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SDN Diplomacy 1: Imperial Diplomacy Info

Posted: 2004-03-05 08:40pm
by StarshipTitanic
SDN Diplomacy 1: Imperial Variant

Welcome one and all to our first Diplomacy game!

Information can be found on the specifics of this map here.
Generic rules can be found in a pdf manual for the actual game, found here. If you never played, or feel unsure about anything, PLEASE READ THIS.


Control 42(?) centers, home or neutral. I'll do a better count once someone actually gets close to the number.


StarshipTitanic - France
AIM: ChrisRepublic

Sean - Holland
AIM: redswingline1

Exonerate - Turkey
AIM: Mdiotic Ioron

Alex - Mexico

Tatterdemalion - England
AIM: Paranoia833

Mike - Brazil
AIM: BoSoxFan1100

Gandalf - Russia
AIM: MikeNugent1701

Captain Lennox - Austria
AIM: Captain Lennox

Straha - United States
AIM: Trebor214 or Strahaofspam

Darth Yoshi - Japan
AIM: DarkSithYoshi

Stark - Prussia
AIM: nullstark

Verilon - China
AIM: MoonBeamBurns

Dragonlance - Confederate States
ICQ: 137713401


Symmetry (later sometime...)


Start positions:

(Copy and paste, remember this is tripod...)

An email has been sent to every player, check your mailboxes!

This thread will be listed in the Information sticky at the top of the page, along with the game thread once Spring 1861 is posted. Please don't use this thread after the game thread is posted!

Posted: 2004-03-06 04:21pm
by StarshipTitanic

Posted: 2004-03-06 09:35pm
by Gandalf
War is sent...

Posted: 2004-03-06 10:16pm
by Straha
I was probably the guy who forgot to tell you who I was...

Posted: 2004-03-06 10:16pm
by StarshipTitanic
Only missing info from:

Lt. Dan

EDIT: Thank you Straha...

Posted: 2004-03-07 04:30pm
by StarshipTitanic
Still missing those people's info...hopefully a bump and a PM will get their attention.

Posted: 2004-03-07 06:49pm
by Straha
Just divy up the remaining territories between them!

after another day

Posted: 2004-03-07 06:53pm
by fgalkin
How exactly do you play?

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2004-03-07 08:21pm
by StarshipTitanic
fgalkin wrote:How exactly do you play?

Have a very nice day.
The first post has a link to a pdf file containing the rules, which are fairly simple. Would you like to be signed on as an alternative? :)

Posted: 2004-03-07 09:27pm
by Stark
Finally PM'd you my details... :D

EDIT: and does the map link work? I get the tripod symbol and thats all :?

Posted: 2004-03-07 09:40pm
by Gandalf
Stark wrote:Finally PM'd you my details... :D

EDIT: and does the map link work? I get the tripod symbol and thats all :?
Copy paste the URL into your address bar. Worked for me.

Posted: 2004-03-07 11:28pm
by Stark
I had to use IE, it didn't work in Opera :/

Posted: 2004-03-08 12:13am
by Gandalf
How long before we call up alternates?

Posted: 2004-03-08 03:36pm
by StarshipTitanic
Slight problem: Symmetry dropped out. I PMed fgalkin to see if he's interested. Should he not be, and as as both of our alts are unable to play immediately, I'll just drop the country that wasn't chosen.

Posted: 2004-03-08 03:41pm
by haas mark
I'll volunteer to be a replacement player! :D :luv: Dip!

Posted: 2004-03-08 03:45pm
by StarshipTitanic
verilon wrote:I'll volunteer to be a replacement player! :D :luv: Dip!
Huzzah! I guess you're first in line, if fgalkin plays.

Posted: 2004-03-08 06:51pm
by StarshipTitanic
Well I'm going to be a ruthless GM in this game, so I've prepared country assignments for the prefs I got as of now.

England - Tatterdemalion
France - StarshipTitanic
Holland - Sean
Prussia - Stark
Austria - Captain Lennox
Russia - Gandalf
Turkey - Exonerate
China - Verilon
Japan - Darth Yoshi
USA - Straha
CSA - ???
Mexico - Alex
Brazil - Mike

The CSA isn't very popular. :D It's pretty useless, anyhow. I believe a few people got their third choice, but most got their first or second. Standby for a thread overhaul.

Posted: 2004-03-08 07:06pm
by haas mark
I got 4th. :P

Oh, and my contact is

Posted: 2004-03-08 07:32pm
by StarshipTitanic
verilon wrote:I got 4th. :P

Oh, and my contact is
Bah, you probably have more experience than all of us. :P

I've overhauled the top post, please note everything. Above all, check to make sure I placed the correct units for your starting positions.

Posted: 2004-03-08 08:37pm
by Straha
Merge the CSA with the USA but only allow the USA to keep its original starting troops(not the CSA's)...

Posted: 2004-03-08 08:51pm
by StarshipTitanic
Straha wrote:Merge the CSA with the USA but only allow the USA to keep its original starting troops(not the CSA's)...
Ha ha, no. :P The CSA's armies will simply hold until overtaken by whomever gets their first.

Mike - Leo - Zoltan - whatever

Posted: 2004-03-08 09:48pm
by Zoltan
Hi, this is Brazil. My contact information is up there, but I thought some people might wanna know my SDN name. Enjoy the game and good luck to everyone :D

Posted: 2004-03-10 10:46am
by haas mark
StarshipTitanic wrote:
verilon wrote:I got 4th. :P

Oh, and my contact is
Bah, you probably have more experience than all of us. :P

I've overhauled the top post, please note everything. Above all, check to make sure I placed the correct units for your starting positions.
Well, considering I've been playing for -thinks- 4 years now, probably. :P

Posted: 2004-03-10 01:26pm
by Zoltan
So when are moves due?

Posted: 2004-03-10 01:31pm
by haas mark
Because I like the full placenames:

Abyssinia - aby
Aden - ade
Adriatic Sea - adr
Aegean Sea - aeg
Afganistan - afg
Alaska - ala
Alberta - alb
Algeria - alg
Amazon - ama
Anchorage - anc
Andaman Islands - amn
Andaman Sea - ase
Angola - agl
Angora - ang
Annam - ann
Antarctic Atlantic - aat
Antarctic Indian - ain
Antarctic Pacific - apa
Arabian - ara
Armenia - arm
Ashanti - ash
Assam - asm
Aswan - asw
Atlanta - atl
Austin - aus
Azores - azo
Baghdad - bag
Bahamas - bah
Baku - bku
Baltic Sea - bal
Bangalore - ban
Bangkok - bnk
Barcelone - brc
Barents Sea - bar
Barrier - brr
Bavaria - bav
Bay of Bengal - bbe
Bay of Biscay - bob
Bengal - ben
Bering Sea - bse
Berlin - ber
Bismark - bis
Black Sea - bla
Bogota - bgt
Bokhara - bkh
Bombay - bom
Bordeaux - bor
Borneo - brn
Bosnia - bos
Botswana - bsw
Brasilia - bra
Brazil Current - bcu
British Columbia - bco
Budapest - bud
Burma - brm
Cairo - cai
Calabozo - clb
Caledonia - cld
Cambodia - cmb
Cameroon - cmn
Canary - cny
Canton - can
Cape Town - ctn
Cape Verde Islands - vrd
Caroline Islands - crl
Caspian Sea - cas
Cayenne - cyn
Celebes - cel
Celebes Sea - cls
Ceylon - cey
Chesapeake - che
Chicago - chc
Chihuahua - chi
Chilean Basin - cba
Chungking - chk
Coahula - coa
Coast of Argentina - cag
Cochabamba - coh
Cochin - cch
Congo - cng
Constantinople - con
Coral - cor
Corsica - crs
Counter Current - ccu
Crete - cre
Croatia - cro
Cuba - cub
Cyprus - cyp
Damaraland - dml
Dar Es Sallam - dar
Delhi - del
Denkyera - dnk
Denmark - den
Detroit - det
Drake - dra
Dublin - dub
East China Sea - ecs
East Indian - ein
Eastern Carribean - eca
Eastern Mediterranean - eas
Eastern Pacific - epa
Eastern Seaboard - ese
Edinburgh - edi
Edo - edo
El Jouf - elj
Equatorial CounterCurrent - eco
Evenki - eve
Falkland Islands - fal
Fezz - fzz
Fiji - fij
Finland - fin
Formosa - for
Fuchan - fuc
Fusan - fsn
Galapagos - glp
Galicia - gal glc
Gall Land - gld
Georgia - geo
Gibraltar - gib
Goodhope - goo
Goyamas - goy
Grain Coast - gcs
Greece - gre gr
Greenland - grn
Guatemala - gtm
Gujarat - guj
Gulf of Alaska - goa
Gulf of Bothnia - gob
Gulf of California - goc
Gulf of Guinea - gog
Gulf of Lyon - gol
Gulf of Manaar - gum
Gulf of Mexico - gom
Gulf of Panama - gop
Gulf of Siam - gos
Hadramaut - hdr
Haiti - hai
Hawaii - haw
Helgoland Bight - hel
Holland - hol
Honduras - hon
Hong Kong - hk
Horn of Africa - hoa
Hudson - hud
Hyderabad - hyd
Iceland - ice
Inner Mongolia - img
Ionian Sea - ion
Irian Java - ija
Irkutsk - irk
Ivory Coast - ivc
Izu Trench - izu
Java - jav
Java Sea - jse
Kagoshima - kag
Kamchatka - kam
Kansas - kan
Karachi - krc
Kasala - ksl
Kashgar - ksg
Kashmir - kas
Kenya - ken
Khiva - khv
Kiel - kie
Kirbati Sea - kse
Kirghiz - kir
Krasnoyarsk - kra
Kuril - kur
La Paz - lpa
Langchow - lch
Lima - lim
Livonia - liv
London - lon
Lucknow - lck
Luzon - luz
Luzon Sea - lus
Madagascar - mad
Madras - mds
Malagasy Channel - mch
Malaysia - mal mls
Maldives - mld
Manchuria - mac
Mandalay - mly
Mandingoes - mdo
Mandlah - mdh
Marseilles - mar
Marshal Islands - mhl
Mazatlan - maz
Mecca - mec
Merida - mer
Metz - met
Mexico City - mex
Middle Atlantic - mat
Mindanao - mnd
Minnesota - min
Mitu - mit
Mongolia - mon
Monrovia - mnv
Morocco - mrc
Moscow - mos
Mozambique - moz
Nantes - nan
Nebraska - neb
Nejaaz - nej
New Guinea - ngu
New Mexico - nme
New Orleans - nol
New South Wales - nsw
New York - nyc
New Zealand - nzl
North Atlantic - nao
North East Monsoon - nem
North East Trades - net
North Pacific - npa
North Passage - nps
North Sea - nth
Northern Territories - ntr
Northwest Territories - nte
Norway - nwy
Norwegian Sea - nwg
Nova Scotia - nsc
Oaxaca - oax
Ohio - ohi
Okhotsk - okh
Okinawa - oki
Oklahoma - okl
Okrana - okn
Oliveira - oli
Oman - oma
Omsk - oms
Ontario - ont
Oregon - ore
Orenburg - orn
Pacific Basin - pba
Panama - pan
Paraguay - prg
Paramaribo - pmb
Paris - par
Peking - pek
Perm - prm
Persian Gulf - pgu
Perth - per
Philippine - phi
Piedmont - pie
Port Arthur - poa pa
Pramaiba - pra
Prussia - pru
Quebec - que
Queensland - qnl
Quito - qto
Rajputana - raj
Rangoon - rng
Recife - rec
Red Sea - rse
Rhodesia - rho
Richmond - ric
Rio de Janeiro - rdj
Rome - rom
Rouen - rou
Ruhr - ruh
Rumania - rum
Ruperts Land - rla
Sakhurlin - sak
Salerno - sal
San Francisco - sfr
Sapporo - sap
Sarawak - srw
Sargasso - sar
Saskatchewan - sas
Sea of Japan - soj
Seattle - sea
Seoul - seo
Serbia - ser
Sevastopol - sev
Seychelles - sey
Shanghai - sha
Siam - sia
Sicily - sic
Sierra Leone - sie
Silesia - sil
Singapore - sin
Sinkiang - snk
Skagerrak - ska
Society Islands - sct
Sofia - sof
Somalia - som
Sonora - son
South Atlantic - sat
South Australia - sau
South China Sea - scs
South East Trades - set
South Georgia Islands - sgr
South Pacific - spa
South West Pacific - swp
St Petersburg - stp
Straits of Gibraltar - sog
Stuttgart - stu
Sudan - sud
Sumatra - sum
Sunda - sun
Sweden - swe
Syria - syr
Tabrize - tbr
Taganet - tgn
Tampa - tam
Tashkent - tsh
Tasman - tas
Tawarek - twr
Tehran - teh
Tennessee - ten
Tibet - tib
Timor - tim
Tiris - tir
Toledo - tld
Tonkin - tnk
Transvaal - trn
Tripoli - trp
Tubruq - tbq
Tunis - tun
Tyrrhenian Sea - tys
Unorganized Territories - ung
Uruguay - uru
Utah - uta
Valencia - vlc
Vancouver - van
Venice - ven
Victoria - vic
Vienna - vie
Virgin Islands - vis
Vladivostok - vla
Wallacia - wlc
Warsaw - war
Washington DC - wdc
West Bay - wba
West Coast - wco
West Indian - win
West Pacific - wpa
Westerlies - wst
Western Carribean - wca
Western Mediterranean - wes
Wuhan - wuh
Yakutsk - yak
Yellow Sea - yse
Yukon - yuk
Yunnan - yun
Yuthia - yut

So yeah.. That was more for my benefit that anything.. ^^;