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Who's Plaing AVP?

Posted: 2004-04-21 08:03pm
by Techno_Union
Who here is an AVP fan? If you play it, are you in a clan.

I have started to get back into it, its pretty awesome. I was recently in the |RES|istance clan. But a big diagreement with the leader made me rethink me being in the clan.

Posted: 2004-04-21 08:36pm
by Captain tycho
I was a big player of AVP2, but sadly, my CD-drive broke and now im stuck playing the mutliplayer demo. :?

Posted: 2004-04-21 09:30pm
by Laird
*Raises hand* I sometimes play with "Anti-Clan" aka xXx.

Posted: 2004-04-21 10:57pm
by Chardok
I play AvP 2 on GS. BUT. I am VEHEMETLY anti Clan. I hate clanners. Elitist fucking asslickers. Gotta let everyone know they are {AoD}Sn1pz0R
or {DoL} or [PiSS] or whatever. I'm going to make a fucking clan called [FuCKYu] and everyone will start with the rank of ass sucker. like this:

Ass Sucker
Ass Sucker first class
Ass Sucker Supremeo
Grand Ass Sucker
Colon Personified

Then Me.

So, for instance, let's say 1Gntdck (That's gnat dick) wants in [FuCKYu] he would be [FuCKYu]AS1gntDck

Posted: 2004-04-22 12:02am
by Vohu Manah
I think my copy is collecting dust somewhere.... 8)

And I don't join clans for any game I play, I have never seen the concept work in game to make the idea worthwhile.

Posted: 2004-04-22 02:29am
by Gandalf
I used to be AVP2 24/7. I was part of the Red Fox Warrior clan.

I was their longest serving enlisted guy.

Posted: 2004-04-22 02:40am
by EmperorMing
I play; single player only.

Why go online with all the jerks.

Posted: 2004-04-22 02:46am
by Captain tycho
EmperorMing wrote:I play; single player only.

Why go online with all the jerks.
Tell me about; anytime I play as a pred and use the plasma caster I get about 2 morons going 'PLASMA PUSSY!' every half second. :roll:

Posted: 2004-04-22 05:05am
by 2000AD
I used to play it ages ago when MPLayer was around, but then Gamespy took over Mplayer and i stopped.

Posted: 2004-04-22 04:21pm
by Techno_Union
Captain tycho wrote:
EmperorMing wrote:I play; single player only.

Why go online with all the jerks.
Tell me about; anytime I play as a pred and use the plasma caster I get about 2 morons going 'PLASMA PUSSY!' every half second. :roll:
Same here, whenever I played as a Grenade MArine last night, the leader of my clan started calling it a newb weapon and that I should not use it because it makes our clan look like a bunch of newbs. I replied with something like,
What the fuck is your problem? Am I right or wrong in thinking that we actually have a choice of who we want to be in AVP matches? If I want to be a grenade guy then I will. I dont care if you think its a newb weapon, I like it. So get over it.
Then he said, you have a choice yes but i also look and what other clans think as well. you go in as a grenade launcher marine they are gonna come to me and tell me you suck and your a noob. the past and current leadership has worked really hard and making this clan have a good rep. and i dont want it ruined
And I said,
Look I like RES, I think its a great clan, but whats the point of being in one if you can't still use the weapons you like. I would be willing to play anyone as a normal marine, like usual, but yesterday I chose to do something different.

Posted: 2004-04-22 05:14pm
by Coaan

Marine weapons lame?

Just look at all the pounce-whoring that's lame

Posted: 2004-04-22 05:55pm
by Chardok
My favorite taunt is the ever-popular "GODDAMN SG LAMERZ!!!" As the SG is one of the few weapons to counter pounce whores (Such as myself :twisted: )

One day, I will figure out how to effectively counter the SG dudes...other than wallwalk-headbits from 6 feet over their heads.

Posted: 2004-04-22 07:17pm
by Captain tycho
I find pulse rifle grenades work wonders against poucing aliens, even if it means commiting suicide. :wink:

Posted: 2004-04-22 07:18pm
by Laird
Captain tycho wrote:
EmperorMing wrote:I play; single player only.

Why go online with all the jerks.
Tell me about; anytime I play as a pred and use the plasma caster I get about 2 morons going 'PLASMA PUSSY!' every half second. :roll:
Do you use it how it was ment to be used? aka a rifle and not a plasma spam machine gun? it it is the latter I agree with them.

If you choose to use the PC as a rifle like it is ment to be...then kudos.:)

As for lamers, I was playing on server the other night with "Class weapons on", anyways I was harrison and had just spawned and two aliens decided to try and gang bang me.(They were disposed of easily enough with my noob cannon SG).
When the ammo ran out a gimpy predator comes waltzing in and starts swinging madly with his combi stick, course being the mexican jumping marine I am..he keeps missing. I whip out the SG and start blasting him.

He screams "Fucking SG noob!" apperently using the Shotgun is lame...I asked after "What do you want me to do? Own you with a knife? I've done it to better preds then you."

Posted: 2004-04-23 08:27am
by Chardok
shotgun? Or Smartgun?

Posted: 2004-04-23 02:45pm
by Laird
Chardok wrote:shotgun? Or Smartgun?
He was referring to me using the Shotgun, I had mowed down the previous aliens with the smartgun and plowed about 20 remaining rounds into the pred that stumbled in to try and finish me off.(might of done what 20% damage?) so I switched to my Shotgun and finished him apperently I'm a "SG Noob!" since I killed him with a shotgun?

Posted: 2004-04-24 04:00am
by Sarevok
I have heard of AVP and seen it in stores but never tried it.

Posted: 2004-04-24 04:18am
by Gandalf
Is it worth going online nowadays if you're puttering along on 56k.

I remember there were always a few games labelled "No 56k'ers."

Posted: 2004-04-24 04:55am
by EmperorMing
Captain tycho wrote:
EmperorMing wrote:I play; single player only.

Why go online with all the jerks.
Tell me about; anytime I play as a pred and use the plasma caster I get about 2 morons going 'PLASMA PUSSY!' every half second. :roll:
What I have seen is the runner alien being very popular; the damn thing moves and pounces fast.

Posted: 2004-04-24 01:14pm
by Laird
Gandalf wrote:Is it worth going online nowadays if you're puttering along on 56k.

I remember there were always a few games labelled "No 56k'ers."
It depends, are you the type of guy who likes to be killed and then run off and have your computer catch up with your death?

The net code is so craptacular...your lucky if you sometimes don't lag on broadband. :roll:

Posted: 2004-04-24 02:07pm
by Uraniun235
Fuck, I've seen heavy lag on LAN games.

Posted: 2004-04-25 05:49am
by Dargos
I used to play alot of AvP2
was in a group called (ALPHA)

my name was..

maybe I'll reload the damn thing and start playing again. Is it still alive? Alot of servers out there still?