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Fucking Evil Internet Sicko Sentenced to 2.5 Years
Posted: 2004-02-27 06:51pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Remember those porn sites that would come up if you misspelled and other children's sites? The sick, motherfucking greedy-ass son of a whore responsible for this 'Typo-Squatting' just got sentenced for purposely redirecting children to porn sites he registered.
I think a petition to the Federal Government barring him from solitary confinement no matter what during his stay in jail is in order.

Posted: 2004-02-27 07:11pm
by Embracer Of Darkness
This sick fuck should roast, end of story. Kinda' makes me wish we still had torture sentances.
Posted: 2004-02-27 08:20pm
by Faram
Ehh Jail for that???
Iff Disney an co cared they could have bought up all common spelling errors and typos.
That Amber Alert law would scares me.
/drunk igonre the typos
Posted: 2004-02-27 08:23pm
by Rogue 9
Faram wrote:Ehh Jail for that???
Iff Disney an co cared they could have bought up all common spelling errors and typos.
That Amber Alert law would scares me.
/drunk igonre the typos
I don't think you quite understand, but I'll give you some leeway because you're drunk. [size=0]Ticks off yet another reason not to ever be drunk. It makes you not care about children.[/size] This guy purposefully set up his sites so that children would wander across them if they screwed up typing. This is criminal and sick. Disney didn't have to buy up possible typos of their address; certain actions can be criminalized but in most cases inaction cannot be. Disney didn't set up the porn sites so it is under absolutely no liability at all.
Posted: 2004-02-27 08:34pm
by Gandalf
What the hell did he have to gain by redirecting children to porn?
Posted: 2004-02-27 09:01pm
by neoolong
Gandalf wrote:What the hell did he have to gain by redirecting children to porn?
Money. He earned about 1 million from it.
Re: Fucking Evil Internet Sicko Sentenced to 2.5 Years
Posted: 2004-02-28 01:35am
by Ghost Rider
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:
Remember those porn sites that would come up if you misspelled and other children's sites? The sick, motherfucking greedy-ass son of a whore responsible for this 'Typo-Squatting' just got sentenced for purposely redirecting children to porn sites he registered.
I think a petition to the Federal Government barring him from solitary confinement no matter what during his stay in jail is in order.

Thar be a twisted fuck.
Ah well perhaps Jail time will introduce him to Bubba and Happy time fun hour.
Posted: 2004-02-28 03:00am
by Faram
But really, what did he do to deserve prison?
He cyber squatted child oriented domains to porn sites. He is a scumbag but where is the damage done?
Are the children going to be scarred for life, for seeing some nude women?
It’s probably just some Christian prudes that think that the children have suffered permanent damage and will grow up to be ax murderers now when they saw a naked chick instead of bambie.
Posted: 2004-02-28 03:06am
by Rogue 9
Faram wrote:But really, what did he do to deserve prison?
He cyber squatted child oriented domains to porn sites. He is a scumbag but where is the damage done?
Are the children going to be scarred for life, for seeing some nude women?
It’s probably just some Christian prudes that think that the children have suffered permanent damage and will grow up to be ax murderers now when they saw a naked chick instead of bambie.
Erm... No. It is a crime to show children pornography, and if that sentiment was purely Christian in origin then I'm sure everyone here would revile it. You'll notice that they're not, so there's gotta be another reason for it.
Posted: 2004-02-28 03:10am
by Faram
Rogue 9 wrote:It is a crime to show children pornography.
I think they better throw every supplier of cable TV in jail then. Porn is easily obtainable on cable 24/7.
And the parents also if the kids have access to the remote.
Damn that’s one stupid law.
Posted: 2004-02-28 03:13am
by Rogue 9
Faram wrote:Rogue 9 wrote:It is a crime to show children pornography.
I think they better throw every supplier of cable TV in jail then. Porn is easily obtainable on cable 24/7.
And the parents also if the kids have access to the remote.
Damn that’s one stupid law.
How is it stupid to keep porn away from children? This guy was purposefully targeting children. He had no other targets.
Posted: 2004-02-28 03:25am
by Faram
Rogue 9 wrote:How is it stupid to keep porn away from children? This guy was purposefully targeting children. He had no other targets.
It’s a noble quest, no go find the Holy Grail!
I would prefer a world where children would not be exposed to Sex, Violence, Murder, Bigotry and Hatred.
Do I think that it is possible? No!
Why is it ok to give children big doses of all human activities except sex?
Turn on a kids show and there is a lot of shooting and explosions going on, how come that this is ok but a nipple exposed on TV isn’t?
I am not arguing Against the fact that he is a scumbag, but I am confused.
If he had redirected those sites to the NRA, or some other site promoting guns or violence would he be in jail?
I do think that you Americans seems to have a strange attitude to sex as a group.
Posted: 2004-02-28 08:20am
Faram wrote:Rogue 9 wrote:How is it stupid to keep porn away from children? This guy was purposefully targeting children. He had no other targets.
It’s a noble quest, no go find the Holy Grail!
I would prefer a world where children would not be exposed to Sex, Violence, Murder, Bigotry and Hatred.
Do I think that it is possible? No!
Why is it ok to give children big doses of all human activities except sex?
Turn on a kids show and there is a lot of shooting and explosions going on, how come that this is ok but a nipple exposed on TV isn’t?
I am not arguing Against the fact that he is a scumbag, but I am confused.
If he had redirected those sites to the NRA, or some other site promoting guns or violence would he be in jail?
I do think that you Americans seems to have a strange attitude to sex as a group.
#1 -- American or not(and you'd be suprised how either not-American or just perverted some of our members are), it's still just plain wrong to intentionaly subject an unwitting child to sexual content of any kind like that. These are little kids we're talking about. Would you want
your 9-year-old looking though various porn sites?
It's called Letting a kid be a kid. Why foist the heavy stuff on them now when they'll get to eventually as they get older?
And besides, it's a crime, so he should be arrested.
#2 -- Rouge9, stop flamebaiting. Wrong is Wrong, no matter what philosophy/religion states it.
Posted: 2004-02-28 09:01am
by Keevan_Colton
Er Faram, the good people above have all missed why he got the 2.5 years in jail....sure, he's scum for this mispelling domain name thing...but that in and of itself isnt more than the shit every other fucking company on the net seems determined to pull....he's also pleaded guilty to a count of possessing child pornography, which is more likely where this sentence springs from....
Posted: 2004-02-28 09:08am
by Faram
Keevan_Colton wrote:Er Faram, the good people above have all missed why he got the 2.5 years in jail....sure, he's scum for this mispelling domain name thing...but that in and of itself isnt more than the shit every other fucking company on the net seems determined to pull....he's also pleaded guilty to a count of possessing child pornography, which is more likely where this sentence springs from....
Missed that one sorry.
Only 2.5y for child porn??? Damn hope he dies horribly!
Posted: 2004-02-28 10:05am
by Keevan_Colton
Yeah, it says 40+ counts of breaking this strange law that is basically the same shit as verisign are doing further down...and one of possessing child porn....that's the sentence for the two combined....strange isnt it?
Posted: 2004-02-28 11:29am
by Ghost Rider
Keevan_Colton wrote:Yeah, it says 40+ counts of breaking this strange law that is basically the same shit as verisign are doing further down...and one of possessing child porn....that's the sentence for the two combined....strange isnt it?
Personally the biggest problem I that they focused on that part.
Ah well America and it's insane wackiness because we don't know what the fuck we are.