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America's Army Help
Posted: 2004-06-02 03:53pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Alright, I'm completely stuck. How the hell do you complete the E&E course?
Posted: 2004-06-02 04:01pm
by Chardok
I deleted that fucking game after the ten billionth try at that course. I got pretty far in it, went right, walked down the ravine, jumped over the rocks, went left, hugged the left side until after the first OP, then right side, SLOWLY....down the ravine, and *poof* caught at the bridge

Posted: 2004-06-02 04:09pm
by TempestMagister
That was an extremely hard mission. I had to spend probably around 3 hours slowly trecking and scouting through that map. The hardest part probably is the approach the pick-up point, which requires going backwards in some cases. It seemed near impossible at first, but by always going slowly you can get through, even if you are in high-light. There are multiple ways to beat that map, and remember, the safest way to beat that map is to stay on low ground and the ravines.
Posted: 2004-06-02 04:34pm
by InnocentBystander
I could never even get past the parachute training mission (where you jump from the plane). I must have spent a good ten hours over the course of a month or two trying to complete that, and I always broke my legs or landed too far from the landing zone.
Posted: 2004-06-02 04:36pm
by Tolya
It's actually so fucking easy its embarrassing.
Crawl at slowest speed through the entire map. NO ONE will see, hear, detect you. This map is freakin' stupid because it proves nothing apart from testing your patience.
Takes about 30 minutes of playing the whole thing through when you know where you need to go.
When I played it, I used to put my cellphone on the "MOVE FORWARD" key, take a book, legs on the I crawled through yet? No? Read...
Posted: 2004-06-02 10:30pm
by Ma Deuce
Crawl at slowest speed through the entire map. NO ONE will see, hear, detect you. This map is freakin' stupid because it proves nothing apart from testing your patience.
I think testing your patience was the whole
point of the E&E level...
But still, there are places will you will get seen no matter how slow and low you go. But, if you know where these places are and stay on a specific path that tends to keep you away from the guards and encampments, you should be fine...