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Interesting PWOT Article
Posted: 2004-04-13 05:43pm
by Slartibartfast
Go here
For those familiar with the site, yes it is usually a parody site, mostly just puts flamebait (like saying that the scene with the 3-thousand midgets in The Passion was very bad taste, and then laughing at the hatemail from the angry fundies

) but sometimes they do put something that actually has a point

Posted: 2004-04-13 07:29pm
by Temjin
So the video game market will crash again because the novelty of gaming will wear off? And his only proof is that nobody plays their NES anymore?
Oh, come on! The NES was abandoned because stuff came out that could do the job better. New consoles come out as the technology becomes better. Not because the gaming companies are scared that the novelty may wear off. Off course the article completely misses this point.
Article wrote:If I'm right about this, the gaming industry is about to face its first real exodus of existing customers, a hard-core group they've relied upon for decades to snap up every new box on the shelf. And if the young kids don't see anything new and novel in this next round of machines...
So he thinks his generation is the one mainly holding the gaming industry up? He completely ignores the fact that more and more kids are playing video games. And as his generation stops buying video games, these new gamers will be more than enough to take up the slack. The "novelty" of gaming shows no signs of wearing out.
The rest of the article isn't even worth the effort....
Posted: 2004-04-13 09:02pm
by Arthur_Tuxedo
What if the novelty of movies wears off? Hollywood will be screwed! Oh NoZZorS!!!!111
Posted: 2004-04-14 03:46am
by Slartibartfast
Talk about knee-jerk...
Posted: 2004-04-14 09:20am
by Temjin
Slartibartfast wrote:Talk about knee-jerk...
You talking about the article, or my respose?
Posted: 2004-04-14 03:04pm
by Slartibartfast
I'm sorry, but your reply just seems like a big "oh yeah?" to me. Not saying that a case refuting the article can't be done, but you didn't really put any effort into it.
The "the article of course misses the point" is quite funny, since it wasn't writting replying to anyone else's "point", therefore it can't miss one.
Posted: 2004-04-14 03:34pm
by Temjin
Slartibartfast wrote:I'm sorry, but your reply just seems like a big "oh yeah?" to me. Not saying that a case refuting the article can't be done, but you didn't really put any effort into it.
What? Do you want me to do a point by point rebuttal of the entire article? It's not worth it.
The guy tries to make gaming seem like a novelty. The only example he gives is that no one plays thier NES anymore (Which isn't even true). From there on in, it just assumes that it is so. That was a major point of the article.
And at least I took the time to post at least a few arguements instead of just stating a single sentence to disprove it.
The "the article of course misses the point" is quite funny, since it wasn't writting replying to anyone else's "point", therefore it can't miss one.
I meant he missed point of the companies replacing the consoles. I thought it was self evident what I meant.