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Jane's USAF Problem

Posted: 2004-05-10 10:08pm
by RogueIce
Yep, an old school game. :)

Anyway, running it on WinXP, it goes fine so far as I can tell. Expect for one slight problem: none of the drop down menus work! This means I can't change my pilots, now can I change the settings in the Quick Mission creator! :evil:

ANyone know why this might be? I went and got the v1.02 update, but it was still doing this on 1.01 as well.

Posted: 2004-05-20 12:56pm
by Rogue 9
Sorry if this is necromancy, but nobody helped him, so...

I run USAF on WinXP as well. It might be a problem with the graphics settings somehow; I've had it do weird shit like that sometimes. All I can say is that it works fine for me. I'll go over my settings and see what I can find out when I get home from work and report when I get on second shift tonight (assuming that the thread's still open). If I can duplicate your error and then put it back right again I'll tell you what I did.