Posted: 2004-02-27 12:28am
by Stofsk
Interested, but don't laugh at me: I've never played StarCraft over BNet before. :oops: What's involved? Is it full of fuckheads?

Posted: 2004-02-27 12:30am
by mauldooku
BNet? Depends on where you hang out. I know a bunch of good, funny players in op ~nohunters on USEAST.

The tourney would only be for players, so, make up your minds about whether we're fuckheads :D

Posted: 2004-02-27 12:35am
by Stofsk
Badme wrote:BNet? Depends on where you hang out. I know a bunch of good, funny players in op ~nohunters on USEAST.

The tourney would only be for players, so, make up your minds about whether we're fuckheads :D
Makeup my minds? I'm pretty sure I've only got one... barely use it, but nevertheless... :P

Well, I'm interested. I'd probably get my arse handed to me, but that's what I get for not playing SC in a long time...

Posted: 2004-02-27 12:38am
by mauldooku
Stofsk wrote:
Badme wrote:BNet? Depends on where you hang out. I know a bunch of good, funny players in op ~nohunters on USEAST.

The tourney would only be for players, so, make up your minds about whether we're fuckheads :D
Makeup my minds? I'm pretty sure I've only got one... barely use it, but nevertheless... :P

Well, I'm interested. I'd probably get my arse handed to me, but that's what I get for not playing SC in a long time...
I actually intended that post to be addressed to everyone interested in joining, as we're all fuckheads when it comes down to it ;)

Be practicing then, dude ;o

Posted: 2004-02-27 01:06am
by Exonerate
I haven't played in months, and all I did play were money maps and use map settings :P

Posted: 2004-02-27 01:13am
by Anarchist Bunny
melee, meh, but set up evolves madness or some other decent madnesses and I'm there.

Re: Starcraft:Broodwar Tourney.

Posted: 2004-02-27 01:21am
by Stofsk
Badme wrote:Suggestions? Anyone interested?
How about some Epic battles - get a whole lot of people on a huge 8 player map, last one standing gets crowned "Universe's Badass!"

Another idea: maps with unique settings, with triggers and stuff.

Or were you thinking more of a straight 1v1 non-modified map, and so on?

Posted: 2004-02-27 01:38am
by Mlenk
Well, I'm in as long as we're not gonna be playing a BGH $$$$$$$$ Map. I haven't played in about a year though so I'll probably get my ass handed to me.

Posted: 2004-02-27 01:42am
by Stofsk
Mlenk wrote:Well, I'm in as long as we're not gonna be playing a BGH $$$$$$$$ Map. I haven't played in about a year though so I'll probably get my ass handed to me.
Is that some sort of code, 'cause I can't decipher it. What the hell is a BGH $$$$ map?

And as for the arse handing, you and me both dude. I've got to start practicing again. :D

Posted: 2004-02-27 02:19am
by Shinova
Stofsk wrote:[
Is that some sort of code, 'cause I can't decipher it. What the hell is a BGH $$$$ map?
It's the name of a virtually infinite resources map, meaning almost infinite money. It's a newbie map in many ways.

I might or might not join, depending on when and how much time I have. Though you would do well to use ladder maps for the match.

And make the game passworded also.

Posted: 2004-02-27 02:42am
by Captain tycho
I'm interested, although I haven't played SC online in about 6 months. (It always seems I end up with assholes in the games no matter what..)

Posted: 2004-02-27 06:22am
Lets play zone control..... :)

<--- is UMS only....

Posted: 2004-02-27 07:35am
by Captain tycho
SWPIGWANG wrote:Lets play zone control..... :)

<--- is UMS only....
Just as long as it's not one of those stupid $$$$BGH$$$ maps I see all the time. (Seeing 5 trillion zerg is not as fun as it sounds when the host is running on a 56k modem...)

Re: Starcraft:Broodwar Tourney.

Posted: 2004-02-27 10:13am
by mauldooku
Stofsk wrote:
Badme wrote:Suggestions? Anyone interested?
How about some Epic battles - get a whole lot of people on a huge 8 player map, last one standing gets crowned "Universe's Badass!"

Another idea: maps with unique settings, with triggers and stuff.

Or were you thinking more of a straight 1v1 non-modified map, and so on?
Well, the seeding round will probobaly be an FFA like you imagined, but the elimination rounds I intend to run straight, 1v1.

Oh, and a good deal of ladder maps are pro maps, the most common, of course, being Lost Temple. ;)

For anyone interested in some of the other pro maps, check out's map section.

Posted: 2004-02-27 10:23am
by mauldooku ... eyId=23012

That's the prelimiary brackets, although they're really just placeholders until I can run the seeding round.

Everyone in, now that you know the game type and format?

(I added lennox because I play with him often).

Posted: 2004-02-27 10:31am
by Stofsk
Looks good, though I'd like the weekend off to practice my skills. What are the rules, conventions etc? And what are the details on the "seeding" round?

Posted: 2004-02-27 02:45pm
by mauldooku
You know how they set it up in the NCAA basketball contest, where the best plays the worst in their division at the start? It's basically like that, just with a smaller amount of players. So, if you finish last in the seeding FFA, you'll be going against the person who finished first in the FFA, for the first elimination round (unless he has a Bye). Of course, you can always upset him/her, but if you came in last and he came in first, he's probably going to win.

Everyone interested, please post your AIM name, preferred gateway, Connection Type, and Bnet name.

I'll repost some of my details:

Connection: Cable

Gateway: USEast

Bnet name: Badme

AIM: TerranMarine845

Posted: 2004-02-27 05:56pm
by mauldooku
Lenny says that he's in.

AIM: captainlennox

BNet name: comradelennox

Gateway: USeast

Connection: ???

Posted: 2004-02-27 10:32pm
by Stofsk
So I need to get AIM, right? What gateways are available? And how do I get on BNet?

Connection: Cable.

Posted: 2004-02-27 11:18pm
by Hethrir
I'll be in.

AIM: Hethrir80

BNet name: Hethrir

Gateway: USwest or east

Connection: Cable

Posted: 2004-02-27 11:49pm
by ArmorPierce
when does sign ups end by. I have loaned the game to a friend and I won't be getting it back for another week. I also haven't played the game in years cause Terrans is underpowered vs protoss.

Posted: 2004-02-28 12:27am
by Exonerate
Eh, I guess I'm in.

AIM: Mdiotic Ioron
Bnet: Exonerate... I think.
Gateway: USWest
Connection: DSL

Posted: 2004-02-28 12:35am
by Spyder
Count me in.

Bnet: Spyderizer
aim: spyda00000
email: spyderizer at

I recommend a 1v1 round robin. Everyone plays each other, most victories wins.

Posted: 2004-02-28 08:32am
by mauldooku
Spyder wrote:Count me in.

Bnet: Spyderizer
aim: spyda00000
email: spyderizer at

I recommend a 1v1 round robin. Everyone plays each other, most victories wins.
It looks like we'll have more than 8 people, so I might have to take that route. Problem is, that tends to take a LONG time, and it requires that everyone be on sc for a long time at the same time. FFA is just one game, so its faster.

I might have to just run 2 ffas and then randomly decide seeding for the two people in each who finish in the same place.

Armor Piere, Terran isn't underpowered vs. Protoss. Just ask lenny and the technique of 'pushing' I use ;)

Stofsk, AIM would be nice, as it seems everyone but you has it, and its great for communication. To get on bnet, merely go to multiplayer on the starcraft screen, and click You'll probably need to patch it, which the program does automatically.

Then, after you restart your program, next time you get on bnet you can choose a gateway. Gateways available: USEast, USWest, Asia , and Europe.

Thing is, if you have cable/DSL, you can usually easily play lag-free on gateways other than the one you live near. If you have dial-up, you'll lag badly if you even attempt to join a gateway that's not your optimal one. That's why I'm asking people to list their connection speed.

Oh, and I'll be updating the brackets. I'm removing anyone who hasn't posted their aim/bnet/connection/gateway. I'll add you back when I get that info ;)