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Vote of no confidence in Tycho's DM'ship

Posted: 2004-03-09 01:55pm
by lazerus
Objections Withdrawn

Re: Vote of no confidence in Tycho's DM'ship

Posted: 2004-03-09 02:11pm
by Captain tycho
lazerus wrote:In Tycho's D&D game, myself at at least 4 other players are getting pretty annoyed with Tycho's DMing.

Significant admitted rules mistakes on at least 5 different occasions, assigning EXP in gross disperportion to the difficulity of the battle, pitting a lvl 15 party against a CR 23 baddie + his minions, and having the party win. Finally, being uprepared for PC's actions, poorly controling NPC's, and only updating rarely.

We ask that Rogue-9 be appointed DM.
Point 1: I do not have my rule books with me, I've been relying on YOU GUYS over the IM for rules help
Point 2: See above, I just assigned an ad hoc value
Point 3: The baddie was NOT Cr 23, he was CR 17. The CR 23 remark was made with a wink over the IM
Point 4: See above, plus some of you got very close to dying
Point 5: Give an example
Point 6: The poorly controlled NPC (namely the woman mage) has a special agenda. Don't just scream "POOR HANDLING" just because shes acting rather stupid.
Point 7: I'm online most of the day, excluding the evenings, where alot of posting takes place. This is simply a fact of my schedule, and during the daytime, I update constantly.
Almost all of your points are invalid.
And, if you have a problem with some action or some such,
JUST TELL ME. I will CORRECT it. So far, you have gone along with me, thus I assumed no one had a problem. I can't know there's a problem with my DMing if I dont get any feedback.

Posted: 2004-03-09 02:20pm
by Dahak
I don't have any issues...
Lazerus, you're just abit too touchy, IMO.
Just the fact that there's the damnable time zone shift betwen Europe and the US...

Posted: 2004-03-09 05:57pm
by LadyTevar
Unfortunately, due to my work schedule, the only time I can Rp regularly is in the evenings US EST.

Posted: 2004-03-09 05:58pm
by LadyTevar
Oh.. and my vote, since the option isn't up there, is simple:

DON'T Fix what Ain't Broken.

Posted: 2004-03-09 06:00pm
by lazerus
Hey, i'm just the messenger. It's was alyriums idea, and Rogue 9 is the one who told me to post.

But nontheless, consider my objections withdraw, but I still think the way your running that NPC is highly questionable.

Also, if you don't have your books, use the SRD.

Posted: 2004-03-09 06:58pm
by Alyrium Denryle

You know Laz... my only objections EVER have been that one rules call on YOUR minions, and the fact that Tycho isnt on when the action takes place(I am a bit impationt though)

If anything, I would not mind a co-DM system. Tycho draws out the plot and NPCs and someone like rOgue 9 updates the thread when Tycho isnt around

Posted: 2004-03-09 07:02pm
by Alyrium Denryle
lazerus wrote:Hey, i'm just the messenger. It's was alyriums idea, and Rogue 9 is the one who told me to post.

But nontheless, consider my objections withdraw, but I still think the way your running that NPC is highly questionable.

Also, if you don't have your books, use the SRD.

Dont try and shift responsibility to me. I joke around yes, but atually put up a poll? No. Issues need to be worked out yes, but by no means did I suggest an impeachment.

Posted: 2004-03-09 07:03pm
by lazerus
If you want to propose that, go ahed, i'm not getting a third black eye.........

Posted: 2004-03-09 08:10pm
by Solauren
You guys whine to much

Posted: 2004-03-09 08:12pm
by phongn
Is this thread done?

Posted: 2004-03-09 08:31pm
by lazerus

And so ends the no-so great player revolution.