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EVE Online: The Second Genesis

Posted: 2004-04-16 01:01am
by UltraViolence83

So anyone else play this trade/combat game? I love it.

Just outta curiosity to see if anyone here knows of/plays it.

Posted: 2004-04-16 01:28am
by Hotfoot
Yup, I do. There was another post about this earlier. :)

Posted: 2004-04-16 03:17am
by wautd
I played the beta. The graphics were just kickass.

I donwloaded the free trial but still havnt installed it. Maybe tonight

If i didnt have to pay a monthly fee i would be so addicted to this

Posted: 2004-04-16 06:36am
by UltraViolence83
I'm Thomas Markand on the game by the way. Originally going to be just "Markand" but everyone would call me "Mark" and it would piss me off. So now I put my real name in front. 8)

Yeah the graphics are awesome. I thought Freelancer had good graphics but DAMN boy! :shock: :D

Posted: 2004-04-16 06:53am
by wautd
The warping effect is so sweet. 8)

real good impression of speed in a space game.

Nice designs of the ships by the way

Posted: 2004-04-18 01:16pm
by wautd
bah it doesnt works

When i start the game my pc resets :?

Posted: 2004-04-19 03:29am
by Spyder
I have a stedfast rule about MMORPGs and how the economics behind them don't make them worth it.

I proudly break my rule for EVE. I play as an Intaki called Greyze.

Posted: 2004-04-28 08:27am
by wautd
wautd wrote:bah it doesnt works

When i start the game my pc resets :?

yay i finally make it work.

I always tought it was my videocard that didnt make it work. The problem however were however bad drivers for my sound card.

Today im gonna enable my 14 day trail. Hopefully i wont get addicted or i need to pay for it ;)
(but i think i will get addicted, this game has a lot of potential)

Posted: 2004-05-04 08:22am
by wautd
wautd wrote:
wautd wrote:bah it doesnt works

When i start the game my pc resets :?

Today im gonna enable my 14 day trail. Hopefully i wont get addicted or i need to pay for it ;)
(but i think i will get addicted, this game has a lot of potential)
Trial ends soon

But im now in a nice corporation and got quite hooked. (cant wait to get that cruiser soon)
I probably gonna pay for it

Posted: 2004-05-04 08:53pm
by PrinceofLowLight
I played the beta and after the initial shock of character creation and the awesome graphics (the newbie rail-turret turning and firing still sticks out in my mind), I didn't find it all that fun. But then again, I didn't play it all that long and it was more than a little buggy. What's it like now?

Posted: 2004-05-04 09:15pm
by InnocentBystander
PrinceofLowLight wrote:I played the beta and after the initial shock of character creation and the awesome graphics (the newbie rail-turret turning and firing still sticks out in my mind), I didn't find it all that fun. But then again, I didn't play it all that long and it was more than a little buggy. What's it like now?
I had the same basic experience, but after a while of mindless runs back and forth to the asteriod fields I got fed up, bought myself a fancy looking Merlin, loaded it up with nice looking guns and shields and promptly got my ass handed to me by a couple NPC pirates, fortunately I escaped. But I just didn't like the combat, even when I worked in groups. Also, I didn't have direct control of my ship, I didn't like that very much, guess I played too much Xwing vs Tie Fighter.