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Favorite Starcraft Species? And Some Other Qustions.
Posted: 2004-03-13 07:09pm
by Techno_Union
Who's your favorite species to play as, or to look at, or to think about?
Also, is it worth it to buy Starcraft for $20? And do the graphics bug any of you?
PS. Not sure if this would be in gaming or in other sci-fi, and I searched and did not find something like this before. But if it has been done then sorry.
Posted: 2004-03-13 07:15pm
by CaptainChewbacca
I like the protoss for their style and the versatility of their defenses. I would say its definitely worth even $30 to buy it. Also, the expansion pack is great fun.
Posted: 2004-03-13 07:35pm
by Ghost Rider
Since this is much related to gaming off it goes there.
As to the answers from my POV.
Nope, graphics never bothered me, more then worth the $ fact buy both parts.
And my fave units are humans in Brood War...nurses do add a nice advantage.
Posted: 2004-03-13 08:19pm
by Comosicus
By coolness factor I choose the Protoss.
Posted: 2004-03-13 08:32pm
by mauldooku
Without a doubt, Terran. But there is no best race, at all. Terran just fits my play style more.
I play Starcraft far, far too much. And if you buy it, make sure you get BW.
Re: Favorite Starcraft Species? And Some Other Qustions.
Posted: 2004-03-13 08:42pm
by Lancer
Techno_Union wrote:Who's your favorite species to play as, or to look at, or to think about?
Also, is it worth it to buy Starcraft for $20? And do the graphics bug any of you?
PS. Not sure if this would be in gaming or in other sci-fi, and I searched and did not find something like this before. But if it has been done then sorry.
Protoss are cool, Zerg are creepy (and dare I say Kerrigan is hot), but favorite species goes to Terrans simply because of the sheer firepower they have avalible.
If you look around, you can get starcraft and brood war both for $10.
Re: Favorite Starcraft Species? And Some Other Qustions.
Posted: 2004-03-13 08:45pm
by YT300000
Techno_Union wrote:Who's your favorite species to play as, or to look at, or to think about?
Also, is it worth it to buy Starcraft for $20? And do the graphics bug any of you?
Yes. No.
Posted: 2004-03-13 09:02pm
by Joe
I suck at StarCraft - you will never have the chance to experience the absolute awe of just how bad I am at it. But my favorite race is the Terrans, with the Protoss very close behind.
And I hate the fucking Zerg with a deep passion.
And actually, TU, you could probably find Starcraft for only 10 bucks if you do a bit of shopping. You won't get Brood War with it, though.
Posted: 2004-03-13 09:08pm
by 18-Till-I-Die
I'm very partial to the Zerg.
I'm a brute force kind of guy, sheer numbers for me, and you cant beat hordes of Zerglings swarming your enemy backed up by a few ranks of hydralisks/ultralisks...swarming them...infesting them...drowning them in troops...endlessly. I like Zergs.
And to answer the other questions: i got the battlechest at target for twenty bucks, and i didnt notice the graphics i was busy forming human (or zerg) wave attacks to strike down my enemies.
Posted: 2004-03-13 09:34pm
by RogueIce
I like the nurses too. Is it really so wrong to kill them just to hear the girl scream (additionally, GTA is so much more fun because of that too)?
Anyway, if you get SC, get BW as well. And it's well worth $20.
Posted: 2004-03-13 09:39pm
by Sea Skimmer
Zerg rule, and the game is well worth 20 bucks, though I haven't seen it for more then ten USD in a long time. Actually I've seen it with the Brood War expansion pack (a must buy if you getting the game) for ten USD bundled together for that matter.
Posted: 2004-03-13 09:54pm
by Shadow WarChief
Zerg are undboutedly my favorite. Aside from the aesthetically cool aspect of commanding alien hordes, zerg are often underestimated. Some of my most fun games go like this:
HIM: Oh look, he's zerg. He has no access to capital ships. I'll just get 12 carriers and mowe him down, HARHARHAR I'm the next fucking Hannibal.
ME: Oh look, he's getting carriers. Add mutas, scourge, devourers and plague, mix together and let sit for 20 seconds...then enjoy his accusations of hacking and cheating as his expensive fleet blows the fuck up.
Posted: 2004-03-13 11:26pm
by Techno_Union
I will most likely buy it then. It is Starcraft and BW together for $20.
Ghost Rider, thanks for moving it.
Posted: 2004-03-14 12:09am
by Slartibartfast
Terran. I can't stand uppity races ("high" Elves, Protoss, Vulcans, etc). And plague-like beings don't really do it for me.
Posted: 2004-03-14 12:32am
by darthdavid
Toss. Tho, imho, i bite royal arse, i have managed to win a few times, mostly with them. And if I send another carrier death fleet to j00r base while your killing the first one we'll see who's so fucking gr8 with the l33t zerg rushing.
Posted: 2004-03-14 12:43am
by Captain Cyran
For me it was close between the Terran's and the Zerg, but in the end I had to give it to the lovable Terrans. Zerg have that great ability to just overwealm things, but Terrans have some definate firepower behind them, and the fact that you can just pick up and move at a moment's notice is really nice.
Posted: 2004-03-14 12:47am
by Lancer
Slartibartfast wrote:Terran. I can't stand uppity races ("high" Elves, Protoss, Vulcans, etc). And plague-like beings don't really do it for me.
Then go for Terrans and Blood Elves (BE's aren't uppity, just homicidal).
Posted: 2004-03-14 01:07am
by Stofsk
Lately I've been playing Terran rather dedicatedly, so I voted for them. However, I am really tied between Protoss and Terran, with Zerg a distant, distant third. I like the Terran's mobility, their firepower, and their combined arms. I also think the medic is hot (I need help). The Protoss I like because the Zealot is kickarse, the High Templar is a bitch, the Dark Templar is a bigger bitch, and Reavers have a cool name. I also think Fenix is cute (I really need help).
Posted: 2004-03-14 03:44am
by Shadow WarChief
So then why did you place Zerg in a distance 3rd?
Posted: 2004-03-14 03:56am
by Raptor 597
I play Protoss. They have some nifty multiplayer advantages. It's the honest go between in choosing terran armor/infantry or massive zerg hoarde. All you do as Protoss theoretically is build and overwhelm for strength. Once I properly apply I might be able to win a game. I like the asthetics of Terran and Protoss more than Zerg, so I vote for Toss.
Posted: 2004-03-14 04:24am
by The Nomad
I've a thing for those uppity aliens
Re: Favorite Starcraft Species? And Some Other Qustions.
Posted: 2004-03-14 09:34am
by Rye
Techno_Union wrote:Who's your favorite species to play as, or to look at, or to think about?
Zerg. They're gross and different, and remind me of the various kenner aliens toys.
Also, is it worth it to buy Starcraft for $20?
I hate the game, so no. With the expansion, maybe. Should be able to get them for less though.
And do the graphics bug any of you?
Yes. Annoyed me all the more when a friend of mine refused to play RA2 for the "cartoony" graphics and then wanted to play starcraft.
Posted: 2004-03-14 12:10pm
by Oni Koneko Damien
Who's your favorite species to play as, or to look at, or to think about?
Play as? Protoss, easy to get an early defense, easy to build early rushes, mid-game armies, or late game carrier/arbiter fleets. Zerg come in second, nothing quite like sending fifty hydras and twelve ultras into the enemy. Or even better, use the 'train' tactic with mutas, have fifty follow one patrolling one, then send that one into the middle of the enemy base, as soon as it dies, all fifty suddenly go berserk. Terrans? I can't stand terrans, too much micromanaging of armies, I suck at that.
Look at? Zerg, nothing like watching the electronic equivalent of an enraged nest of fire ants completely devour the enemy. Other than that, possibly watching reavers or seige tanks completely obliterate an entire army with one or two volleys.
Think about? Probably Kerrigan. Hot, alien infested, dominant female with godlike powers...oh yeah.
Also, is it worth it to buy Starcraft for $20?
More than worth it. First off, you've got the storyline, with some kick-ass cinematics to go with it. Second, you've got infinite replayability with all the custom maps that come with the game. Third, you've got, where you can find just about any map that fits your tastes (I personally prefer the original 'Taco Bell Wars'). Fourth, you've got the map editor, and can create your own storylines.
And do the graphics bug any of you?
Nope, still as good as ever. Half the game is imagining what the fight would look like at ground level anyways. You might as well ask if the graphics in the original 'Doom' bug me.
Posted: 2004-03-14 12:15pm
by Stofsk
Shadow WarChief wrote:So then why did you place Zerg in a distance 3rd?
Basically because I don't enjoy playing them. I don't like winning by building 48 zerglings and throwing them at the enemy. I also don't like the "look" of the Zerg, with their bizarre organ-like buildings and their monsterous units. Just not my cup of tea. (I am sure I am misrepresenting the intricasies of the Zerg, but there's no mistake they rely on swarm tactics more than the other races.)
Posted: 2004-03-14 01:42pm
by Anarchist Bunny
I'd say Toss-Zerg-Terran.
I'm a big fan of DTs and Cracklings.
Nothing like a guy saying lings suck when he has twenty something BC, then you send hordes of cracklings under his bcs and destory all of his base except for a few missile turrents and in that time build enough devourers and scourge to take his BC fleet, Reaver supply drops, and DTs carving up Supply Depot/Tank walls.