Vympel wrote:- Set five years after KOTOR (contrary to original reports that it'd be centuries later)
Really? I heard first (in the other thread, not this one) that it would be 5 years after.
- Ebon Hawk is still your primary mode of transportation
A ship is a ship is a ship... it really doesn't matter to me.
However, we do know the Jedi have a starfighter - albeit several thousand years into the "future" - so if they put that element there I would be welcome to it. A mini-dogfighting game. It doesn't have to be mind-boggling. But if they go through the effort of putting a gunner mini-game, then they can surely make the shorter leap and put in a dogfighter mini-game.
- T3-M4 is still around (screenshot)
Yeah. Here's hoping he actually says something this time.
Actually, I'm hoping that he becomes a "artoo" type character, assuming there will be a KotOR 3 and 4 etc. He (it) always manages to survive and find new masters, like Artoo. He doesn't need to talk actually - but I hope hope HOPE the writers will do something with him, like he's carrying a secret file on the Sith. And think about how or why he would be carrying that for a second... (it's to do with the ending of KOTOR 1, which I suspect the evil ending will be the official one, though it doesn't really matter)
- Other familiar faces will be there (please God, no fucking Carth Onasi, just Canderous please)
I think you're prayers will go unanswered. Carth I'm sure will be back. But as what, that's the question...
I want to see Bastila again.
- Your character was/is a Jedi whose 'gone astray' or 'out of touch' and lost their proficiency with the force
Interesting angle, though sounds similar to the Revan idea with the exception that at the start of KOTOR 1 you don't have any Jedi classes.(I wonder if that's true here?)
Anyone know anything else?
I don't know for sure, but I'm hoping this time the viewpoint character will be female. Although we probably won't get it.
Some things I want to know:
* which ending was official? They each have different implications: if the "evil" ending is official then Revan will be the one behind it all, and he will be insanely powerful; while Bastila (assuming she wasn't killed) may be the one who get's "redeemed". If the "good" ending is official then Revan may have been killed, or his death may be the whole cause of it all, and Bastila may be the villain. God I hate this speculation stuff. It's getting confusing.
* Where are all the characters? Obviously I can wait and play, but some ideas that I hope will bear fruit: HK47 gunning for your arse. Having a highly accomplished assassin droid after you is SCARY. The writers can't pass this one up. Carth being humiliated, just because. Canderous being a rebel General a la Han Solo in Endor - c'mon, you know this makes sense. T3 having more to do with the story to the point of being integral, similar to Artoo in ANH. Bastila either being the leader of the Sith or the Jedi. She deserves it. Zalbaar, like T3, having more to do with the story. I would like it if Revan was terminated at the end of KOTOR 1, or becoming "one with the force" or some shit - just because by the end of KOTOR 1 he's too powerful to either be a villain or hero.
* Having a twist the likes of KOTOR 1 would be no mean feat. But I hope they try for something different.
* I mentioned this in the other thread, but who cares - I want the gameplay to follow a more "we don't the situation, so we're sending you out to investigate" scenario rather than "THE SITH ARE KILLING US ALL" thing. I don't know how to phrase that better. I'd much rather have a "phantom menace" feel than a "new hope" feel, just to do something different.
On the other hand, it looks like the writers are going for the "empire strikes back" feel. In which case my above point is just a load of gibberish.
*I'm jumping up and down in anticipation for this thing.*