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What's your favorite old FPS game?
Posted: 2004-05-13 07:05pm
by Darksider
Since I was never allowed to play the "Ultra-violent" doom series when I was little, I'll have to say it was the original Dark Forces.
My favorite part is when your going through the sewers on the third level and the Dianogas pop out at you.
I was wading through the sewers once and I didn't pay attention to my battery, and my lights went out. Five seconds later, a pair of Dianogas poped up outta nowhere and started attacking me. The flash from the blaster and those creepy roars made for a really scary experience.
Posted: 2004-05-13 07:08pm
by Vendetta
System. Shock.
I don't care if you want to qibble about it not being a pure shooter, you can fuck off, it's better than that, it's a first person action adventure and pretty much the scariest bugger out there. Until Shock 2, of course.
Posted: 2004-05-13 07:45pm
by Ma Deuce
I too am fond of the original Dark Forces, and like you I particularly enjoyed the third level (the sewers), which is why I am looking forward to
this mod for Jedi Academy...
Posted: 2004-05-13 07:50pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Posted: 2004-05-13 08:39pm
by Slartibartfast
Posted: 2004-05-13 08:54pm
by Durandal
Posted: 2004-05-13 08:56pm
by Chardok
Durandal wrote:Marathon.
Gasp. Will wonders never cease?
I really liked Space Hulk. Rmember that one? For the 3DO? Kicked fucking ass.
Posted: 2004-05-13 08:59pm
by YT300000
Posted: 2004-05-13 09:10pm
by Hamel
Posted: 2004-05-13 09:49pm
by Gandalf
Duke Nukem 3D.
Posted: 2004-05-13 10:54pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Wolf3d. The granddaddy...
Posted: 2004-05-13 10:57pm
by Exonerate
Oh, you meant old. In that case, Dark Forces.
Posted: 2004-05-13 11:46pm
by Vympel
System Shock.
Posted: 2004-05-13 11:53pm
by Damaramu
Dark Forces
Posted: 2004-05-13 11:56pm
by Durandal
Yes the original Dark Forces was definitely up there as well.
Did anyone ever play that bad-ass custom mission for it, where you had to get off of a space station or something before it got boarded by an assload of stormtroopers? I remember that it actually had a part where you had to go out into space and climb a ladder.
Posted: 2004-05-14 12:06am
by Lord of the Farce
I too have to say GoldenEye. It was the first game I've played that had at least somewhat realistic death-sequences, not to mention how much fun it was to play in multiplayer...
Magnum Headshots! Proxi-Mine Madness! RCP90 Fury!
Posted: 2004-05-14 12:13am
by RogueIce
I never got to play DF, so I have to go with the sequel, Jedi Knight.
Posted: 2004-05-14 12:14am
by fgalkin
Fear the power of DOOM OF DOOM! Wait, that didn't sound right.....
Have a very nice day.
Posted: 2004-05-14 01:59am
by TrailerParkJawa
Quake I. Mainly because it was so damn replayable and so much fun with the various mods. CTF was the game to play.
Posted: 2004-05-14 02:02am
by Drooling Iguana
Ken's Labrynth.
Posted: 2004-05-14 02:11am
by The Kernel
Chips Challenge. Oh wait...Marathon then.
Posted: 2004-05-14 02:11am
by 18-Till-I-Die
Blood and Blood 2: The Chosen.
They kicked ass. And blowinga guy wid eupen witha flare gun was just fucking funny
EDIT: Christ that was some shitty grammar
Posted: 2004-05-14 02:19am
by Drooling Iguana
Spectre VR was pretty good, too.
And Battlezone kicked ass. Yay for vector graphics!
Posted: 2004-05-14 02:36am
by Mr Flibble
I have to go with the flow and say Dark Forces. I used to love the bone crunching sound it made when you punched a wall, it was great.
I also spent many hours hunting nazis playing wolf3d, so it deserves an honourable mention.
Posted: 2004-05-14 04:24am
by Daltonator
Duke Nukem 3D...because it was hilarious. Nothing like blowing the shit out of an LAPD pig with an RPG.