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Posted: 2004-04-09 08:56pm
by lazerus
++I know most arn't done with their chars yet, everyone will be added before things really get stated. Assume your all in different boats to explain the difference++
The Verilon dropped anchor a few hundred feet off shore.
A small cutter, it had been chosen to carry the first scout squad. On the shore, there is no beach, meerly water and then instantly thick forest. As the entire crew looks out at the shore that no one has seen in 40 years, a flight of bird with four wings that resemble manta-rays take off from the trees and fly further inland. Within moments, the launch boats drop into the water, and the scouts, as well as 10 crewman there to see the scouts off at the short solemtly start to row in.
As you look off the edge of the boat, on your way in, you see a stunning display of three-eyed fish living in the water about halfway in...........
Posted: 2004-04-09 09:04pm
by Captain tycho
"Damned weird fish." muttered Gerlon as he spat over the side of the ship. Everything was changing the closer they got to their destination. The temperature, the humidity. He didn't like it one bit. He hated going someplace without any former knowledge of it. Why he accepted this badly planned mission, he didnt know. Maybe he was getting tired of working for a run down assassins guild back home whos clients payed a few silvers so that a business partner might have a knife shoved in his back. Gerlon hated the cowards who were too weak in the gut to do it themselves, but he needed the money, and killing was probably his best skill. In any case, Gerlon was not one to linger on past memories. With a grunt, he heaved his slim frame up on the ship's railing and watched the fish.
Posted: 2004-04-09 09:07pm
by lazerus
As you spit in the water, a bright-metallic-green fish about as long as your lower arm with a hugly oversized mouth swims to the surfase, eats it, and then swims away.
One of the birds you saw before, about the size of a small seagull, lands on the head of one of the crew in the nearby boat.
He stands very, very still.
Posted: 2004-04-09 09:12pm
by Captain tycho
Lazily, Gerlon spat on the man. "Get it off yourself, you damn pussy."
Posted: 2004-04-09 09:14pm
by lazerus
"Burn in the abyss you son'of'a YEOW!"
The bird gives him a nasty scratch with it's craws and then flies off.
Posted: 2004-04-09 09:19pm
by Captain tycho
Gerlon sighed. But then he noticed the wound was turning blue...
"Your wound. It's turning blue. Might wanna show yourself down to the ship's doctor."
Posted: 2004-04-09 09:20pm
by lazerus
"The doctor back on the ship? Lot of fucking good that dos me ERK!"
The man drops and starts twitching.
Posted: 2004-04-09 09:23pm
by Captain tycho
Gerlon sighed again. "Shit. Just my luck. Anyone here good with poisons?"
Posted: 2004-04-09 09:29pm
by lazerus
"Uh......I have an anti-toxin."
Posted: 2004-04-09 09:32pm
by Captain tycho
"Use it."
Posted: 2004-04-09 09:36pm
by lazerus
"I can't, you need to swollow it and he can't right now!"
Posted: 2004-04-09 09:37pm
by Captain tycho
"Damn, do I have to do everything myself?"
Gerlon bent down to examine the man, drawing on his extensive knowledge of poisons. Knowledge: Poisons mod +12
Posted: 2004-04-09 09:37pm
by lazerus
YOu don't know what it is, but you've seen some things vaguely like this before. You think if you could get the anti-toxen into him it will help. And he's most likely not going to die.
Posted: 2004-04-09 10:15pm
by Captain tycho
Gerlon grabbed the anti-toxin and tried to get him to swallow it. "Swallow it if you know whats good for ya, sailor."
Posted: 2004-04-09 10:18pm
by lazerus
Through and act of strenght and dexterity (and very good rolls

) you manage to force it into his mouth and hold his mouth shut.
Within a few minutes, he falls asleep and stops twitching.
Posted: 2004-04-09 10:19pm
by Captain tycho
"Good, now thats settled." Gerlon stood up and wiped the mucus and saliva off his hand. "If you see one of those birds, just fucking stab it."
Posted: 2004-04-09 10:23pm
by lazerus
"No problem sir."
With in a few moments, all the boats (with 1 PC in each one) land of the shore, there is no beach, just a dirt cliff a few feet high with forest at the top.
Posted: 2004-04-10 07:54pm
by A Big Flying Fish
Surveying the minor cliff, Humnel pays it no heed, and digs his claws into the surface, and pulls himself up the embankment onto the forest floor, and surveys the area for any threats.
Posted: 2004-04-10 10:23pm
by lazerus
Other then the manta birds, you don't see anything.
Posted: 2004-04-11 07:07am
by A Big Flying Fish
lazerus wrote:Other then the manta birds, you don't see anything.
Humnel then sits facing the trees, and waits for the others to come to shore.
Posted: 2004-04-11 12:59pm
by lazerus
*rolls listen check*
Both Humnel and Gerlon hear a low hissing sound coming from about 20ft into the woods.
Posted: 2004-04-11 02:48pm
by Alyrium Denryle
assume I have followed the monkeys into the shore
Posted: 2004-04-11 02:51pm
by lazerus
Correct. Char approved, you can start posting. Please also put that link in the OOC thread.
Posted: 2004-04-11 07:11pm
by A Big Flying Fish
lazerus wrote:*rolls listen check*
Both Humnel and Gerlon hear a low hissing sound coming from about 20ft into the woods.
Pullinbg himself up, Humnel assumes a crouching position, and moves towards the hissing sound, motioning for the others to follow.
Posted: 2004-04-13 08:38am
by lazerus