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Post your FF naming schemes!
Posted: 2004-03-25 01:55am
by Kuja
So I'm about to finish up FF7 (spoil the ending and DIE) and I was wondering: do you rename your characters? If so, post your character lists here!
Here's mine:
FF - Gospel names
Fighter = Peter
Blackbelt = Thomas
White Mage = Mary
Black Mage = Judas
FF2 - Gundam pilots
Firion = Trowa
Maria = Chris
Gus = Argo
Leon = Terry
FF4 - ths is the exception. For some reason, I never renamed my FF4 characters.
FF7 - birds
Cloud = Eagle
Barret = Falcon
Tifa = Hawk
Aeris = Dove
Red XIII = Vulture
Yuffie = Crow
Cait Sith = Penguin
Vincent = Raven
Cid = Osprey
FF9 - weapons
Zidane = Knife
Vivi = Mace
Steiner = Sword
Dagger = Dagger (hey, it fit)
Freya = Katana
Quina = Bow
Eiko = Sai
Amarant = Rifle
Posted: 2004-03-25 02:42am
by Anarchist Bunny
Now adays I usualy use Crack Pack names, but the first couple of times I played FF6 I used DBZ names. I memeber Terra was Bulma, Celes was Videl, Realm was Bra, Seltzer was Freiza, and Sabin was Goku.
Posted: 2004-03-25 02:57am
by Gandalf
I usually just name the main character after me. Everyone else gets the stock names.
Posted: 2004-03-25 03:26am
by Faram
I only played FF VII, great game
But I kept the default names.
Re: Post your FF naming schemes!
Posted: 2004-03-25 04:30am
by Datana
Kuja wrote:FF - Gospel names
Fighter = Peter
Blackbelt = Thomas
White Mage = Mary
Black Mage = Judas
How did you do THAT? I thought FF1 only let you have four letters in your name. Mind you, I've only played the original NES version, so don't know if any of the remakes improved on that.
Posted: 2004-03-25 04:43am
by Slartibartfast
I always use the stupidest name I can think of.
Posted: 2004-03-25 06:13am
by The Yosemite Bear
Cloud: (after watching one of my friends play, I decieded that he was an Idiot.) thus "Dumkof" was born (used the same name for Squall, Tidane, and Tidus)
Tifa: while trying to decide what name to give her, one of my good friends in the park, a brunette with a big chest, burst in and proclaimed: It was his birthday, and he was just a virgin, so of course my pants came right off, I'm such a Good ****! (she was really proud of this, and thus a name for Tifa was found)
Barrett: Roundtree (fairly self explainitory for b-movie fans)
Aerius: Marian(My mom, the ultimate hippie chick's real name)
Red13: Simaru(sp) <fans of what the lion king was taken from>
Yuffie: Brat! (sorry I didn't like him too much)
Cait Sith: Darkside *the cat was EVIL I tell you, he even admitted to being a dark jedi*
Vincent: Beast (hey it was fitting)
Quetzcoutl: Jello
Shiva: Ice Princess
Ifrit: Diablo (guess what else We were playing at the same time)
Siren: Spice (guess why)
(the rest I have forgotten, it's been too long since I last playied)
tidane: dumkof
Stiner: Chad (you have to know chad, he's a cop around here)
Dagger: Dagger
Vivi: Orco (Master of the universe)
(Fox person): Kitsune
(big ugly thing): Glutton
Amranth: BobaFett
Aiako: trouble
Re: Post your FF naming schemes!
Posted: 2004-03-25 07:46am
by GoldenFalcon
Datana wrote:Kuja wrote:FF - Gospel names
Fighter = Peter
Blackbelt = Thomas
White Mage = Mary
Black Mage = Judas
How did you do THAT? I thought FF1 only let you have four letters in your name. Mind you, I've only played the original NES version, so don't know if any of the remakes improved on that.
Gotta love four-letter capital style!
You could really come up with some subliminal nasty things using it...
Re: Post your FF naming schemes!
Posted: 2004-03-25 08:23am
by Ghost Rider
Datana wrote:Kuja wrote:FF - Gospel names
Fighter = Peter
Blackbelt = Thomas
White Mage = Mary
Black Mage = Judas
How did you do THAT? I thought FF1 only let you have four letters in your name. Mind you, I've only played the original NES version, so don't know if any of the remakes improved on that.
Most likely because he played the PSX version
As for me...easy.
Main(whomever I chose) is myself.
Girl #1: Current Girlfriend
Girl #2: Random Girl I hold in good graces
Girl #3: Random Girl I hold in sorta good graces
Boy #1~?: Unless dependant(ie Race, Species...etc)...I just go down a list I have starting with Dave.
Posted: 2004-03-25 01:48pm
by LadyTevar
Blackthorne (Hero)
Tevar (Girlfriend, tho I screwed up with FF7 and Aeris)
Phil (Philedelphia. SID)
Nitram (always a Mage)
Jhelian (other female)
Posted: 2004-03-25 02:17pm
by Vendetta
Usually I keep the defaults (where such things exist).
Posted: 2004-03-25 02:34pm
by General Zod
normally i just let it be defaults. i'm too lazy to come up with names for all the characters. or one of them for that matter.
Posted: 2004-03-25 05:01pm
by Rye
The names for FF7 were some of my most surreal, come to think of it.
Cloud - Rye
Barret - JACK-2
Aeris = Aeriale
Red XIII = SarabEE
Yuffie = Buffy
Cait Sith = Cait Sith
Vincent = Vinnie
Cid = Capt.Dave
I must give myself a
Posted: 2004-03-25 07:35pm
by Mayabird
My FF4 characters:
Cecil - Pat
Rosa - Katie
Kain - Ian
Rydia - Amy
Edge - Eric
I renamed them recently in honor of the upcoming Final Fantasy/marching band crossover fanfic powerpoint being done by my hero Pat.
A preview can be seen here but note, you must have Powerpoint or a viewer to see it.
That's me in green.
Posted: 2004-03-25 09:31pm
by McNum
I've considered playing through FF7 and naming every character Sephiroth (if it fits in the name box).
That could get a little confusing at times, but would definitely create some funny lines here and there.
Re: Post your FF naming schemes!
Posted: 2004-03-26 01:18am
by Kuja
Datana wrote:How did you do THAT? I thought FF1 only let you have four letters in your name. Mind you, I've only played the original NES version, so don't know if any of the remakes improved on that.
I played the Origins version for PS. That's how I got ahold of FF2 as well.
Posted: 2004-03-26 01:45am
by The Kernel
I just leave the default names. I never rename my RPG characters, with the exception of Chrono Cross where I renamed Serge (which has to be the stupidest fucking main character name ever) to Squall.
Posted: 2004-03-26 02:25am
by Dalton
I generally keep the names assigned, but sometimes I'll rename the main character to Smash or just change the capitalization. The first time I played FF4, though, I renamed all my characters after members and characters from Monty Python
Posted: 2004-03-26 03:29am
by Symmetry
I usually keep the names the same, but I changed Dagger's name in FF9 to Faile because it fit so well. Faile is from Robert Jordan.