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Re: Christianity Versus Roleplaying

Posted: 2004-04-20 11:14pm
by Shrykull
Crom wrote:
CrimsonRaine wrote:I've never understood this one. I don't remember the Catholics having problems with roleplaying, specifically AD&D or White Wolf, but I have heard of other Protestant religions (Jehovah's Witnesses, Methodists, Baptists, and Church of Christ) would be happy to burn books.

Why? *scratches head*
Crimson Raine
It strikes me mostly as ignorance. AD&D has magic, demons, and devils in it.
Actually, in an old issue of the Dragon magazine in a section called Politics of hell it had THE devil, lucifer morningstar, who had a 100% magic resistance, 10d10 per hit, immune to hits from non +3 weapons wielded by a pure of heart attacker, and unlimited wishes that can only be overridden by the almighty.

Re: Christianity Versus Roleplaying

Posted: 2004-04-20 11:16pm
by Shrykull
Shrykull wrote:
Crom wrote:
CrimsonRaine wrote:I've never understood this one. I don't remember the Catholics having problems with roleplaying, specifically AD&D or White Wolf, but I have heard of other Protestant religions (Jehovah's Witnesses, Methodists, Baptists, and Church of Christ) would be happy to burn books.

Why? *scratches head* It strikes me mostly as ignorance. AD&D has magic, demons, and devils in it.
Actually, in an old issue of the Dragon magazine in a section called Politics of hell it had THE devil, lucifer morningstar, who had a 100% magic resistance, 10d10 per hit, immune to hits from non +3 weapons wielded by a pure of heart attacker, and unlimited wishes that can only be overridden by the almighty.
Oh, yeah and in case you were thinking of psionics too, if anyone tried to use psionics against him, he dominated them forever, no dice :)

Posted: 2004-04-20 11:20pm
by Rogue 9
Does this unbeatable spell resistance apply to spells that don't allow spell resistance? :wink:

Posted: 2004-04-20 11:33pm
by The Yosemite Bear
However at 100% magic resistance every level you have over 12th level you reduce someones resistance by 5%, thus elemenster or merlin have a 45% chance of effecting Lucifer....

Posted: 2004-04-20 11:54pm
by Shrykull
Rogue 9 wrote:Does this unbeatable spell resistance apply to spells that don't allow spell resistance? :wink:
I brought this up actually that something like lower resistance which only let's it apply at half it's normal value, the person who brought him up said he could simply wish for his resistance to not be altered by any spell. Apparently he thought that his wishes will always turn out in Luc's favor, unlike a mortal where if they wished for it, it could turn out to have a literal but undesirable result.

Posted: 2004-04-21 12:03am
by The Yosemite Bear
Actually the infinate number of wishes are only for granting desires of others who he's tempting

So you want godlike guitar skills, fame, and the abili8ty to make women fall in love with you? ok Mr. Johnson here you go.

What mr. Faust, you want immortality, youth, and the abi8lity to score with any woman you want, until you say otherwise. Sure no problem...

Posted: 2004-06-07 08:54pm
by Shrykull
The Yosemite Bear wrote:Actually the infinate number of wishes are only for granting desires of others who he's tempting

So you want godlike guitar skills, fame, and the abili8ty to make women fall in love with you? ok Mr. Johnson here you go.

What mr. Faust, you want immortality, youth, and the abi8lity to score with any woman you want, until you say otherwise. Sure no problem...
you read the dragon mag article? someone told me he could use them for anything, it's a new one on me too, as far I heard the devil was only a tempter, that he could commit and evil acts of his own.

Posted: 2004-06-07 08:55pm
by Shrykull
oops sorry bout that, it was supposed to be a PM!

Posted: 2004-06-07 11:25pm
by Solauren
Actually, Wizards has said that you can post Lucifier's stats from that article (I've seen it several times on the various offical mailing lists no less), since 'it was never published' is there view on it.

Explains why in Tome of Horrors, the original author for Lucifer wasn't credited