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Alpha Testers Needed
Posted: 2004-05-11 07:20pm
by lazerus
After several hours of intensive "work" (goofing off) me and tycho has goteen the
Offical RPG into somthing that actually has form. It's a 3d6 based RPG set in a world that contains both magic and tech (we couldn't decide between the two, we may hack one of them off later). Highly flexible charachter devlopment system.
We are looking for 4 or more people to alpha test the system.
Comon, all you have to do is play a few rounds of a game, fire off some e-mails, and you get your forum-ID in the credits.
Posted: 2004-05-11 07:30pm
by Straha
Sure, why not?
Posted: 2004-05-11 11:26pm
by Exonerate
Eh, I've actually never did D&D before, but now seems like a good time to start
Posted: 2004-05-11 11:28pm
by Sarevok
*Raises hand*.
Posted: 2004-05-12 08:33am
by lazerus
Yay, just need 1 more now.
I'm not at my home comp right now, so I'll PM all of you the rules you need-to-know in a few hours.
Posted: 2004-05-12 12:09pm
by A Big Flying Fish
RPG? Who am I to turn it down.
Posted: 2004-05-12 01:07pm
by lazerus
Ok, i'm going to be posting it instead, easier that way. Please don't mind the fact that it's posted in segments, i'm trying to filter out all of our ideas from my very disorganized notes, tycho's notes, and the chat log, plus it's easer to read this way.
Charachter Creation is done using a POINT BUY SYSTEM (yay), points are used to buy: Stats, Feats, Traits, Skills, and Background Traits. These, collectivly, are what define your charachter, along with your Race,
I'll be discussing each of these individually.
Posted: 2004-05-12 01:28pm
by lazerus
Every critter in this game has 9 stats, they all start at 10 (before racial modifier) and can never go above 18 (before racial modifiers). They each cost so many charachter points to advanced, and can be lowered at start-of-game to give yourself extra points but you MAY NOT drop any stat below 8 (before modifiers).
10 Strength (STR) 2
10 Dexterity (DEX) 4
10 Constitution (CON) 4
10 Luck (LCK) 10
10 Perception (PER) 5
10 Charisma (CHA) 3.5
10 Comeliness (COM) 1
10 Intellegence (INT) 10
10 Will (WLL) 4
Strength (STR): Physical Strenght
Dexterity (DEX): Dexterity, effects attack rolls and dodge based skills.
Con (Con): How touch you are, effects hit points and some saving throws.
Luck (LCK): Your ability to escape certian death dispite your massving incompetence.
Perception (PER): How perceptive you are, effects range penalites, spot checks and such.
Charisma (CHA): How convincing and likable you are.
Comeliness (COM): Your appearence.
Intellegence (INT): Your smarts, in a high-tech society, this is one of the most important stats in the game.
Will (WLL): Your willpower.
Posted: 2004-05-12 02:02pm
by lazerus
A vast multitude of races fill the galaxy, by which I mean there is ONE race in the galaxy (humans) that's been put through so many magical and genetic experments that there are whole worlds of people that don't resemble what we would consider human. You'll catch a few glimmers of the worlds history in the race descripions, a more through one will come after i'm done explaning the rules.
Racial Abilites: +2 to Luck
"Old" humans may not have any special abilites, yet we usually wind up on top in the end. Were funny like that.
Racial Abilites:
+2 Intelligence
-2 Charisma
-2 Stength
+1 rank to any two chosen magic skills
Resembling old humans with vaguely pointed ears and hollow-looking eyes, arcanist are humans who's bodies have been slowly mutated by centuries of magic use. While not truly evil, Arcanists have grown detached from other species, and see the universe in a cold, logical light.
The Ta'Rae
Racial Ability:
+2 PER
+2 DEX
+2 COM
Athromorphic cats, the Ta'rae are the result of genetic expemrents several centuries ago to create faster, better soliders. The experments were a disaster, but several thousand Ta'rae were left over, when they were all kicked out of the millitary and exiled from society due to their appearance, they pooled their assets and appealed for aid to get shipped to one of newly devlopiong colony worlds. Once their, they overthrew the colonial government and declared an indpendant state, taking advantage of the fact that the First Galatic War prevented Earth from sending the ships needed to stop the rebellion. They are now a galatic power to be recokend with, although they are still an uncommon race.
Racial Abilites:
+4 STR
+3 CON
Anzatiari cannot use magic under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
Looking like 6ft tall tanks, Anzatiari were once the slaves of the arcanists, those unlucky enought to be unable to weield magic mutated through magic for heavly lifting. When the technological powers endered into the First Galatic War, one of their first acts was to give the slaves modern weapons. In one of the bloddies revolutions in history, thousands of arcansits met painfull deaths. The Anzatiari were granted a colony ship by Earth and given their own world, althoug many still live with the arcansists (but as citizens)
Posted: 2004-05-12 02:15pm
by lazerus
The skill system is 3d6 based.
Becoming "Proficent" in a skill costs 4 point, gaining extra ranks in a skill costs two points per rank.
To make a skill roll with a skill, you must roll 3d6 add the stat that applies to that skill divided by three add however many ranks in the skill you have (if you are just proficent in the skill, add zero). The total higher then the DC. THe DC for a role is 9+modifiers, where you apply positive modifiers for more difficult tasks.
Skills List: (Sorry this isn't in alphabetical order, i'll rearrange it after were done with testing)
Computer Use
Computer Repair and Design
Use Rope
Move Silently
Starship Repair (choose starship type)
Generel Starship Operation (Choose starship type)
Sensor Analysis
Profession: (pick one)
Perform: (Pick medium)
Knowledge: Magic
Knowledge: Law
Knowledge: Basic Physics
Knowledge: Relitivity
Knowledge: Quantum Mechanics
Knowledge: Atomic Physics
Knowledge: Extra-Dimensional Physics
Knowledge: Chemisty
Knowledge: Biology
Knowledge: Generel weapons
Knowledge: Heavy weapons
Knowledge: Starship Generel Info
Knowledge: Starship weapondry
Knowledge: History
Pilot: Starship (choose starship type)
Pilot: Motercycle
Pilot: Ground-Car
Pilot: Atmostpheric Fighter
Pilot: Space-Fighter
Pilot: Hover Vehicle
Pilot: Tank
Pilot: (Other)
Sense Motive
Spellweilding (like spellcraft)
Focus (like concentration)
First Aid
Advanced Hyperspace Navigation
Security Systems
Craft (choose 1 technological item)
Forge (choose 1 magica item)
Posted: 2004-05-12 02:29pm
by Captain tycho
Some misc. alpha-version feats and traits:
Traits, Feats, and Perks
The character has an exceptionally steady hand, giving a +2 bonus to all fast-action checks and demolition checks.
Perfect Stance
The character can brace a weapon against himself as half action, and then on his next attack he gains a +3 bonus to hit.
Weaver of Magic
The character gains the ability to take spell ranks, and also gains a mana pool.
Magical Reserve
The character gains extra mana points equal to Will/2.
The character starts out with triple the beginning money.
The character has a small network of informal contacts, ranging from street thugs to goverment spies.
To call upon a Contact's knowledge, the character must make a charisma check vs the following DCs. If the character succeeds, he gains a small bit of knowledge on the subject he asked for.
DC 5: Minor street contact: Street level gossip, rumors, local affairs, etc.
Dc 10: Low level bureuacrat or goverment worker: Local goverment, local troop movements, etc.
DC 15: Military operative: Information on weapons, security of a base, location of a promimient general, etc.
DC 25: Spy: Top secret information, etc.
Posted: 2004-05-12 02:49pm
by lazerus
As tycho said above, this is a prelimnary list.
Fast Draw:
Effect: Drawing a non-heavy weapon is a null-action.
Cost: 10 points
Fast Reload:
Effect: Reloading a non-heavy weapon is a null-action.
Cost: 10 points
Effect: When performing a called shot, the penality to your attack roll is reduced by 1.
Cost: 15 poitns
Effect: You concentrate on the attack with total disregard for your own safety, permenant +1 to all attack rolls, and permenant -1 to your dodge factor.
Cost: 5 poitns
Traits are like feats, but you can only get them at start-of-game.
Fast learner:
Effect: It costs 1 less point to become proficent in a skill.
Cost: 20 points
Adreneline Rush:
Effect: In the heat of combat, once per day, you get to take an extra half-action at no penality.
Cost: 15 points
Effect: You uh......can't see color.
Worth: 10 points
Effect: You have a tendancy to freeze up in stressfull situations. once per day, at the DM's discression, you hold your action in the middle of combat.
Worth: 15 points
Wanted by the law
Effect: Your wanted by the law.
Worth: 5 points per level of convictoion (trivial, minor, medium, major, extreme)
Nonstandard Age:
Adoliscent: -2 STR, -2 CON, -2 WILL. Value: 25pts
Old: -2 STR, -2 CON, +2 INT Value: 5 pts
Venerable: -4 STR -4 CON, +2 INT Value: 15
Posted: 2004-05-12 03:03pm
by Exmoor Cat
daft Q, but isn't this a bit D&D meets GURPS?
Posted: 2004-05-12 03:04pm
by SirNitram
Exmoor Cat wrote:daft Q, but isn't this a bit D&D meets GURPS?
It's more GURPS meets Storyteller meets D&D. Despite the fact all have decent systems for what's being discussed.
Posted: 2004-05-12 03:12pm
by lazerus
We are not yet done with charachter creation rules (we have yet to cover skill suites and Magic) but those two rules sets will not make a whole lot of sense to you without knowing the rules of.........
Attack rolls are just like any other skill, except skill ranks cost different amounts and you add your oppents (DEX/3) to the DC.
+1 to attacks with any 1 weapons: 2 points
+1 to all attacks with a small group (IE, all laser rifles): 5 points
+1 to all attacks with a broad group (IE, all rifles): 15 points
+1 to all ranged/melle (choose one) attacks: 30 points
You have your CONx2 HP, and a STUN factor of HPx2. When HP hit zero, your dead. When Stun hits zero, your KO'ed. All weapons do so many dice of CON damage and have a fixed HP/STUN damage multiplier (with a few exceptions.) Armor subtracts from the HP damage taken, you calculate the STUN taken using the HP AFTER armor.
Inish order is determined by DEX checks, on your turn you can take 1 full action OR 2 half actions OR 4 quarter actions. No matter which you choose, you can also take an unlmited number of NULL actions.
Posted: 2004-05-12 03:22pm
by Captain tycho
Casting a spell: Casting a spell requires a Spellwielding (subschool here), against the casting DC of the spell, which varies according to the power of the spell. Each spell belongs to a subschool of magic. You dump points into individual spell schools in order to cast spells. For example 'Bob the Wizard' wants to be able to cast Minor Gravity Burst, which is part of the gravity subschool. He buys 8 Spellwielding (Gravity) ranks, enough to cast the spell without a roll.
Mana Pool: Mana pools are calculated according to the following formula: WillpowerX2+Int/2=Your mana pool. Mana costs for spells are determined by halving the casting DC. That is the mana cost, which is then deducted from your mana pool when you attempt tocast the spell, whether you succeed casting it or not. 8 hours of rest is required to fully restore your mana pool.
EDIT: Moved the spell school list here:
Magic Schools:
Elemental: The elemental school of magic is the easiest to learn, as it deals simply with the conjuring and control of the basic elements.
Elemental Subschools:
Manipulation: The manipulation school of magic deals with altering the flow of time, transmuting, fusing and fissioning matter, mind-control, commanding spirits, and actually tapping the force of life itself.
Manipulation subschools:
Energy: The energy school deals with the application of raw energy, or the draining of energy from a region.
Energy subschools:
Posted: 2004-05-12 04:37pm
by lazerus
Those are the basic rules, tycho needs to finish the magic, and we are going to be fiddling with the skills a bit.
But before we do that and get started testing, what do you think?
Posted: 2004-05-12 09:30pm
by lazerus
Please, roll up sample chars (those of you who arn't waiting for tycho to HURRY UP AND FINISH THE MAGIC SYSTEM.)
Each char has 40 pre-disad points to spend.
Posted: 2004-05-13 05:36pm
by Captain tycho
Ok, here are the spells. There are just a few, but they'll do for the alpha test. All spells have a full turn casting time.
(Note: All spellwielding sucess bonuses stack, a blinding and mana reduction effect for a +5 sucess would stack with the +10 sucess.
Mantle of Flame
Spellwielding (Fire) DC: 10
Your skin ignites into a fireball that rapidly expands outward in a 30 foot radius, dealing 4d6 damage to everyone in its path. However, you take 6 points of damage in return.
Succeed by 5: Self damage reduced to 3, +1d6 damage
Suceed by 10: Self damage negated, +2d6 damage
Cloud of Acid
LOS required
Spellwielding (Air) DC: 6
You conjure up a foul smelling, acidic green cloud over a 50 foot area you designate, from up to 500 feet away. The cloud deals 1d4 acid damage per round, up to 8 rounds. Everyone in the cloud must make a Constituion check vs DC 16 or be blinded for 1 minute. The cloud can be dispersed by a strong blast of wind.
Suceed by 5: Mana cost reduced by -1, blind DC +2
Suceed by 10: 1d6 damage per minute instead of 1d4, blind DC +4
Fusion Burst
Spellwielding (Atomic) DC: 18
LOS required
You cause any kind of solid material, at least 5x5 cubic feet, to fuse violently. This sudden fusion causes an explosion that covers a 50 foot radius, dealing 5d6 heat damage and 5d6 kinetic damage to everything in the radius. This spell has a casting range of 600 feet.
Suceed by 5: +1d6 heat and +1d6 kinetic damage
Suceed by 10: +2d6 heat and +2d6 kinetic damage
Time Slip
Spellwielding (Time) DC: 8
By causing a glitch in the timeline, you give yourself an extra half action on your next 2 turns. Due to timeline anomalies, casting this spell more than once per hour will deal 40 damage to the casters.
Suceed by 5: Spell length increased by one turn
Posted: 2004-05-15 10:59am
by A Big Flying Fish
Character so far.
Name: Littlepopmun
Race: Ta’Rae
Skills: Projectile Rifle Proficiency, Move Silently
Feats: Fast Reload
Disadvantages: Colour blind
A weapons list would nice however.
Posted: 2004-05-15 12:49pm
by lazerus
A Big Flying Fish wrote:Character so far.
Name: Littlepopmun
Race: Ta’Rae
Skills: Projectile Rifle Proficiency, Move Silently
Feats: Fast Reload
Disadvantages: Colour blind
A weapons list would nice however.
Yeah..........sorry about that. Me and tycho divided labor and he's been swamped lately. I'll try and roll somthing up.
Posted: 2004-05-16 04:59pm
by lazerus
Pulse Rifle: 4d6. x2.5 modifier. 100ft range penality.
Other: The pulse rifle operates off an energy pack, not a clip. Each energy pack has enough energy for 80 shots.
The rifle works using a NPB.
Basic-Standard-Issue-Alpha-Test-Assultrifle: 3d6. x2 modifier
Other: 50 bullets a round ROF, x3 auto-fire multiplier
Basic-Standard-Issue-Alpha-Test-SniperRifle: 6d6. x5 modifier
Other: 4 shots per clip