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Video Games Negative Influence on Boys?

Posted: 2004-04-01 04:41pm
Parents cautioned about game content:

--Almost half of top-selling console video games with male characters contain negative messages about boys, according to new research released today by Children Now, a national child advocacy organization. Those negative messages include violence, promoting unrealistic body images and stereotypical male characteristics, such as aggressive sexuality, violent behavior, and fighting.

The current analysis examined the top ten selling games for each of the three most popular games console systems.

Of the games that contained male characters:

38% displayed those characters with significant body exposure: 23% exposed chests, 31% exposed biceps, 1% exposed behinds and 31% exposed stomachs or midriffs.

In addition, 38% of male game characters had "large" muscles and 46% had "unusually small" waists.

54% involved those characters "fighting" or "being violent." Overall, 46% of games included violence.

Posted: 2004-04-01 05:41pm
by GoldenFalcon
Yet another message to paranoid parents who worship the TV...
Why can't they just make the effort and teach kids about the true nature of violence? :roll:

Posted: 2004-04-01 08:12pm
by Mayabird
So why just focus on boys? Ya ever seen those huge-breasted skantily-clad women in most games where there is a female character? If they're going to be paranoid about overbuilt male characters, why not be paranoid for both genders? Eh, it's not like I would care even if they were anyway.

...Looks like it's monster slaying time for me. :)

Posted: 2004-04-01 10:26pm
You know, I thought that fact would tip more people off that this was a joke(APRIL FOOLS!). I mean, when was the last time any "Child Protection" group was worried about the male images shown in the media like that?

Posted: 2004-04-02 01:07am
by Mayabird
Yeah, I probably should have been suspicious about it, but considering how stupid a lot of the groups sound it really wouldn't surprise me one bit if they actually had done that study.