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Starwars D20 anyone?

Posted: 2004-03-17 12:51pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Ok... I felt like doing a SW d20 game. I am on often(you have seen how addicted to this board I am) and can update regularly.

I am an off the cuff DM that establishes a basic plot and then goes from there with... a general plan... It usually works out.

Basic plot: You start out as <whatever you want to be> on an ISD patrolling heavy hit supply lines during the time of TESB. Expect lots of ship to ship combat and boarding actions.

You start at level 5, force use is... not really an option unless you can keep your powers hidden.

Posted: 2004-03-17 12:52pm
by Captain tycho
Naturally, I am in.
Expect a storm trooper commander with a big gun. 8)

Posted: 2004-03-17 12:55pm
by Alyrium Denryle
just for your info... use the Character sheets on for ease of use, and so I can keep a record and account of your characters.

Posted: 2004-03-17 12:58pm
by Captain tycho
Also, if anyone has any questions, or they dont own the SW d20 corebook, just ask me. :)

Posted: 2004-03-17 01:01pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Captain tycho wrote:Naturally, I am in.
Expect a storm trooper commander with a big gun. 8)
Freud would have something to say about your character

Posted: 2004-03-17 01:09pm
by Alyrium Denryle
CHaracter generation method: 4d6 drop lowest

Posted: 2004-03-17 01:10pm
by A Big Flying Fish
I'll join, but have a distinct lack of,well, the rulebook. Tycho, I'm looking your way.

Posted: 2004-03-17 01:13pm
by lazerus
I'm in.

My charachter will be known as...........Shar.

Just to spite you.

Posted: 2004-03-17 01:13pm
by Comosicus
Looks interesting, but I know nothing about such games.

Posted: 2004-03-17 01:18pm
by Alyrium Denryle
hmm... you will need a 20 sided dice, a few six sided dice an 8 sided dice, a 12 sided dice, and 2 10 sided dice

Posted: 2004-03-17 01:25pm
by Comosicus
Alyrium Denryle wrote:hmm... you will need a 20 sided dice, a few six sided dice an 8 sided dice, a 12 sided dice, and 2 10 sided dice
Hmmm ... such games are quasi-unknown around here .... thus such accesories are hard to find. Thanks for the info anyway.

Posted: 2004-03-17 01:38pm
by Captain tycho
Comosicus wrote:
Alyrium Denryle wrote:hmm... you will need a 20 sided dice, a few six sided dice an 8 sided dice, a 12 sided dice, and 2 10 sided dice
Hmmm ... such games are quasi-unknown around here .... thus such accesories are hard to find. Thanks for the info anyway.
Heh, don't worry, you can still play. Just go to the profiler site and use the dice roller.

Posted: 2004-03-17 01:38pm
by Alyrium Denryle
I can make your rolls for you if you want

Posted: 2004-03-17 01:50pm
by Captain tycho
Heres my partially finished character:

Posted: 2004-03-17 01:53pm
by Alyrium Denryle
approved so far

Posted: 2004-03-17 01:57pm
by Keevan_Colton
I'm in.

Posted: 2004-03-17 01:59pm
by Dahak
Hm, I'd like to join, as well :) (Just so the usual suspects come together :D )
Though I only have a, well, digital copy of the rulebook :D

Posted: 2004-03-17 02:10pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Dahak wrote:Hm, I'd like to join, as well :) (Just so the usual suspects come together :D )
Though I only have a, well, digital copy of the rulebook :D
That is ok... I am trying to get a copy right now... I accidentally deleted it last week...

Posted: 2004-03-17 02:25pm
by Comosicus
Captain tycho wrote:
Comosicus wrote:
Alyrium Denryle wrote:hmm... you will need a 20 sided dice, a few six sided dice an 8 sided dice, a 12 sided dice, and 2 10 sided dice
Hmmm ... such games are quasi-unknown around here .... thus such accesories are hard to find. Thanks for the info anyway.
Heh, don't worry, you can still play. Just go to the profiler site and use the dice roller.
If the game doesn't start earlier than a week I might give it a try. But do not delay it just because of me.

Posted: 2004-03-17 03:40pm
by General Zod
hmm. i might be interested if someone can PM me with the basics of the d20 character creation. i always found it needlessly complicated myself . . . .guess i'm spoiled by the storytelling system. and the rest of the rules i can copy down as needed from the local bookstore, i think.

Posted: 2004-03-17 04:04pm
by consequences
Must...Overcome...Dislike...of SW D20... opportunity... to commit... BDZ.. priceless. What the hell, I'm in.

Hm, TIE interceptor pilot, tactical officer, or engineer, choices, choices, choices. I think I'll go for fighter pilot, and generate the other two for backup for when I am inevitably shot down.

Posted: 2004-03-17 04:22pm
by Alyrium Denryle
consequences wrote:Must...Overcome...Dislike...of SW D20... opportunity... to commit... BDZ.. priceless. What the hell, I'm in.

Hm, TIE interceptor pilot, tactical officer, or engineer, choices, choices, choices. I think I'll go for fighter pilot, and generate the other two for backup for when I am inevitably shot down.
Hehe, you will get along just fine... bwahahaha

Posted: 2004-03-17 04:28pm
by Captain tycho
Ok, here I will post how to create characters, etc, including weapons and such for those of you who either don't know the d20 system or have simply never played an RPG before.

First off, (I assume you have created a fleshed out background for your character(s) before moving on to stats :P ), you want to roll 4d6 (that means, 4 six sided dice, or a six sided dice 4 times. (Duh).) Ok, write down all the numbers you get, then drop the lowest one. Do this 6 times.
Now, assign your scores to these six attributes:
Strength (STR): Determines how strong your character is physically. Higher scores of course equal more strength. Good for sword (or in this case) lightsaber swingers.
Dexterity (DEX): How dexterous & agile your character is. Applies to ranged attacks with blasters and to your Defense score. Dex is very important to fighters that use ranged weapons.
Constitution (CON): How tough you are, important for everyone.
Wisdom (WIS): How intuitive, aware, and wise your character is. Important for Jedi.
Intelligence (INT): This one is pretty much a no brainer. Gives you more skill points to spend per level, important for people who rely on skills (such as the scoundrel, fringer, noble.)
Charisma (CHA): How strong your character's personality is, how well they speak, appear, etc. Good for anyone into diplomacy.

Assign your scores to each of these as you see fit.

Now, the classes (just a very basic overview):

Scoundrel: Think Han solo. Sneaky, quick-witted class that depends on skill usage and stealth for survival.
Fringer: Think Luke Skywalker at the beginning of ANH. Well adapted to rough enviroments and skillful, with a little more combat ability than the scoundrel.
Soldier: Tough guy whos very skilled with weapons and can last awhile in combat.
Noble: Charismatic diplomat, crime lord, etc. Think Leia Organa, or Jabba.
Jedi Guardian: Combat focused Jedi, with good force powers.
Jedi Consular: Diplomatic focused Jedi, with good Force prowness and skills. (restricted in this era)
Force Adept: Like a Jedi, but without the light saber and more exotic powers.
Tech Specialist: Mr. Fixit man, can upgrade and make just about any kind of equipment.
Scout: Wanderer with excellent survival skills.
Now, I know thats not very detailed, but if anyone has a question on a class, just ask.

Posted: 2004-03-17 04:44pm
by General Zod
that part of it i understand, but what throws me are things like initiative rating, saving throws, class modifiers, feats, skills, etc. ;)

Posted: 2004-03-17 04:48pm
by Captain tycho
Bah, that's nothing. Just let the GM take care of those. :wink: