Forgotten Hope's 0.6 Release on Saturday
Posted: 2004-03-04 01:17am
Hey all, I just thought I'd give a heads-up to any who didn't already know about this. My favorite Battlefield: 1942 mod, the WWII realism mod Forgotten Hope, is releasing its 0.6 beta version on Saturday. All sorts of improvements have been made over the last release (0.5), including the new (and very sexeh
) Königstiger, many new sounds and textures from Merciless Creations, the Polish as a playable nation, towable artillery pieces, new plane physics coded by Takiwa from Merciless Creations, maps galore (over 43 in all, IIRC. The map installer is around 400MB by itself, with the main mod installer weighing in at around 700MB), and the most terrifying of all Weapons of Mass Destruction™, the Almighty Tractor! Cringe in fear!
This is but a sampling of the new content, though. There are too many improvements for me to list, plus only the dev team and the beta testers know all the changes. They'll probably release a changelist tomorrow or Friday, before the release of 0.6. If not, I know there'll be one included in the installer. Anyway, you can find out more, and download the new version on Saturday, at
And now, a few choice screenies:
Königstiger ingame (*drool*):

The Almighty Tractor, Harbinger of DOOM!!!!

The American airfield in the redone Wake Island:

The lovely JU52 transport plane, on the redone and equally lovely Crete map:

BTW, check out the new preview video from the mod's site. Don't let the title of the first news post confuse you, though. It's in the second news post down, after the one with the hand weapons.

This is but a sampling of the new content, though. There are too many improvements for me to list, plus only the dev team and the beta testers know all the changes. They'll probably release a changelist tomorrow or Friday, before the release of 0.6. If not, I know there'll be one included in the installer. Anyway, you can find out more, and download the new version on Saturday, at
And now, a few choice screenies:
Königstiger ingame (*drool*):

The Almighty Tractor, Harbinger of DOOM!!!!

The American airfield in the redone Wake Island:

The lovely JU52 transport plane, on the redone and equally lovely Crete map:

BTW, check out the new preview video from the mod's site. Don't let the title of the first news post confuse you, though. It's in the second news post down, after the one with the hand weapons.