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AU: the Runs of Everska
Posted: 2004-04-06 01:01pm
by Captain tycho
The cutting wind blew across the mountain side, causing small swirls of snow that enveloped the 2 cloaked travelers. "Damn, looks like a snowstorm's kicking up." said one, pointing north, where a wall of massive clouds were building up. The other sighed heavily, "it's gonna be a long walk to the keep.. We oughta find some shelter, lest we get buried." The pair looked around in vain for something to use as cover, but there was nothing but snow. No rocks, no outcroppings., nothing. "That storm is moving very fast. We'll be buried in half an hour if we dont find cover."
The stone halls rang with the sound of steel on steel, and the pained grunts of the 10 warriors sparring in the dimly lit chamber. Ra-Tindal leaned heavily on his sword, panting heavily. The man standing across from him grinned devilishly and wiped his gleaming gold rapier with a red hankerchief. "Come now, thats your best?" he said sarcastically, sheathing his rapier and using the hanker chief to wipe away the slight traces of dirt on his face. Ra-Tindal still couldnt believe that this puny..human had beaten him in a fair fight. "Well, I shall be fetching something to eat, my giant friend." Across the room, the scaly face of a mojh stared out from his volumious robes, a staff planted firmly on the floor in front of him. "Good fight, my prince." said the mojh as the man walked over to him. The prince grinned again. "Bah, that big lumbering brute never even got close to hitting me. Wine, please." The mojh produced a wineskin, which the prince drank deeply from. "Ah, I forgot how good Arborlon wine was. This northern shit tastes like pig-skin." The mojh nodded slowly. "This weather has been death to me." it said, pulling it's cloak tighter about it's shoulders.
"Well, I suppose we can grab something to eat now. Let's go."
Posted: 2004-04-06 01:13pm
by lazerus
++rolls done over IM, also, i'm LITERILY refering to a pack mule, not my partner.++
Jax stopped in the snow, and closed his eyes. He stood there momentairly, oblivous to the world around him. A few seconds later, he opened his eyes and seemeed to snap out of it.
"There's a hunters cabin about 4 miles away over the next ridge, no ones there so we can use it, lets get going."
Jax trugdes along in the snow, pulling his pack mule behind him.
Posted: 2004-04-06 02:09pm
by Crom
Ra-Tindal wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed, leaning his sword up against a wall, and took a seat, still breathing hard. It had been a long time since he had been pushed this hard in a fight, even a practice fight.
"Well," he muttered to himself, "everyone loses, and everyone wins." The words sounded hollow to him, but Tindal would be damned if he became bitter. Half-smiling at his own injured pride, he stood up and decided getting something to eat wouldn't be a bad idea.
As he walked through the hall he let his gaze pass over the training warriors. The sound of weapons clanging, the grunts of exertion, and the shuffle of feet. He found it oddly soothing, and within moments his frustration at his defeat passed.
Posted: 2004-04-06 03:58pm
by Captain tycho
You make way through the snow slowly, and all the while the omnious snowclouds get closer and closer. As you crest the peak of the mountain infront of you, you can just barely make out a small brown sqaure 200 feet below you, smoke billowing from a chimmney. You can also make out what appear to be several humanoids standing outside the hut, but from this distance you cannot make out any detail from them.
However, out of the corner of your eye you see an orc in white fur watching you, about 12 feet away and lying prone in the snow. He has no weapons drawn, but a halberd sits beside him.
Posted: 2004-04-06 04:08pm
by lazerus
I slowly approach the orc.
Posted: 2004-04-06 04:13pm
by Captain tycho
The orc, obviously realizing you spotted him, slowly climbs to his feet, grabbing his halberd and holding it infront of himself defensively. "Er-orgu gahks'soruk!" he growls in a guttural language.
Posted: 2004-04-06 04:21pm
by lazerus
With a *flick* sound Jax has a daggar in his hand.
In Orcish: "Back the hell away."
Posted: 2004-04-06 04:22pm
by Captain tycho
The orc growls again. "This is our territory, human. Go find shelter somewhere else." he says in orcish. He lowers his halberd threatening.
Posted: 2004-04-06 04:25pm
by lazerus
"Funny, this wasn' your terriory yeasterday. You orc's wouldn't be thinking of taking this bit of land would you?"
I toss the dagger between my right and left hand, trying to confuse the orc to if i'm right or left handed.
Posted: 2004-04-06 04:28pm
by Captain tycho
The orc grins. "I'm not stupid, and neither are you." He pulls out a horn, and blows, sending a low-pictched thrum echoing. You can hear the reply of another horn down the mountain, and out of the corner of your eye you see another 4 figures running towards you.
Posted: 2004-04-06 04:37pm
by lazerus
"Hmmmm. Fine, so your men can kill me, but you'll be dead before they finish me off. What say we talk, and avoid an early grave?"
Posted: 2004-04-06 04:42pm
by Captain tycho
The orc growls. "You will die now!"
Initiative order: Lance, Orc, Lazerus
Posted: 2004-04-06 04:44pm
by lazerus
Lance attacks the orc with his throws Javalin, he has a +11 attack bonus, and does 1d4+1d6 damage.
Posted: 2004-04-06 04:57pm
by Captain tycho
Martym's javelin flies true, striking the orc with a dull thud in his thigh, but failing to slow him much. The orc bellows in anger, and levels his halberd at Jax, charging towards him, eyes full of hatred. His halberd slams into Jax's gut, twisting around horridly and causing a scream to burst from Jax's lungs. The halberd continues to slice through Jax, until the tip is pointing out Jax's back. With a grunt, the orc withdraws his halberd, leaving a gorey mess on the ground. Jax falls over, the life in his eyes gone.
(Gotta love getting killed by a CR 3 orc warrior eh Laz?

Posted: 2004-04-06 04:59pm
by lazerus
(Fuck you)
Lance breaks into a dead run, smacking the donkey into running after him.
Posted: 2004-04-06 05:01pm
by Captain tycho
The 4 orcs running up the slope finally get into position. They pull out shortbows, notch their arrows, and loose them at Martym. Only one arrow hits, and that is only a glancing blow that barely manages to draw blood.
Posted: 2004-04-06 05:03pm
by lazerus
He keeps running.
Posted: 2004-04-06 05:04pm
by Captain tycho
The orcs give up after chasing Martym for a minute, mostly because now it is starting to snow heavily...
Posted: 2004-04-06 05:14pm
by lazerus
Lance, as you know have the mule, you now have all my stuff, add all my equipment and gold to your sheet. You'll get ritch from the death of your comrade, if nothing else.
Posted: 2004-04-06 06:32pm
by lance
I mourn the loss of my comrade and seek out shelter from the snow.
Posted: 2004-04-06 07:01pm
by lance
Martym stumbles into a cave. Tired from the flight he ties the donkey up inside, and searches the cave from head to toe.
Posted: 2004-04-06 07:15pm
by lazerus
++rolls done over IM, lance failed will save vs Charm++
Lance searches, and in the back, notices a woman with snow-white hair and blue robes sitting in the back, she's holding a wooden staff in one hand. He's emmideatly struck by how beautifull she is, and any thoughts that she might be hostile vanish from his mind.
She looks up at him, when she speaks, he can see her breath in the air.
"Hello, what are you doing here?"
Posted: 2004-04-06 07:38pm
by lazerus
++done over IM, all needed rolls done by co-DM, if your wondering about the odd exchanged, one party was under the effect of a Charm spell the entire time ++
"I was fleeing from a band of orcs, after they slew my companion. I am quit tired from the ordeal and seek shelter inside this cave."
"How tragic, did you attack them, or did they attack you?"
"The orc chieftan called his men to attack, but we struck first"
"Interesting. Well, I suppose I could let you stay, if you could do me a favor."
"As long as it is not evil, or any thing of that sort"
"Nothing of sort, I'm just a bit low on hard coin an the moment, and if i'm letting you stay here, using up what little space there is, perhaps you could do me a favor and give me 20gold?"
"You may borrow 20 gold coins from me. I expect to be repaid with in a week."
"awwww. Can't you do me a favor? Just this once?"
"Well I suppose, but just this once."
"Thanks. Interested in some of that food I mentioned? And I think I have what's left of a canteen of ale if you want."
Posted: 2004-04-06 07:49pm
by lazerus
++Tip, dont' eat food a witch offers you. It many contain a Dire Charm spell

"Sounds like just the thing to stave off the cold"
Swig. chew. (fails save vs charm) "How long have you been held up in here?"
"Not that long actually, not more then a week. What brings you to these parts?"
"I am in search of a nice score to get my self a nice big castle."
"Really did yo........hold on........."
*wall appears, sealing off cave from the approaching blizzard*
"Now, what was I saying?"
"Is somthing happening? ">>I make spot and listen checks +6 too each
Posted: 2004-04-06 07:53pm
by lazerus
I pull out a blanket and set up bed"It would be best to stay bundled up till this passes over"
"I guess, g'night then."
"Talk to you in the morning"(back in a second)