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Battle of Yavin Freeware!
Posted: 2004-04-26 10:44am
by Alan Bolte
It seems
Mr. Marcos has been
busy. Looks like you'll have to spend most of your time looking after your wingmen in this one. And no regenerating torpedoes, so you'll have to make do with lasers.
Posted: 2004-04-27 09:22am
by Rogue 9
Hmmmm. Wonder if he's going to do Hoth...
Posted: 2004-04-27 04:44pm
by Rogue 9
DAMN it! You can't evade Vader's TIE.

Posted: 2004-04-27 09:04pm
by InnocentBystander
The readme says to do what luke did in the movie when obi wan says "use the force"
In endor if you kill a tie by crashing into it BEFORE you fire you get the 100lives cheat.
This one I'm not sure, I tried turning off the radar, using secondary fire, I haven't tried crashing into the wall of course. . .
Any get past vader?
Posted: 2004-04-28 11:36am
by Smiling Bandit
What irritates me is that I keep trying to go over the Star Destroyers and keep getting forced down into one of them.
Posted: 2004-04-28 11:43am
by Rogue 9

What? The one that show up while you're over the Death Star surface? Why the hell would you want to go over it? It launches all its TIEs and leaves anyway; no reason to go out of your way to get shot by turbolasers.
Posted: 2004-04-28 12:24pm
by wautd
im gonna try this game
i liked endor so i give it a chance
Posted: 2004-04-28 11:59pm
by Chris OFarrell
Rogue 9 wrote:DAMN it! You can't evade Vader's TIE.

I got blasted the first time. But I tried the old but effective trick of a constently (if rapidly) moving target in a constent motion. I.E. I circle around in a massive circle along the sides of the trench. If you make the loop fast enough and keep it constent, Vaders fire keeps falling behind you. Worked fine for me.
But yeah, I tried to just jink like normal the first time and got blown away in about 5 seconds.
Posted: 2004-04-29 12:06am
by Straha
Anyone else having trouble getting it to run?
Posted: 2004-04-29 12:08am
by Rogue 9
Posted: 2004-04-29 03:30am
by wautd
Tried it, like Endor it was fun
Easier than endor untill you start the trench run
crashed 2 times and got immediatly shot down by vader near the end
better luck next time
Posted: 2004-04-29 04:09am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Sarah didn't want to run it, so I deleted it.
Posted: 2004-04-29 04:57pm
by Alan Bolte
Chris OFarrell wrote:Rogue 9 wrote:DAMN it! You can't evade Vader's TIE.

I got blasted the first time. But I tried the old but effective trick of a constently (if rapidly) moving target in a constent motion. I.E. I circle around in a massive circle along the sides of the trench. If you make the loop fast enough and keep it constent, Vaders fire keeps falling behind you. Worked fine for me.
But yeah, I tried to just jink like normal the first time and got blown away in about 5 seconds.
Ha ha, yeah, thanks. Finally beat it. That trick's pretty awful, but at least is isn't like XWA, where the flight model was so slow and cumbersome compared to the targetting ability of the capships that they had to specially program the turrets not to shoot at you.