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STGOD: Ban Poll
Posted: 2004-05-22 01:47pm
by Pablo Sanchez
If you are not a participant in the STGOD4 Game, please do not vote in this poll.
As several players have expressed the opinion that Lazerus should be banned from the game, we're going to do this the democratic way and put it to vote. A simple majority will be required to eject him from the game. As moderator I will abstain from the vote unless it comes out a tie.
Posted: 2004-05-22 01:51pm
by lazerus
To those who I know hate me (Aly, Nitram, Hotfoot) please do not respond to this post.
To everyone else, i'm apprantly being kicked out because of fast, unarmored messenger ships. I"m playing a race of peace-loving people, not some expansionist empire, this can be good.
I throw myself on your I have a choice.
Posted: 2004-05-22 01:54pm
by Thirdfain
Too many pages of argument have been hatched by your obstinance. I'm tired of it, and it's hurting the STGOD as a whole.
Posted: 2004-05-22 01:58pm
by Hotfoot
lazerus wrote:To those who I know hate me (Aly, Nitram, Hotfoot) please do not respond to this post.
Damn you're stupid. Sit down, shut up, and take your medicine, you little shit. Your attempt to appeal to others is failed. Anyone who wants to know why you're up for the banning can simply read your mountains of bullshit in the OOC thread.
Posted: 2004-05-22 02:00pm
by lazerus
Hotfoot wrote:lazerus wrote:To those who I know hate me (Aly, Nitram, Hotfoot) please do not respond to this post.
Damn you're stupid. Sit down, shut up, and take your medicine, you little shit. Your attempt to appeal to others is failed. Anyone who wants to know why you're up for the banning can simply read your mountains of bullshit in the OOC thread.
Really? So you are the collective minds of every person on and so can speak for all of them? STFU, that "bullshit" is GAME BALENCE. Even if it dosn't perfectly follow the DS9 tech level, it followed the power level. Aly did that and got away with it.
Posted: 2004-05-22 02:12pm
by Hotfoot
lazerus wrote:Really? So you are the collective minds of every person on and so can speak for all of them?
No, but I can tell you that your obvious attempt to sway others to your side through omitting key details is going to fail, because most of us are pretty fucking tired of your reams of bullshit, and are going to check the OOC thread before they vote here.
STFU, that "bullshit" is GAME BALENCE. Even if it dosn't perfectly follow the DS9 tech level, it followed the power level. Aly did that and got away with it.
I will have none of that drawing a picture with emoticons crap in here.
How many people do you need to tell you that you're full of shit before you get the picture?
Posted: 2004-05-22 02:25pm
by Darksider
His pointless bitching and his "I'll get my ass kicked and then just come back with a new empire tomorrow" annoys me greatly. It was because of his bitching that the OOC thread managed to swell up past the size of the main story thread, a feat that i've personally never seen before, and had thought impossible.
::::::Gives a thumbs down::::::
Ban him.
Posted: 2004-05-22 04:07pm
by SirNitram
lazerus wrote:To those who I know hate me (Aly, Nitram, Hotfoot) please do not respond to this post.
I am a player in the STGOD4, have been a player in multiple STGODs, and fail to give a shit that you have a persecution complex, thinking that I'm 'out to get you'. Therefore, I will vote as I please.
Posted: 2004-05-22 05:43pm
by Dahak
You won't be missed.
Posted: 2004-05-22 06:11pm
by InnocentBystander
As stated in the OOC thread
InnocentBystander wrote:I happen to think that while banning is the easiest solution, rehabilition is better. I would suggest imposing major restraints on lazerus's abilities. In fact, I would suggest someone other than lazerus write his oob. Perhaps a large corporation or colonial power. I'd be more than happy to keep laz in the game under these conditions. In fact, I'd be more than willing to write an oob or 2 for him. This power would have virtually no consequence in the grand scheme of things and would have very little ability to grow without significant assistance from major powers. No magic, no psychics, no effective intel agency. Basically a power with no ability to make war, but with just enough defences to inflict noticeable casualties on a major power, you may start the game by becoming a protected nation under one of the other powers. Also, they must be regular humans. How does that sound?
Perhaps he should try playing an world bereft of power and desire for conquest and all that stuff. Your objective is simply to scratch a living, to survive.
Posted: 2004-05-22 06:24pm
by admiral_danielsben
Does it take a nOOb like me to show mercy?
Posted: 2004-05-22 06:30pm
by Thirdfain
He's looking for his fourth shot of mercy, and my bottle went empty a shot ago.
Let 'im hang.
Posted: 2004-05-22 06:44pm
by Darksider
::::::Looks up from fixing a makeshift gallows:::::::
He's got more votes than I thought he'd get...
Posted: 2004-05-22 10:20pm
by lazerus
SirNitram wrote:lazerus wrote:To those who I know hate me (Aly, Nitram, Hotfoot) please do not respond to this post.
I am a player in the STGOD4, have been a player in multiple STGODs, and fail to give a shit that you have a persecution complex, thinking that I'm 'out to get you'. Therefore, I will vote as I please.
So you are, in fact, deying that you don't like me?

Posted: 2004-05-22 10:21pm
by lazerus
Darksider wrote:::::::Looks up from fixing a makeshift gallows:::::::
He's got more votes than I thought he'd get...
Must be the force of my charming personality.

Posted: 2004-05-22 10:27pm
by Thirdfain
So you are, in fact, deying that you don't like me?
If he dislikes you because of your STGODing style, wouldn't you agree that's reason enough to have you voted off?
Posted: 2004-05-22 10:37pm
by lazerus
Thirdfain wrote:
So you are, in fact, deying that you don't like me?
If he dislikes you because of your STGODing style, wouldn't you agree that's reason enough to have you voted off?
The fact that he made a reference to another game would suggest it's more then that.
Posted: 2004-05-22 10:42pm
by Thirdfain
The fact that he made a reference to another game would suggest it's more then that.
Yeah, but all it does is "suggest," and frankly, STGOD style and RP style are not far off.
Posted: 2004-05-22 10:43pm
by SirNitram
lazerus wrote:SirNitram wrote:lazerus wrote:To those who I know hate me (Aly, Nitram, Hotfoot) please do not respond to this post.
I am a player in the STGOD4, have been a player in multiple STGODs, and fail to give a shit that you have a persecution complex, thinking that I'm 'out to get you'. Therefore, I will vote as I please.
So you are, in fact, deying that you don't like me?

No. I dislike you. You simply aren't important enough for me to hate.
Posted: 2004-05-22 10:45pm
by SirNitram
lazerus wrote:Thirdfain wrote:
So you are, in fact, deying that you don't like me?
If he dislikes you because of your STGODing style, wouldn't you agree that's reason enough to have you voted off?
The fact that he made a reference to another game would suggest it's more then that.
I dislike you because you are as crappy a STGODer as you are an RPer, and because your penchant for metagaming and powergaming remains constant despite, by my count, seven
promises you'll never do it again. Again, as I quoted 8-Bit Theatre, 'It's Called Pattern Recignition'. The pattern you show is obvious and annoying, and I'd rather not see what uber-super-duper-unbeatable-unscannable-I-love-masturbating-to-nanotech power you'd yank out when the Overseer came knocking.
Posted: 2004-05-22 11:34pm
by lazerus
SirNitram wrote:lazerus wrote:Thirdfain wrote:
If he dislikes you because of your STGODing style, wouldn't you agree that's reason enough to have you voted off?
The fact that he made a reference to another game would suggest it's more then that.
I dislike you because you are as crappy a STGODer as you are an RPer, and because your penchant for metagaming and powergaming remains constant despite, by my count, seven
promises you'll never do it again. Again, as I quoted 8-Bit Theatre, 'It's Called Pattern Recignition'. The pattern you show is obvious and annoying, and I'd rather not see what uber-super-duper-unbeatable-unscannable-I-love-masturbating-to-nanotech power you'd yank out when the Overseer came knocking.
Ah yes, the overseer that could just......oh......I dunno. NOT ATTACK.
Also, just because we arn't aggressive, dosn't me we coudln't have defended ourselves.
Posted: 2004-05-22 11:35pm
by Bugsby
I voted against because the debates that Laz's power/metagaming sparks are just too much to take.
Posted: 2004-05-22 11:41pm
by SirNitram
lazerus wrote:Ah yes, the overseer that could just......oh......I dunno. NOT ATTACK.
They are organic. Therefore the Overseer will, eventually, attack them. Sorry, I'm evil. It's my thing.
Also, just because we arn't aggressive, dosn't me we coudln't have defended ourselves.
Only with what was declared.
Posted: 2004-05-22 11:49pm
by lazerus
SirNitram wrote:lazerus wrote:Ah yes, the overseer that could just......oh......I dunno. NOT ATTACK.
They are organic. Therefore the Overseer will, eventually, attack them. Sorry, I'm evil. It's my thing.
Also, just because we arn't aggressive, dosn't me we coudln't have defended ourselves.
Only with what was declared.
1) So I suffer, because you are evil? That is twisted........and yet makes perfect sense.
2) Standard planeitary defense grid, go a conqer a bronze age civilization or somthing! They don't shoot back.
Posted: 2004-05-22 11:53pm
by SirNitram
lazerus wrote:SirNitram wrote:lazerus wrote:Ah yes, the overseer that could just......oh......I dunno. NOT ATTACK.
They are organic. Therefore the Overseer will, eventually, attack them. Sorry, I'm evil. It's my thing.
Also, just because we arn't aggressive, dosn't me we coudln't have defended ourselves.
Only with what was declared.
1) So I suffer, because you are evil? That is twisted........and yet makes perfect sense.
2) Standard planeitary defense grid, go a conqer a bronze age civilization or somthing! They don't shoot back.
Therefore they can be safely left until the likes of you are eradicated and no longer pose a threat of powering down the Overseer.