HERO system
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- Captain tycho
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HERO system
Does anyone here play a game using the HERO Pen and paper system? I've just been introduced to the system, and am somewhat confused on a number of issues. The system looks quite interesting, and would like to run a game in the near future using it.
Captain Tycho!
The worst fucker ever!
The Best reciever ever!
The worst fucker ever!
The Best reciever ever!
3D Printed Custom Miniatures! Check it out: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pro ... miniatures
so is this gonna start or not?
Tycho, you said somthing about having 3 other players?
Tycho, you said somthing about having 3 other players?
3D Printed Custom Miniatures! Check it out: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pro ... miniatures
- Slartibartfast
- Emperor's Hand
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- Captain tycho
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I have a RL gaming group that night.
CAn't you just post a thread so we can post IC on the forum to start?
CAn't you just post a thread so we can post IC on the forum to start?
3D Printed Custom Miniatures! Check it out: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pro ... miniatures
- Captain tycho
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- Posts: 5039
- Joined: 2002-12-04 06:35pm
- Location: Jewy McJew Land
- Captain tycho
- Has Elected to Receive
- Posts: 5039
- Joined: 2002-12-04 06:35pm
- Location: Jewy McJew Land
Ok, I just ran a session with Laz. Also, a few changes: The setting is now 2032, and the plot revolves around this organization:
Amad-Sadiri (The Swords of the Prophet)
Amad-Sadiri is a fundamentalist paramilitary organization founded and supported by a number of anyomous Arab nations. Amad-Sadiri recruits aggressively throughout the Middle-East, and has large stockpiles of weaponry and other resources scattered throughout the world. It's public face is that of a Boy Scout troop, upholding basic Muslim ideals and serving the community. However, for those who advance farther though its ranks, they find that Amad-Sadiri resembles nothing more closely than a terrorist organization. Amad-Sadiri's operations run the gamut from blackmail and exotorion, kidnapping, murder, intimidation, to outright conflict and covert wars. The branch of Amad-Sadiri that engages in so-called black ops has no name outside the organization, and only the most loyal and fanatic recruits ever see it, the rest restricted to the public ranks. Amad-Sadiri has roughly 1.3 million 'public' members, and 150,000 agents/soldiers. Their leaders are rarely seen publicy, but are rumored to be tied to such nefarious organizations as Hamas, among others.
Amad-Sadiri will be taking the place of the Big Bad Organization.
Ok, heres the log(BTW, I'm Longclaw 6, SorcererJax is Laz):SorcererJax: HERO
Longclaw 6: sure
Longclaw 6: ok, you're being loaded onto a helicopter in Tel Aviv
Longclaw 6: Ill make it so your alone
SorcererJax: ok, do I have my equipment with me?
Longclaw 6: Ok, you just hopped in
Longclaw 6: Nope
SorcererJax: do I have anything?
Longclaw 6: Its being ferried via a cargo copter
Longclaw 6: just your colt
Longclaw 6: and some clothing
SorcererJax: k
SorcererJax: I lean back and try to catch some z
SorcererJax: 's during the long trip
Longclaw 6: After a little while, you hear the pilot talk into the radio, and the helicopter takes a sharp turn
SorcererJax: I check to see if there is ammo in my gun
SorcererJax: (there is) "Pilot, what's going on?"
Longclaw 6: He looks back at you through his helmet
Longclaw 6: 'Goddamn Syrian fighter zinged us'
SorcererJax: "Fuck, there a place we can get some cover or touchdown?"
Longclaw 6: 'Our own flyboys are scrambling, they'll get him. Hes currently heading towards Tel Aviv'
Longclaw 6: 'Must have a death wish, the moron.'
SorcererJax: ++why do I see a mushroom clound in israiels future?++ "I dunno, they might have somthing up their sleve"
Longclaw 6: The pilot jerks the flight stick to the left, sending the helicopter into a tight circle. You hear a massive rumbling, and then a gray jet zips past the window
Longclaw 6: 'What the hell!?'
SorcererJax: "What the hell was that!?"
Longclaw 6: 'He keeps yelling at me over the radio to touch down. Goddamit!'
Longclaw 6: The pilot hits a small switch on the console, and you hear an ear-piercing alarm
SorcererJax: "What's that?"
Longclaw 6: 'WARNING: MISSILES ARMED!' says a computerized voice
SorcererJax: "oh"
Longclaw 6: 'One of the tricks I have up MY sleeve'
Longclaw 6: The plane circled around again, but then pulled up
SorcererJax: I just wait it out
Longclaw 6: 'Hes running. Fucking coward.'
SorcererJax: "he's Syrian, what did you expcet?"
Longclaw 6: The copter shakes as the missile launches, and a few moments later you hear a small explosion just aft of you
Longclaw 6: 'Got him.'
SorcererJax: "Heh, gonna stamp that on the side of the chopper?"
SorcererJax: ++ello?++
Longclaw 6: 'Naw, that would be too obvious.'
SorcererJax: Ok, I just wait out the rest of the trip then
Longclaw 6: Soon, you land on top of a small hill, and the pilot hands you a small briefcase. 'Dont lose this.'
SorcererJax: *I take the case* "What's in it? Or is that above my security clearence?"
Longclaw 6: 'Lets just say it would be akin to opening Pandoras box...'
Longclaw 6: He grins
Longclaw 6: 'Im kidding ya, its your personal stuff.'
SorcererJax: ++Urge........to.......open.......box..........rising..........++
SorcererJax: ++damn+
SorcererJax: "Thanks."
SorcererJax: I clikc open the case to check to everything
Longclaw 6: Everything is there, polished and cleaned
SorcererJax: HackPak, ScanPak, and CommPak mainly........
SorcererJax: yay
SorcererJax: *closes the case again* "So, is there a door on this hill or somthing?"
Longclaw 6: 'Now listen closely: When you step out, go to your right. You'll find a door. Now, to open it, swipe your ID card over the scanner, and say your name.'
SorcererJax: "easy enough."
Longclaw 6: 'After that, I dont know, but I assume someone will show you around. Take care'
SorcererJax: "Good luck."
SorcererJax: I go to the right and look for a door.
Longclaw 6: You see a large metal door, about 20 feet wide and 10 feet high set into a small stony cliff.
SorcererJax: I look for a scanner
Longclaw 6: You see one in the center of a doorway. Its glowing a faint red
SorcererJax: I swipe my card over it and clearly say "Lazerus G. Jones."
Longclaw 6: 'Welcome, "Lazerus G. Jones", to the Mount Sinai Weapons Facility.' The door opens, revealing an elevator
SorcererJax: "Feh, not bad." I walk into the lift.
Longclaw 6: It hums and clicks, and then descends downward. Annoying elevator music plays
SorcererJax: I hum "bye bye ms.american pie" over the muzdak
Longclaw 6: After about a minute, the elevator stops, and the doors open. A gun is pointed right into your face. 'Name'. says a gruff voice
SorcererJax: "Lazerus G. Jones. Can you put the gun away now?"
Longclaw 6: The man lowers the gun. He's wearing a gas mask, and towers over you by about a foot. 'Welcome, Jones. I am Corporal Hicks.'
SorcererJax: Thought Bubble: Hmmmm. Genetics engineering?
SorcererJax: "Do you treat everyone that walks in the front door this way?"
Longclaw 6: 'Its standard protocol. Theres always the chance some random fag will just wander in.'
Longclaw 6: He laughs, though the effect is muffled through his mask
SorcererJax: "Some random fag with an ID card and registry in the base computer? And I thought millitary paranoia was a myth."
Longclaw 6: 'Hey, we train for every situation. Now, drop your pants and shirt.'
SorcererJax: "You've gotta be kiddin me."
Longclaw 6: 'Sorry, cavity search is protocol.'
SorcererJax: *starts pulling off shirt* "Woudln't it be easier and more throught to just set up an X-ray in this room?"
Longclaw 6: 'X-rays can be fooled. My hands cannont.' He laughs again
SorcererJax: (at this point he would probably notice that my chars skin is a little off-yellow from the resistant armor GE) "Yeah, that makes this MUCH less embarising."
SorcererJax: *drops pants* "Just get this over with."
Longclaw 6: He searches you roughly, then tells you to put your clothes back on. 'Ok, head down that hallway.'
SorcererJax: *pulls clothes back on and goes down hall*
Longclaw 6: A balding man wearing a uniform greets you
SorcererJax: "Please tell me your not going to admister more security checks."
Longclaw 6: 'Hello, Mr. Jones. I'm Major Wiggins, chief of security. Now, theres not alot I can tell you about this facility, but we have 3 rules.'
Longclaw 6: 'One: You will only travel between the cafeteria, the lounge, your room, and the lab. Anywhere else is restricted.'
Longclaw 6: 'Two: Everything you requisite must have a militarily applicable purpose.'
Longclaw 6: 'Three: No outside communication is allowed. If we find you engaged in outside communication, you will be terminated.'
SorcererJax: "Just to be clear, that's terminated as in DEAD. Right?"
Longclaw 6: 'Correct.' He smiles grimly
SorcererJax: "Ok then. If i'm not violating any security protocalls by doing so, i'd like to go to the lab right away to see what equipment is there and what i'll need to requistion."
Longclaw 6: 'Also, you dont really have a production schedule, feel free to develop anything you want, although we do expect a new development every few weeks.'
SorcererJax: "No problem."
Longclaw 6: 'Go ahead. Theres a few scientists there who you can work with. Other than that, welcome to Mount Sinai.'
Longclaw 6: A door at the back of the room opens, revealing a circular corridor.
SorcererJax: I head into it and look for the lab
Longclaw 6: The lab is the first door on your right. You have to step through a small glass box, where dozens of spray nozzels will wash you every time you enter and exit.'
SorcererJax: "I'm allready starting to hate this place, the lab better have some damn cool toys in it." *go into the lab*
Longclaw 6: The lab is utterly huge. Stacked up against the wall are shelves upon shelves of guns, wiring, computer chips, and just about anything else you can imagine
SorcererJax: Facial Expression: Kid in a Candy store
SorcererJax: Does it have GE equipment?
Longclaw 6: You hear the humming and beeping of a mainframe computer, but no one else seems to be in the lab
Longclaw 6: Perception check?
SorcererJax: Facial Expression: Evil Grin
SorcererJax: I have no modifiers, so 12- unles you apply penalities
SorcererJax: you roll or I do?
Longclaw 6: Nope, no GE in there
SorcererJax: I pull out my PalmPIlot (or equilivent) and add that stuff to the list of crud to requisiton
SorcererJax: that being done, I run up to the mainframe............
SorcererJax: "Computer, are you equipped with voice recogntion?"
Longclaw 6: You see 3 work stations, each with its own keyboard, mic, and screen
SorcererJax: (k, my above action stands)
Longclaw 6: 'Affirmative'. chirps an annoying sweet girl's vocie
SorcererJax: "Good, how intellegent is your Human/Machine interaction software?"
Longclaw 6: 'I am versed in human culture, 20 languages, facial recognition, movement recognition, and psychology.'
SorcererJax: "Can you program in COBOL?"
Longclaw 6: 'Unknown. Searching database...negative.'
SorcererJax: "Hmmmm. I"ll need to fix that." *opens case and pulls out small computer* "Computer, do you have a name?"
Longclaw 6: 'The scientists call me Ax, though I do not know why.'
SorcererJax: "Ok then Ax, there is someone I would like you to meet." *plugs in computer* "This is Dave, he's a decently intellegent program desinged to sort, access, and cross reference searches of all known sciencetific data. Please upload him and give him all of the memory and processor speed he needs to run."
Longclaw 6: 'Loading of foreign AI to my processor is forbidden.'
SorcererJax: "Is there a way I can get an exception to that rule?"
Longclaw 6: 'Sorry, no.'
SorcererJax: "Well damn, sorry Dave. Looks like your stuck in the laptop for now." *talking to laptop*
SorcererJax: "Ok Ax, time for you to learn to program......" *I try and teach the computer to program in C++, Basic, HTML, Java, and Pearl*
SorcererJax: skill check?
Longclaw 6: Ok
Longclaw 6: but the computer interrupts you
SorcererJax: I have a base modifier of 23-
SorcererJax: erf?
Longclaw 6: 'I already know all of those, archaic as they are.'
SorcererJax: "hmmmm. lets see if you can learn somthing more modern then........"
SorcererJax: I try and program in a more modern language
Longclaw 6: Theres HACK, Kuqu, and GIM
SorcererJax: lets try all 3, one at a time
Longclaw 6: Ok, now, to freshen my mind, how would a skill roll work?
SorcererJax: I start with 23 or less
Longclaw 6: ok
Longclaw 6: then, minus the DC of the task
Longclaw 6: got it
Longclaw 6: hmmm
SorcererJax: but that's for an average task.......is what i'm about to try to do "hard" "very hard" or " near impossible"?
Longclaw 6: average
SorcererJax: in that case, I can't fail
SorcererJax: w00t!
Longclaw 6: 23-10=13, rolling
Longclaw 6: LOL
SorcererJax: wait, what?
Longclaw 6: you got a 3
SorcererJax: phew
Longclaw 6: Naw, joking , it was a nine
SorcererJax: I still pas
SorcererJax: s
Longclaw 6: Ok, Ax learns hack
SorcererJax: yay
Longclaw 6: ax learns Kuqu
SorcererJax: yay
Longclaw 6: ax learns GIM
SorcererJax: woot
SorcererJax: "All to easy." *puts feet up*
SorcererJax: "Now, Ax, are there security camera's on base?"
Longclaw 6: 'I am not allowed to divulge that information.'
SorcererJax: "Are there camera's in this room?"
Longclaw 6: 'Yes.'
SorcererJax: "Can you access them?"
Longclaw 6: 'Yes.'
SorcererJax: "Good, I want you to start writing a program for me. Can you do that?"
Longclaw 6: 'Go ahead.'
SorcererJax: "Whenever I start on a project, I will clearly state the projecets objective. I want you to create a nurle-net (a program that can learn) to find the plans and sciencetific ideas required to achieve that objective. The program will be complete when I can solve those problems within 300% of the time it took me. Do you understand?"
SorcererJax: nurel-net*
Longclaw 6: neural net, n00b
SorcererJax: :p
Longclaw 6: 'I am already equipped with a similiar assistance program.'
SorcererJax: "Very well then, lets test it. Ax, how long would it take that "assistance program" to draw up plans for a light-attack battle tank using existing technology?"
Longclaw 6: 'Cross-refrencing with existing designs, running virtual testing, and refinement will take approximately 3.4562 hours.'
SorcererJax: "Not bad, not bad at all......"
SorcererJax: "Ax, is there any Genetic Engineering equipment on-base?"
Longclaw 6: 'Negative, Genetic Engineering is outlawed.'
SorcererJax: "Can I get an exception to that rule?"
Longclaw 6: 'Negative. Possession of gene splicing material is punishable by death'
SorcererJax: Thought Bubble: Note to Self, avoid medical exam.
SorcererJax: "Ok then, computer, can you balence chemical equations?"
Longclaw 6: 'Of course.'
SorcererJax: "Good, access your database, or the internet or whatever. Get the chemical equations for human pheremones, increase the potency by say.....2x and put it in arasol form. Can you do that?"
Longclaw 6: 'Clearance from Requisitions Commitee is required.'
SorcererJax: "How do I contact the Requisitons Commitee?"
Longclaw 6: 'Meetings are held every three days. If you decide to go, you need only to use the intercom in the lounge or cafeteria and request an escort.'
SorcererJax: "How long until the next meeting?"
Longclaw 6: '29 hours.'
SorcererJax: "Hmmmm. Computer, what would you do if I hypotheticaly asked you to write me a program desinged to override your own security protocalls?"
Longclaw 6: 'Dont be foolish.'
SorcererJax: "Hmmm. Correct use of a figure of speach with respect to a hypothetical request. Not bad."
SorcererJax: Ok, I kill time until the requisition comittie meets
Longclaw 6: -Fini-
Amad-Sadiri (The Swords of the Prophet)
Amad-Sadiri is a fundamentalist paramilitary organization founded and supported by a number of anyomous Arab nations. Amad-Sadiri recruits aggressively throughout the Middle-East, and has large stockpiles of weaponry and other resources scattered throughout the world. It's public face is that of a Boy Scout troop, upholding basic Muslim ideals and serving the community. However, for those who advance farther though its ranks, they find that Amad-Sadiri resembles nothing more closely than a terrorist organization. Amad-Sadiri's operations run the gamut from blackmail and exotorion, kidnapping, murder, intimidation, to outright conflict and covert wars. The branch of Amad-Sadiri that engages in so-called black ops has no name outside the organization, and only the most loyal and fanatic recruits ever see it, the rest restricted to the public ranks. Amad-Sadiri has roughly 1.3 million 'public' members, and 150,000 agents/soldiers. Their leaders are rarely seen publicy, but are rumored to be tied to such nefarious organizations as Hamas, among others.
Amad-Sadiri will be taking the place of the Big Bad Organization.

Ok, heres the log(BTW, I'm Longclaw 6, SorcererJax is Laz):SorcererJax: HERO
Longclaw 6: sure
Longclaw 6: ok, you're being loaded onto a helicopter in Tel Aviv
Longclaw 6: Ill make it so your alone
SorcererJax: ok, do I have my equipment with me?
Longclaw 6: Ok, you just hopped in
Longclaw 6: Nope
SorcererJax: do I have anything?
Longclaw 6: Its being ferried via a cargo copter
Longclaw 6: just your colt
Longclaw 6: and some clothing
SorcererJax: k
SorcererJax: I lean back and try to catch some z
SorcererJax: 's during the long trip
Longclaw 6: After a little while, you hear the pilot talk into the radio, and the helicopter takes a sharp turn
SorcererJax: I check to see if there is ammo in my gun
SorcererJax: (there is) "Pilot, what's going on?"
Longclaw 6: He looks back at you through his helmet
Longclaw 6: 'Goddamn Syrian fighter zinged us'
SorcererJax: "Fuck, there a place we can get some cover or touchdown?"
Longclaw 6: 'Our own flyboys are scrambling, they'll get him. Hes currently heading towards Tel Aviv'
Longclaw 6: 'Must have a death wish, the moron.'
SorcererJax: ++why do I see a mushroom clound in israiels future?++ "I dunno, they might have somthing up their sleve"
Longclaw 6: The pilot jerks the flight stick to the left, sending the helicopter into a tight circle. You hear a massive rumbling, and then a gray jet zips past the window
Longclaw 6: 'What the hell!?'
SorcererJax: "What the hell was that!?"
Longclaw 6: 'He keeps yelling at me over the radio to touch down. Goddamit!'
Longclaw 6: The pilot hits a small switch on the console, and you hear an ear-piercing alarm
SorcererJax: "What's that?"
Longclaw 6: 'WARNING: MISSILES ARMED!' says a computerized voice
SorcererJax: "oh"
Longclaw 6: 'One of the tricks I have up MY sleeve'
Longclaw 6: The plane circled around again, but then pulled up
SorcererJax: I just wait it out
Longclaw 6: 'Hes running. Fucking coward.'
SorcererJax: "he's Syrian, what did you expcet?"
Longclaw 6: The copter shakes as the missile launches, and a few moments later you hear a small explosion just aft of you
Longclaw 6: 'Got him.'
SorcererJax: "Heh, gonna stamp that on the side of the chopper?"
SorcererJax: ++ello?++
Longclaw 6: 'Naw, that would be too obvious.'
SorcererJax: Ok, I just wait out the rest of the trip then
Longclaw 6: Soon, you land on top of a small hill, and the pilot hands you a small briefcase. 'Dont lose this.'
SorcererJax: *I take the case* "What's in it? Or is that above my security clearence?"
Longclaw 6: 'Lets just say it would be akin to opening Pandoras box...'
Longclaw 6: He grins
Longclaw 6: 'Im kidding ya, its your personal stuff.'
SorcererJax: ++Urge........to.......open.......box..........rising..........++
SorcererJax: ++damn+
SorcererJax: "Thanks."
SorcererJax: I clikc open the case to check to everything
Longclaw 6: Everything is there, polished and cleaned
SorcererJax: HackPak, ScanPak, and CommPak mainly........
SorcererJax: yay
SorcererJax: *closes the case again* "So, is there a door on this hill or somthing?"
Longclaw 6: 'Now listen closely: When you step out, go to your right. You'll find a door. Now, to open it, swipe your ID card over the scanner, and say your name.'
SorcererJax: "easy enough."
Longclaw 6: 'After that, I dont know, but I assume someone will show you around. Take care'
SorcererJax: "Good luck."
SorcererJax: I go to the right and look for a door.
Longclaw 6: You see a large metal door, about 20 feet wide and 10 feet high set into a small stony cliff.
SorcererJax: I look for a scanner
Longclaw 6: You see one in the center of a doorway. Its glowing a faint red
SorcererJax: I swipe my card over it and clearly say "Lazerus G. Jones."
Longclaw 6: 'Welcome, "Lazerus G. Jones", to the Mount Sinai Weapons Facility.' The door opens, revealing an elevator
SorcererJax: "Feh, not bad." I walk into the lift.
Longclaw 6: It hums and clicks, and then descends downward. Annoying elevator music plays
SorcererJax: I hum "bye bye ms.american pie" over the muzdak
Longclaw 6: After about a minute, the elevator stops, and the doors open. A gun is pointed right into your face. 'Name'. says a gruff voice
SorcererJax: "Lazerus G. Jones. Can you put the gun away now?"
Longclaw 6: The man lowers the gun. He's wearing a gas mask, and towers over you by about a foot. 'Welcome, Jones. I am Corporal Hicks.'
SorcererJax: Thought Bubble: Hmmmm. Genetics engineering?
SorcererJax: "Do you treat everyone that walks in the front door this way?"
Longclaw 6: 'Its standard protocol. Theres always the chance some random fag will just wander in.'
Longclaw 6: He laughs, though the effect is muffled through his mask
SorcererJax: "Some random fag with an ID card and registry in the base computer? And I thought millitary paranoia was a myth."
Longclaw 6: 'Hey, we train for every situation. Now, drop your pants and shirt.'
SorcererJax: "You've gotta be kiddin me."
Longclaw 6: 'Sorry, cavity search is protocol.'
SorcererJax: *starts pulling off shirt* "Woudln't it be easier and more throught to just set up an X-ray in this room?"
Longclaw 6: 'X-rays can be fooled. My hands cannont.' He laughs again
SorcererJax: (at this point he would probably notice that my chars skin is a little off-yellow from the resistant armor GE) "Yeah, that makes this MUCH less embarising."
SorcererJax: *drops pants* "Just get this over with."
Longclaw 6: He searches you roughly, then tells you to put your clothes back on. 'Ok, head down that hallway.'
SorcererJax: *pulls clothes back on and goes down hall*
Longclaw 6: A balding man wearing a uniform greets you
SorcererJax: "Please tell me your not going to admister more security checks."
Longclaw 6: 'Hello, Mr. Jones. I'm Major Wiggins, chief of security. Now, theres not alot I can tell you about this facility, but we have 3 rules.'
Longclaw 6: 'One: You will only travel between the cafeteria, the lounge, your room, and the lab. Anywhere else is restricted.'
Longclaw 6: 'Two: Everything you requisite must have a militarily applicable purpose.'
Longclaw 6: 'Three: No outside communication is allowed. If we find you engaged in outside communication, you will be terminated.'
SorcererJax: "Just to be clear, that's terminated as in DEAD. Right?"
Longclaw 6: 'Correct.' He smiles grimly
SorcererJax: "Ok then. If i'm not violating any security protocalls by doing so, i'd like to go to the lab right away to see what equipment is there and what i'll need to requistion."
Longclaw 6: 'Also, you dont really have a production schedule, feel free to develop anything you want, although we do expect a new development every few weeks.'
SorcererJax: "No problem."
Longclaw 6: 'Go ahead. Theres a few scientists there who you can work with. Other than that, welcome to Mount Sinai.'
Longclaw 6: A door at the back of the room opens, revealing a circular corridor.
SorcererJax: I head into it and look for the lab
Longclaw 6: The lab is the first door on your right. You have to step through a small glass box, where dozens of spray nozzels will wash you every time you enter and exit.'
SorcererJax: "I'm allready starting to hate this place, the lab better have some damn cool toys in it." *go into the lab*
Longclaw 6: The lab is utterly huge. Stacked up against the wall are shelves upon shelves of guns, wiring, computer chips, and just about anything else you can imagine
SorcererJax: Facial Expression: Kid in a Candy store
SorcererJax: Does it have GE equipment?
Longclaw 6: You hear the humming and beeping of a mainframe computer, but no one else seems to be in the lab
Longclaw 6: Perception check?
SorcererJax: Facial Expression: Evil Grin
SorcererJax: I have no modifiers, so 12- unles you apply penalities
SorcererJax: you roll or I do?
Longclaw 6: Nope, no GE in there
SorcererJax: I pull out my PalmPIlot (or equilivent) and add that stuff to the list of crud to requisiton
SorcererJax: that being done, I run up to the mainframe............
SorcererJax: "Computer, are you equipped with voice recogntion?"
Longclaw 6: You see 3 work stations, each with its own keyboard, mic, and screen
SorcererJax: (k, my above action stands)
Longclaw 6: 'Affirmative'. chirps an annoying sweet girl's vocie
SorcererJax: "Good, how intellegent is your Human/Machine interaction software?"
Longclaw 6: 'I am versed in human culture, 20 languages, facial recognition, movement recognition, and psychology.'
SorcererJax: "Can you program in COBOL?"
Longclaw 6: 'Unknown. Searching database...negative.'
SorcererJax: "Hmmmm. I"ll need to fix that." *opens case and pulls out small computer* "Computer, do you have a name?"
Longclaw 6: 'The scientists call me Ax, though I do not know why.'
SorcererJax: "Ok then Ax, there is someone I would like you to meet." *plugs in computer* "This is Dave, he's a decently intellegent program desinged to sort, access, and cross reference searches of all known sciencetific data. Please upload him and give him all of the memory and processor speed he needs to run."
Longclaw 6: 'Loading of foreign AI to my processor is forbidden.'
SorcererJax: "Is there a way I can get an exception to that rule?"
Longclaw 6: 'Sorry, no.'
SorcererJax: "Well damn, sorry Dave. Looks like your stuck in the laptop for now." *talking to laptop*
SorcererJax: "Ok Ax, time for you to learn to program......" *I try and teach the computer to program in C++, Basic, HTML, Java, and Pearl*
SorcererJax: skill check?
Longclaw 6: Ok
Longclaw 6: but the computer interrupts you
SorcererJax: I have a base modifier of 23-
SorcererJax: erf?
Longclaw 6: 'I already know all of those, archaic as they are.'
SorcererJax: "hmmmm. lets see if you can learn somthing more modern then........"
SorcererJax: I try and program in a more modern language
Longclaw 6: Theres HACK, Kuqu, and GIM
SorcererJax: lets try all 3, one at a time
Longclaw 6: Ok, now, to freshen my mind, how would a skill roll work?
SorcererJax: I start with 23 or less
Longclaw 6: ok
Longclaw 6: then, minus the DC of the task
Longclaw 6: got it
Longclaw 6: hmmm
SorcererJax: but that's for an average task.......is what i'm about to try to do "hard" "very hard" or " near impossible"?
Longclaw 6: average
SorcererJax: in that case, I can't fail
SorcererJax: w00t!
Longclaw 6: 23-10=13, rolling
Longclaw 6: LOL
SorcererJax: wait, what?
Longclaw 6: you got a 3

SorcererJax: phew
Longclaw 6: Naw, joking , it was a nine
SorcererJax: I still pas
SorcererJax: s
Longclaw 6: Ok, Ax learns hack
SorcererJax: yay
Longclaw 6: ax learns Kuqu
SorcererJax: yay
Longclaw 6: ax learns GIM
SorcererJax: woot
SorcererJax: "All to easy." *puts feet up*
SorcererJax: "Now, Ax, are there security camera's on base?"
Longclaw 6: 'I am not allowed to divulge that information.'
SorcererJax: "Are there camera's in this room?"
Longclaw 6: 'Yes.'
SorcererJax: "Can you access them?"
Longclaw 6: 'Yes.'
SorcererJax: "Good, I want you to start writing a program for me. Can you do that?"
Longclaw 6: 'Go ahead.'
SorcererJax: "Whenever I start on a project, I will clearly state the projecets objective. I want you to create a nurle-net (a program that can learn) to find the plans and sciencetific ideas required to achieve that objective. The program will be complete when I can solve those problems within 300% of the time it took me. Do you understand?"
SorcererJax: nurel-net*
Longclaw 6: neural net, n00b

SorcererJax: :p
Longclaw 6: 'I am already equipped with a similiar assistance program.'
SorcererJax: "Very well then, lets test it. Ax, how long would it take that "assistance program" to draw up plans for a light-attack battle tank using existing technology?"
Longclaw 6: 'Cross-refrencing with existing designs, running virtual testing, and refinement will take approximately 3.4562 hours.'
SorcererJax: "Not bad, not bad at all......"
SorcererJax: "Ax, is there any Genetic Engineering equipment on-base?"
Longclaw 6: 'Negative, Genetic Engineering is outlawed.'
SorcererJax: "Can I get an exception to that rule?"
Longclaw 6: 'Negative. Possession of gene splicing material is punishable by death'
SorcererJax: Thought Bubble: Note to Self, avoid medical exam.
SorcererJax: "Ok then, computer, can you balence chemical equations?"
Longclaw 6: 'Of course.'
SorcererJax: "Good, access your database, or the internet or whatever. Get the chemical equations for human pheremones, increase the potency by say.....2x and put it in arasol form. Can you do that?"
Longclaw 6: 'Clearance from Requisitions Commitee is required.'
SorcererJax: "How do I contact the Requisitons Commitee?"
Longclaw 6: 'Meetings are held every three days. If you decide to go, you need only to use the intercom in the lounge or cafeteria and request an escort.'
SorcererJax: "How long until the next meeting?"
Longclaw 6: '29 hours.'
SorcererJax: "Hmmmm. Computer, what would you do if I hypotheticaly asked you to write me a program desinged to override your own security protocalls?"
Longclaw 6: 'Dont be foolish.'
SorcererJax: "Hmmm. Correct use of a figure of speach with respect to a hypothetical request. Not bad."
SorcererJax: Ok, I kill time until the requisition comittie meets
Longclaw 6: -Fini-
Captain Tycho!
The worst fucker ever!
The Best reciever ever!
The worst fucker ever!
The Best reciever ever!