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UT2k4 rant: bots' selective stupidity

Posted: 2004-05-17 04:07pm
by Hamel
Before I begin, I must say that 2k4 was worth the money, etc. If you want to buy it, skip 2k3, as 2k4 has all of 2k3's maps included.

But ever since UT99, but more applicable to 2k4, there's been this issue with the bots that irritates the piss out of me. I play at adept, sometimes lower, because anything above that is almost as difficult as godlike was in '99. However, the bots on my team act like complete smacktards and can't adequately defend or take a flag/node/controlpoint. The opposing bot team has no problem doing either, and seems to always play at levels above my botmates.

I load up ONS-Torlan, and my bastard team might run over a node to get it started, but then, if they do, they run off and do nothing, while the other team actually gives a shit about getting the first node off. They're actually worse in ONS-Severance, as they avoid the first node almost every single game.

The worst case is in CTF games, where if you have the flag, the bots suddenly switch over to godlike difficulty, and are on your ass like cheese in a biscuit. Bots get right in your face and are impossible to shake off. Of course my team doesn't have this magical ability to increase their abilities at a convenient time, so I'm forced to be a lamer and camp the redeemer/ionpainter to clear the area for my bots' safety.

Double domination is pointless with bots, because the same shit happens. The two control points are far apart, and even if you assign your entire team to guard just one of them, they will bungle it. Unless you want to go half an hour without a point, you need to travel across the map to help them take the other one. Guess what happens then? The control point you left will get taken, and by the time you are near the other one, they will have gained a point by cointrolling both points for 10 seconds.


Posted: 2004-05-18 02:59am
by InnocentBystander
I've noticed this, I guess the developers wanted to give people an actual reason to go out onto the internet and fine people. If the bots on both teams were "good" there'd be no reason to play with real people, right?

Posted: 2004-05-18 05:44am
by 2000AD
InnocentBystander wrote:I've noticed this, I guess the developers wanted to give people an actual reason to go out onto the internet and fine people. If the bots on both teams were "good" there'd be no reason to play with real people, right?
No lag, you can win easily if your sad, no people saying your cheating 'cos your good, no l33t speaking pricks, no people complaining your camping when your actually defending the objective , etc. etc.

you think i should be playing online?

Posted: 2004-05-18 08:09am
by Vohu Manah
2000AD, you've named just about every reason I avoid online play. Even when I could hold my own, I don't have the time or inclination to play anything online anymore.

Posted: 2004-05-18 12:49pm
That is the best reason why people should play online.

NO MERCY, KILL THEM ALLLLLLLL!!!!!1!111!!!!!one111!!!!!!!

I luv my computer too much to kill bots :P :shock:

Posted: 2004-05-18 06:58pm
by Stark
What makes the SP bots lameness super-irritating is there's no 'tag nodes' order: if you set a bot to anything, you can never set them back to normal, and they'll just ignore nodes all the more. I've single-handedly captured the enemies last node, only to find no support when someones sniper kills me; even when a btos in a fricking PLANE :roll: Nver happens online; people are all over downed nodes like herpes. Noisy, too :)