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Ace's High?
Posted: 2004-03-02 07:27pm
by Captain Hornblower
Anyone here play Ace's High? (
If yes, what's your callsign?
Posted: 2004-03-03 03:01pm
by PeZook
I did once, but for some reason my "strong" computer refuses to see my joystick, so I've been stuck with the slower one. And the new version practically killed the old K6/333
Still a cool game, though. So much better than Warbirds...
I hear ya there
Posted: 2004-03-03 05:03pm
by Captain Hornblower
I had a similar problem with my old p3/866. My frame rates were terrible, especilly when there were more then 10 aircraft in the air at once. And forget about it if there was an airfield or town within visual range that was on fire and smoking, my frame rates would drop into single digits. But the wife bought me and new Alienware PC with a 256meg vid card and my frame rates now never drop below 75fps.
As to the joystick matter, I used to use an MS sidewider but my parents got me a CH products set for christmas (FighterStick, Pro Thottle and Pro Pedals all USB) and I wont use anything else now.