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Some more linux n00bishness: wierd slow dns

Posted: 2004-02-29 07:46pm
by Stark
I've finished configuring the hosts and named.conf to point at all the hosts on my domain, and it works; I can resolve names into ips. However, when I ping 'void' or 'nihil' the ip is resolved instantly, while each ping takes ten seconds. When logging in through ssh, after inputting my username, there is a 10 second delay before it asks for my password. My browser find the apache server instantly, however. Anyone got any ideas what i've done wrong? I've got a linux RH9 server and several XP boxes.

Posted: 2004-02-29 09:49pm
by Stark
Also, does anyone know where RH puts its dns config info? I set up hosts and named.conf manually, through ssh, but when i had problems i booted into x on the server and used RH's 'tools'... now the files in /etc still have my changes, and the hosts I specified in the X environment aren't saved to the named.conf. Am I missing something really simple?

Posted: 2004-02-29 10:46pm
by phongn
Yeah, I get the same DNS slow resolve problems at home, and occasionally at school (depending where I am).

RedHat and Fedora usually store the nameserver information in /etc/resolv.conf

Posted: 2004-02-29 10:56pm
by Stark
Gah... the ping slowness was XP's ping defaulting to a timeout of 10000 for some reason...

I've checked resolv.conf, and it's still got the old domain naming. Both naming systems work atm (the hosts are the same, but I used RH's BIND thing in X to change the domain name). Could you point me at a tutorial on how to define hosts and the namespace? I'm not sure which files I have to mess with. RH's tools are starting to shit me with their nonstandard config files :x

On another note, I'm trying to work out how to set ldap up as a domain server for my XP boxes... any links to some help?