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Pokemon Gold help needed.
Posted: 2004-05-20 10:45pm
by Gandalf
I've recently started geting to the Pokemon games. So a while ago I got Pokemon Gold. But I'm stuck.
How do I get from Johto To Kanto?
I can seem to beat that little cave with the waterfall in it.
Posted: 2004-05-20 11:58pm
by Datana
Last time I played Gold was a long time ago. IIRC, you have to defeat the Johto League champions to gain a boat pass to Kanto. After that, you take the boat to Kanto (IIRC, it only leaves on certain days of the week), then fight your way through areas until you get to Saffron City from the first game; complete a quest in that area, and you'll get a train pass for rapid transit between Kanto and Johto (Saffron-Goldenrod). Unfortunately, I can't remember much more than that.
Posted: 2004-05-21 12:00am
by El Moose Monstero
Embarrassingly, I may be able to help with this one... I think to actually get from Johto to Kanto you need the ticket for the cruise liner after you've beaten the league, but if you cant get over the waterfall, you need one of the HM moves anyway, if i recall correctly, it was HM07 - imaginatively called Waterfall, and it was in the ice caves. I think.
Posted: 2004-05-21 02:54am
by Gandalf
Thanks guys.
Following on The_Lumberjack's suggestion, I looked on the Ice Path and found a HM called Waterfall.
I'm now in Kanto, but got my ass kicked by one of the first trainers.
Posted: 2004-05-21 11:06am
by Solauren
Wait until you get to the town Misty is from. you are in for a kinda-spoiler for the entire series of Pokemon on TV
(just be quick and observant)
Posted: 2004-05-21 01:16pm
by Dartzap
Well, you get a level 78 Tyranatar..
and beat the snot out of all who oppse you in the game

Posted: 2004-05-21 01:19pm
by Solauren
My fave thing to do was cheat, get a master ball, and capture the 'uber pokemon' that was causing the global weather problems

Posted: 2004-05-21 01:47pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Solauren wrote:My fave thing to do was cheat, get a master ball, and capture the 'uber pokemon' that was causing the global weather problems

Thats Sapphire.
And bah, I've caught 4 of the rare birds and mewtwo with just ultraballs.(Fuck Lugia, never tried to catch him)
Posted: 2004-05-21 01:54pm
by Dartzap
Im almost convinced that i will get Colluseum for the GC this weekend.. just to see what a Grundoun looks like doing a fireblast