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Sam and Max 2 Cancelled...
Posted: 2004-03-03 11:11pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Found this over at TF.N:
Sam & Max 2 Cancelled
Wed, Mar 03, 04 09:48:45 PM EST
After the cancellation of Full Throttle 2 late last year, LucasArts has decided to cancel another classic sequel, Sam & Max: Freelance Police. Acting general manager and VP of finance and operations, Mike Nelson, had this to say in the press release:
"After careful evaluation of current market place realities and underlying economic considerations, we've decided that this was not the appropriate time to launch a graphic adventure on the PC."
This also leaves any future sequels to Monkey Island hanging by a thread. Sad times indeed.
Posted: 2004-03-03 11:16pm
by Vympel
Motherfuckers. I was so hyped after seeing the trailer for it too.
Posted: 2004-03-03 11:33pm
by Ghost Rider
Well that blows.
I mean honestly I wouldn't mind seeing Lucasarts do something other then Star Wars games.
They did some classics in the past.
Posted: 2004-03-03 11:47pm
by Slartibartfast
I'm beginning to see a trend here.
Posted: 2004-03-04 12:01am
by Shogoki
Posted: 2004-03-04 01:24am
by DPDarkPrimus
"Not an appropriate time to launch an adventure game for the PC"?!?
W. T. F.
It's ALWAYS a good time for a PC adventure game from LucasArts! The fools!
Posted: 2004-03-04 01:27am
by Executor32
Fucking assholes, I was looking forward to that one. Cancelling FT2 was bad enough, but now S&M2? I feel betrayed.

Posted: 2004-03-04 01:56am
by neoolong
So exactly how much non-SW stuff do they have that is supposed to come out anyway? Doesn't seem like they've made that much lately.
Posted: 2004-03-04 03:11am
by Arthur_Tuxedo
Max: Sam, how could you? Senseless acts of gratuitous violence are my forte! *Max brutally kills Lucasarts execs*
Posted: 2004-03-04 03:58am
by Admiral Valdemar
Well fuck you very much, Lucasarts.
Posted: 2004-03-04 06:11am
by Bob McDob
neoolong wrote:So exactly how much non-SW stuff do they have that is supposed to come out anyway? Doesn't seem like they've made that much lately.
They're making some sort of mercenary adventure game in North Korea. I think.
Posted: 2004-03-04 06:45pm
by Ma Deuce
Bob McDob wrote:neoolong wrote:So exactly how much non-SW stuff do they have that is supposed to come out anyway? Doesn't seem like they've made that much lately.
They're making some sort of mercenary adventure game in North Korea. I think.
There was also
Secret Weapons over Normandy, which was released last year.
Posted: 2004-03-04 08:31pm
by YT300000
neoolong wrote:So exactly how much non-SW stuff do they have that is supposed to come out anyway? Doesn't seem like they've made that much lately.
Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb, Armed & Dangerous, and Secret Weapons over Normany were their only non-SW games in the last year.
Posted: 2004-03-04 09:20pm
by neoolong
I meant that they had planned, I haven't heard of that much stuff that they've been working on now.
Posted: 2004-03-04 09:38pm
by Comosicus
As much as I like SW games, I still want to see some diversity.