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Out of this World
Posted: 2004-02-29 04:14pm
by RogueIce
Anyone remember this old game? I do, vaugely... It's an old school adventure game, and I remember good times playing it, as well as frustrations aplenty...
Is there any good info online about it? I haven't had any luck...

Posted: 2004-02-29 04:21pm
by General Zod
what platform was it on? i might be able to scrounge up something.
Posted: 2004-02-29 04:31pm
by RogueIce
Darth_Zod wrote:what platform was it on? i might be able to scrounge up something.
Posted: 2004-02-29 04:35pm
by General Zod
Linky this site has some info on it, if it's the right game. it seems it was ported over to the SNES as well as the PC, so you might be able to find it for download somewhere.
Posted: 2004-02-29 04:36pm
by neoolong
Gah, I could never get past after you get captured. I keep getting shot during my escape.
It was also made for other platforms. Like Genesis.
Posted: 2004-02-29 04:39pm
by Super-Gagme
Also named Another World in other countries. They even made a sequel for the Sega CD. I believe it is on Underdogs, I haven't played it yet but takes place just after the end, where they land at some outer village and you take over as the alien. Due to the mishap at the end of the first :p I love this game, and I quite like Flashback (made by same people, very similar). Those pistols just rocked.
EDIT: Oh and the sequel is called Heart of the Alien.
Posted: 2004-02-29 04:44pm
by RogueIce
neoolong wrote:Gah, I could never get past after you get captured. I keep getting shot during my escape.
Yeah, I remember that. Right now I'm still dealing with the little worm dealies.
I found it for download.

Posted: 2004-03-01 02:25am
by Slartibartfast
I must have finished Another World at least a hundred times. Incredibly fun, also very atmospheric.
Don't bother with the h.o.t.Alien sequel, it's like one of those Dragon's Lair games (short screens where you have to move the exact amount in the exact direction at the exact time) but a lot worse, and with OOTW-style graphics.
Posted: 2004-03-01 02:30am
by Ghost Rider
First game was fun...the second was abitch and half...and honestly had a suckier ending.